The Game

Sep 17, 2015 8:24 pm

Black Friday, 2020
11:59 PM

You find yourselves in the Metropolis Mega Mall Complex, a sprawling mega-mall encompassing miles and miles of every store you can think of, and some you've never seen before. Thousands upon thousands of men, women, and children are packed within, either waiting in colossal lines or milling about frantically and futilely for a "smaller" line to get the products they need.
Big sales start in one minute.
The crowd surges with restlessness and that bloodthirsty sense of competition you can't find anywhere else but Black Friday.
Retail employees kitted out in riot gear start beating back overzealous front-of-the-liners, as everyone waits for the clock to tick down that last 60 seconds before your precious sales.

GM: So starting off we've got Sammy in the food court, Daisuke waiting in line at Omega Electronics, Ben the Chef looking for a BlendTec, and Gus Gus browsing Victoria's Secret. What is your next move once you realize your objective at your current location?
Sep 17, 2015 8:27 pm
I'm going to go over and wait in line at the electronics store. To do so I have to walk about 5 stores down from there, where it actually starts.
Sep 17, 2015 9:28 pm
Sammy, as you are walking past the giant line, about 2 stores down you see your hated rival Gina. In middle school you were best friends, but in 9th grade she betrayed you and you've been worst enemies ever since. She's standing in line with your ex-boyfriend. She sees you and gives a sneer, while your ex bows his head really quickly and refuses to make eye contact.

"Hey, Sammy!" she says in a mocking sing-song voice as gives her hair a sassy flip.. "It's so great to see you, trailing behind me as always. I hope you weren't planning on getting an iPhone 17, because by the time you get through the line they'll be all gone, girl. If you were smart you would've gotten here early, like I did. Oh, but you're not that smart, are you?"
She sticks out her tongue at you and then turns and starts furiously making out with your ex.
Sep 17, 2015 11:06 pm
I'm going to try and walk by like I don't even see her. Besides, my ex, Tjimminy, wasn't even that great. Everyone knows Gina is like a total slut and just goes out with him to get at me, it's sad really. We haven't ever been the same since I got my period first and she told the guy I really liked about it in front of the class.

I give her the coldest of shoulders.
Last edited September 17, 2015 11:07 pm


Mundane Roll - (1d10)

(7) = 7

Sep 18, 2015 4:57 am
Daisuke takes a selfie (see picture) and marks it in both Japanese and English, "My first Black Friday. So excited!" He then proceeds to wander around cluelessly for the next five minutes until he finds where they keep the PS5 inside the electronics store. He hopes its obvious... but everything is in English and his English is so-so.
Last edited September 18, 2015 4:59 am


Mundane Roll- Find the PS5 - (1d10)

(4) = 4

Sep 18, 2015 5:08 am
Sammy, your dignity and poise shine through, and you give her the coldest of shoulders. You hear her gasp in shock that she didn't phase you and you don't have to look back to know the exact stupid pout that she has on her face. You continue to the end of the line without further incident.

Daisuke, as you turn to wander you see a giant neon sign that says BUY PS5 HERE, LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED above a store named Omega Electronics, and you realize that the crowd of people you've been standing in the middle of is actually the line for it and you are fairly close to the front. Standing right in front of you is a man in denim shorts, a denim vest, a black leather cowboy hat and boots, and nothing else. He gives you a huge grin as he sees you dazedly looking around.
"Well hey hey there, lil buddy. You look like youse lost. You from China or somethin?"
Sep 18, 2015 5:28 am
Gus Gus is a little bewildered that he can't actually seem to find the angel wings for purchase at Victoria's Secret. That would be perfect for Vanessa...

He ends up getting a pink chemise and a silk robe, spending more money on clothing than he's ever spent before in his life. He is oblivious to the clerk's smirk as she gift wraps the package for him. As he exits the store, he realizes that he bought the person. How is he going to get it to Vanessa without the FBI being able to trace it back to this clerk? Even if he uses a courier, they'll tack it back to this store, and they'll sure remember the black kid in the women's lingerie store: "Oh wait - was it a guy? Oh yeah, I remember THE ONE GUY who bought something here on Black Friday!!"

Gus Gus is beginning to panic. He's got this (in his mind) great gift for Vanessa, and now he can't give it to her!! He's considering what to do next, when the crush of Black Friday shoppers smacks into him, and he has to struggle to not lose his pink be-ribboned gift box.

(Edit: Gus Gus still has 8 bubblegum, AND the package for Vanessa).
Last edited September 18, 2015 5:29 am


Not dropping the box (mundane) - (1d10)

(2) = 2

Sep 18, 2015 5:45 am
Gus Gus, as you fumble with the package but ultimately catch it and find a bit of relief as you are shuffled and jostled out of the crowd, an alert pings on your Google glass.
You see Vanessa, your pursuer (and lady love? The dangerous thoughts distract you for a second) get up from where she was eating in the food court, casually discard her garbage in the nearest receptacle and speak into her cuff for a second before she carefully puts on a pair of shades and begins making her way down the wing of the mall you are currently in.
You estimate you have about one minute before she walks by where you are currently standing.
What do you do?
Sep 18, 2015 3:37 pm
Gus Gus panics, knowing he needs to escape, and looks for a place to conceal himself in a large group. The Omega Electronics store seems likely. He steps into line and tries to act like a normal kid. He attempts to talk to the girl who just got in line before him (Sammy): "Hi!" (his voice cracks) "Uh...hi. I'm...uh...looking for the this the end of the line?"
Sep 18, 2015 3:43 pm
Sammy, the congenial go-getter overachieving girl she is spins quickly and puts her hand out for an unnervingly firm handshake. "Hi, I'm Sammy. I have a 4.0. Also, yes, this is the line. I'm here to get a new case for my Bae's iPhone 17. What are you here for?", Sammy says, her face glossing over with teen-love as she talks about her BF.

[ OOC: I'm guessing the handshake is quite a mundane activity. ]


Mundane, But Firm, Handshake - (1d10)

(7) = 7

Sep 18, 2015 4:00 pm
Gus winces a bit at her crushing handshake, and awkwardly shifts the large pink Victoria's Secret gift box from one arm to the other. "The 17, huh? What kind of case are you looking for? Like with an extra battery, a solar charger, or non-slip rubber grip?" Gus is pretty distracted by watching his drone's feed, but he is very opinionated about accessories for electronics, and he could talk this stuff in his sleep. "Oh! name Gino." (he improvises a name that is unfortunately close to his real name)
Last edited September 18, 2015 8:52 pm
Sep 18, 2015 6:11 pm
"Brensen, that is my boyfriend, Brensen. He wants the one with the extra battery pack that doubles as a mug warmer. He is an artist. Well, he takes photos of interesting looking knots in wood and posts them to SnapGram, the social media messaging service that deletes your account after every message. He is very underground. Did I mention my boyfriends name is Brensen?", Sammy says, talking a mile a minute about nothing at all. She is the head of her debate team for a reason.

"What is that?", she suddenly shifts her conversational momentum (one sided as it has been thus far) to the bag that Gino is holding.
Last edited September 18, 2015 6:12 pm
Sep 18, 2015 9:00 pm
"This? This is a present...for-for a friend of mine. I was here, shopping, you know, for a PS5, like I said, and this caught my eye and I figured I'd get it while I was here at the mall." While I was here at the mall?? he screams to himself, What is wrong with you?? Gus Gus has little experience talking with people face-to-face and he's finding it a bit flustering talking to this girl while watching Vanessa on his video feed...Sammy is taking more of his attention now. His focus causes Gus Gus to not bank the drone when he should have and he loses sight of Vanessa for a moment. Brensen? Where have I heard that name before? and then Oh, crap - the drone!
Sep 20, 2015 6:22 pm
Ben walks past the food court on his way to the kitchen appliances store. He's friends with some of the owners and cooks down there but he decides not to bug them today seeing as they probably have their hands full with the crowds. He notices an attractive woman eating alone (Vanessa) but he hasn't got time for flirting just now so he moves on.

Finally at the store he wades through a sea of moms towing screaming kids. Finally he spots the blenders...
Sep 22, 2015 2:13 am
Gus Gus, to reassert control over the drone I'm gonna need you to make a mundane roll.

Ben, to successfully navigate and walk past the moms like a normal person, I'm going to need you to also make a mundane roll.

Sammy, at that moment you receive a picture message on your phone from your BFF and it's very clearly your boyfriend Brensen and he appears to be in the company of another girl you don't recognize. She is a bit older, seemingly college age, and EXTREMELY attractive. The caption reads OMG BABE I JUST SAW BREN AND HES WITH THIS SKANK. What do you do?
Sep 22, 2015 9:43 am
Gus Gus tries to regain control of the drone while talking to this energetic girl.

Result: he's not so distracted by her that he crashes the drone...aided, no doubt, by the fact that she took her intense gaze off of him to boggle at her phone.

And he still has 8 bubblegum.
Last edited September 22, 2015 9:45 am


Mundane roll vs 8 gum - (1d10)

(6) = 6

Sep 22, 2015 11:03 am
Rolling his eyes, Ben attempts to wade through the sea of moms to get to the BlendTecs.


Mundane roll. - (1d10)

(3) = 3

Sep 23, 2015 2:22 am
Gus, you are now in control of the drone, but you cannot see Vanessa in the sea of people. She must have entered a crowd.

Ben, you make your way past each of the moms without incident, and you are standing near the pallet display of BlendTecs.

At that moment, a loud horn blares throughout the mall signaling that the sales have OFFICIALLY started, and people begin to shriek, whoop, and shout. The crowds begin to surge and press forward towards the deals. Daisuke, Sammy, and Gus Gus are all violently shoved and jostled as the people around them press towards Omega Electronics, and you are all at risk of being trampled if you don't act quickly.
Ben, you see that the BlendTec display disappears in literal seconds, as hundreds of hands reach, punch, and grab for them in mere moments. A single BlendTec remains as it was knocked off of the display in the struggle, but you can see an overweight woman lunging for it. She has a huge lead on you, and will definitely get there before you unless drastic measures are taken.

What do you do?
Sep 23, 2015 3:42 am
Gus Gus, who doesn't really care about the sales, sees that Sammy might get trampled and tries to catch her and move them both with the flow of the crowd into the store. Gus Gus knows that she's effectively his only cover (aside from the crowd) - the FBI has no reason to be looking for her, and since he has no known female associates, they won't be looking for him with a girl. So he's reluctant to be parted from her. Besides, it seems a gallant gesture.


Mundane roll to move with the crowd (vs 8) - (1d10)

(3) = 3

Sep 23, 2015 4:09 am
Sammy, filled with an intense white-hot rage after seeing her man, Brensen, with that...that...that...BITCH! Suddenly, as she is being moved through the crowd she grabs Gino and lifts him, as though he were as light as a feather. All of those years as captain of the Lacrosse team has paid off, as she shoulders her way through the crowd that once had formed the line they were standing in. She throws elbows and checks as though she was in a roller derby league. Not unlike the one she co-chairs on Friday nights.
Last edited September 23, 2015 4:10 am


Hopefully Badass Elbowing and Checking Through Crowd vs. 8 - (1d10)

(3) = 3

Sep 23, 2015 5:38 am
GM: Alright Sammy, so that's going to be a failure, but I'll give you the chance to surrender a piece of bubblegum if you'd like to still succeed. What would you like to do?
Sep 23, 2015 12:41 pm
Ben carves two entire pigs and a side of beef every damb morning before most people have gotten out of bed to pee. He is STRONG! And he knows how to deal with moms, especially Ms. Porkchop here. He grabs her arm and bellows for everyone to hear, "FREE CUPCAKES! FREE CUPCAKES AT THE BAKING SECTION!!!"
Last edited September 23, 2015 12:41 pm


Does that kick ass? - (1d10)

(6) = 6

Sep 25, 2015 11:26 am
Sammy, as you try to force your way through the crowd in a blind rage Gus Gus is lifted out of your hands and involuntarily crowdsurfs further away from the entrance of the line. You reach after him to try and maintain your grip but suddenly you are shoved from behind and your phone goes skittering out of your possession and under the feet of the manic shoppers.

Ben, as you call out your ruse the woman whose arm you are grabbing turns and gives you a snarl.
"Excuuuse me, asshole! Get your damn hand OFF ME!"
She grabs the BlendTec with her other hand (you can't help but admire that the packaging has such a convenient handle for transporting it) and whips it around with surprising power, clocking you right in the face. You fall back on your ass and by the time you stop seeing stars she's nowhere in sight, and there are no BlendTecs left either.

Gus Gus, as you are crowdsurfed away from Sammy, you get deposited roughly on the side of the line. As you find your footing and check to make sure you still have all your belongings, you look up to see Vanessa about a hundred feet away. She's walking towards you along with her partner. They must have regrouped when you lost sight with the drone. She makes eye contact with you and speaks into her cuff as she breaks into a run.

What do you do?
Sep 27, 2015 5:34 am
Seeing my phone skittering away I find myself on a Lacrosse field in my mind. There is no way Sammy loses. I start running and weaving between people and legs. I check a few people and make a breakaway for my phone before the mob busts it to pieces.


Badass vs 7 bubblegum - (1d10)

(7) = 7

Sep 27, 2015 10:18 am
"DAMMIT!" With no blender Ben decides to get a drink straight up. He doesn't feel like going back to the kitchen just yet so he heads for the pub at the mall's top floor.


mundane - scoring a Glenlivet - (1d10)

(4) = 4

Sep 27, 2015 5:59 pm
Gus looks sadly at his present for Vanessa.
*Oh, well...*
and tosses it aside. Maybe she'll find it in the aftermath, or maybe someone else named Vanessa will.

Then he pulls out his gas mask, dons it, and throws down a tear gas grenade to obscure sight and cause even more of a distraction (I'm spending a gum to guarantee success).

After that, he hunches down, miming gasping and covering his face from the poison like everyone else, and tosses his brightly-colored jacket over the railing. Underneath he wears nondescript clothes that should be hard to distinguish from everyone else in the smoke. (1st roll)

I think the roll would be mundane, but it's your call; I'm just rolling the die.

Having spent a gum, I'm down to 7 gum.
Last edited September 27, 2015 6:00 pm


1st roll - (1d10)

(1) = 1

Sep 28, 2015 5:47 am
GM: An equal roll goes to the player, so Sammy succeeds on her kick ass roll.
Sammy, you are water and you flow through the other people in the crowd effortlessly. A few people, dressed in the colors of your school's hated rivals the "Crosstown Cougars", get in your way and they snarl as they try to block you but you lash out with mighty kicks, punches, and elbows and they practically melt before you. You powerslide through the legs of an overweight woman strangling another woman over a set of wind chimes, and scoop up your phone as you spin and strike a victorious pose at the edge of the balcony on the fringe of the crowd. As you turn and look back in your wake, the lacrosse field fades and you see a swath of broken and bruised bodies, and a few shoppers looking at you in horror. Most continue with their crazed deal hunting, unphased.
Sep 28, 2015 5:55 am
Ben, you find that there's actually a crazy Black Friday deal on Glenvilet going on, with a large blackboard sign displaying that shots are 2 for $1.
Also, the pub is startlingly calm and other than you there's only one other patron in the place.
You're not sure what gender they are, but they're sitting at the bar in a trenchcoat that straddles the creepy/badass line.
Sep 28, 2015 6:01 am
Gus Gus, you see that your jacket flutters down to the second floor and lands on a dude-bro who does a fist pump and immediately puts it on. In the confusion and chaos you see Vanessa and the young man run out of the cloud towards the railing choking and coughing, where the see the dude-bro strolling away in your coat into a crowd on the second floor and run off towards the escalator, talking frantically into their cuffs. It's seems you're in the clear, at least for the moment. You look over past the chaos that you caused and see a pile of badly beaten shoppers scattered about, and that girl Sammy who had been talking to you in line standing near the railing and holding up her cellphone in a pose reminiscent of some sort of pulp fantasy comic book cover.
Sep 28, 2015 6:20 am
With my phone intact I decide to confront Brensen. I call him up on my cell ready to give him an earful. We will see if he will actually be getting his iPhone case/mug warmer.


Mundane vs 7 bubblegum - (1d10)

(8) = 8

Sep 28, 2015 6:23 am
"THAT'S IT! I HAVE HAD IT WITH THIS SHIT!!!" Ben vaults over the bar and grabs two bottles of Glenlivet. He sticks one in the pocket of his jacket and hurls the other one into the wall of booze bottles. Then he takes out his matchbook, strikes one, and tosses it into the mess. He lights a cig and takes a swig from his bottle as he walks away from the flaming pub.
OOC: I don't know how many ass-kicking rolls you want for that. Here's one for starters. Spending bubblegum for auto-success. I believe that brings Ben down to 6 Bubblegum.
Last edited September 29, 2015 5:47 am


Ass-kicking roll. - (1d10)

(3) = 3

Sep 29, 2015 3:53 am
Daisuke understanding his question perfectly folds his arms indignantly. "Japan actually. Are you from the Wild West or something?" he asks mustering his English as best as he can to have some form of snappy comeback. It might be rude but this man here was truly the type of American that was the stuff of legend. He points at the PS5, "I'm planning on buying it."
Sep 29, 2015 5:35 am
Gus takes this opportunity to retreat to a higher vantage point before mall security arrives to help with the tear gas victims. As soon as he's clear, he doffs the mask and puts it back in his bag. Then he ascends the escalators to the top level (5th floor?) and will stand at the railing looking down over the atrium as he monitors what his drone is recording.

Oops. That's six gum now.
Last edited September 29, 2015 5:36 am


Mundane (riding the escalator) vs 7 gum - (1d10)

(10) = 10

Sep 30, 2015 12:31 pm
Sammy, as you tell Siri call Bae and the phone is ringing, you hear Brensen finally pick up.
He begins to say something, but before he can get out more than a "Hey-" his voice is cut off and when you look at your phone you realize the battery has died, but your doubts are very much alive.
Sep 30, 2015 12:38 pm
"Aggghhhhhhh!!!", I scream as I can just hear the end to his sentence. It was probably something like, "Hey, I've totes been cheating with some skanky ho". Flames consume my eyes and I crush my phone to bits with one hand. As I rage I remember. Sammy doesn't lose to anyone. I'll show him there is no one better than me. Forget the phone case. I need lingerie. That guy. Gino or whatever. He had some. I must find it.
Last edited September 30, 2015 12:38 pm


Badass phone crush vs 6 bubblegum - (1d10)

(7) = 7

Sep 30, 2015 12:41 pm
GM: Ben, I'm not sure exactly what triggered your reaction (lol), but 1 successful roll would have sufficed or the sacrifice of 1 piece of bubblegum. No need for both if you're going to spend BG anyways so we'll just disregard the roll for now.

Ben, as you walk away from the flaming pub you hear a crash of shattering glass and see in your peripheral vision that the figure in the trench coat has just leapt through the plate glass display, and landed seemingly unharmed in a crouching position. As he straightens up and fixes the positioning of the coat, you swear you catch a glimpse of a metallic sheen underneath. He's far enough away that you can't quite make out his face, but he yells over the fleeing bystanders to you.
"Now that was simply uncalled for, Benjamin. But I forgive you. It's been a stressful day."
As you turn to see him more fully he fades into a mob of people and disappears, and a few blinks later you see no trace of his ever having been there at all.
Sep 30, 2015 12:46 pm
Gus Gus, as you go to step off the escalator your shoelace gets caught in the track and is now being pulled into it! You trip and fall flat on your face, and as you try to get back up you realize your foot is stuck.
Your gas mask tumbled out of your bag when you fell, and you can't quite reach it from where you are. A bystander sees it and begins screaming, "TERRORISTS!!! AHHHHHH!!!"
Sep 30, 2015 12:52 pm
Sammy, as the fragments of your phone fall to the ground, the people around you who weren't already freaking out over the beatings you'd delivered begin running from you in sheer terror. You scan the area for Gino and you catch a glimpse of his bright jacket in the crowd on the floor below you, then he goes down as he gets roughly tackled by multiple people in suits.
Sep 30, 2015 3:54 pm
Ah, this is the stuff.
Sep 30, 2015 3:58 pm
Gus Gus pulls off his shoe and leaves it, stuck in the escalator and preventing it from moving, which strands everyone below him. He kicks the gas mask off the landing into the atrium below and adds his scream to the noise: "EEEEK! TERRORISTS! WITH GAS MASKS!!! WHAT ARE THEY DOING DOWN THERE???"

...or not...
Last edited September 30, 2015 3:58 pm


Mundane: step out of shoe and kick mask (vs 6) - (1d10)

(10) = 10

Sep 30, 2015 4:08 pm
Seeing Gino's jacket below me being tackled by people in suits I hustle down the escalators to get on the same floor with him. I'll scan around to see if I can find the pink Victoria's Secret bag he had been carrying.


Mundane Escalators vs 6 Bubblegum - (1d10)

(2) = 2

Oct 1, 2015 4:26 pm
What in the hell was that?! Still brandishing his bottle of single malt and a lit cigarette in his mouth, Ben chases after Trenchcoat Man, shoving aside anyone who gets in his way. As he runs he throws a backward glance at the pub he just trashed. That 2 for $1 sale was bullshit! That's always been their price and I know for a fact they water down their drinks! Ben realizes he has an undiscovered talent for parkour - he tumbles, vaults, and kickflips as weaves his way around people and obstacles in an attempt to chase after Trenchcoat Man.

OOC: Oh snap!
Last edited October 1, 2015 4:26 pm


Kickass foot chase - (1d10)

(1) = 1

Oct 2, 2015 9:10 pm
Gus Gus, as you go to scramble and kick the mask you unfortunately realize that at this point part of your pants also got stuck in the escalator, and while you are able to free your foot from the shoe the forward motion rips off an entire leg of your pants. You fumble the kick and instead of kicking the mask down below, it goes straight up into the air and defying all odds lands straight on your face as you slip backwards and fall on your back. The woman who initially started screaming passes out.

Sammy, as you are heading down the escalator you see your former BFF Gina scurrying away down on the floor below you with the Victoria's Secret bag that Gino discarded. She rushes past the commotion of people who are assaulting the boy in Gino's jacket who you quickly realize is not Gino as you approach. It's just some crying white kid, and the suits who apprehended him are furiously conversing into their sleeves and looking around frantically. As you go to walk away, however, you recognize the woman who seems to be in charge and calling the shots is the same woman from the picture message you received of Brensen.

Ben, as you go to chase after the Trenchcoat Man, a hand reaches out and grabs your ankle. You come crashing down and through a table, but as you turn to face the person who did it to you, you see an abnormally large man whose face suddenly starts melting away to reveal what appears to be greenish scales and rows upon rows of sharp teeth.The crowd around you starts screaming in terror and fleeing, as the creature let's out a snarl and lifts a table over it's head and throws it at you.

GM: Derek-buddy, I'm gonna catch you up to the current timeline as you were absent for a little bit.
Daisuke, the man raises a fist in anger at you, feeling insulted, but before he can do anything you hear a sound of rushing wind and a loud THWACK, and he falls to the ground unconscious. A small, somewhat familiar looking Japanese man a bit older than you is standing behind him holding what appears to be a wooden katana. He quickly places the weapon in his belt, and bows quickly to you.
"Daisuke-san, we must go, quickly! There is much to discuss! No time for questions, no time!"
He attempts to lead you past a scene of carnage where a young American schoolgirl mercilessly beat some bystanders and find a place of somewhat quiet in the midst of the Black Friday chaos.
Oct 3, 2015 2:22 am
My eyes lock on to this woman who is in charge of this mob. I still see that image of her and Brensen in my mind. My eyes go white with rage. Suddenly the mall around me is gone once again and I find myself on the soccer field. Team captain of our school team, the Woodchucks. I see her there, but she isn't there anymore. Just a soccer ball lined up for a shot I know I can make. I charge her. Shoving other people from my path as though they were leaves in the wind.

As I charge I scream as loud as I can, "YOU... YOU... YOU SLUT!!!", I swing my foot as hard as I can right for that soccer ball she calls a stomach.


Badass vs 6 Bubble Gum - (1d10)

(10) = 10

Oct 3, 2015 4:08 pm
What the f--k?! I roll away to dodge the incoming table. As I come out of the roll I pull out a match and light it. I take a mouthful of whiskey and spew it at the monster. FIRE BREATH, BABY!!!

OOC: Dammit, the dice hate me!
Last edited October 3, 2015 4:08 pm


kickass roll vs 6(?) bubblegum - (1d10)

(5) = 5

Oct 3, 2015 4:21 pm
Gus Gus lays there, at the top of the inactive escalator.

*OK, first things first. I've gotta get some cover...*

He steps into his Gus Gus the Omnipotent persona, instinctively reaching out and activating the first of a set of failsafe routines that he always prepares for any public appearance. Dormant hacks come to life, giving him command of all microsensors and microcontrollers in the mall, which he uses now to shut off all the lights in the mall.

In his mind, whenever he takes control away from someone through his code cracking, he hears the "GWAAAH! GWAAAAHHH!" from "Akira" playing in his head.
Last edited October 3, 2015 4:24 pm


Kick-ass shutting off all mall lighting (vs 5 gum) - (1d10)

(7) = 7

Oct 7, 2015 11:37 am
Sammy, your kick connects mightily and the woman lets out a wheezing gasp of pain, as she doubles over and slides back on the mall floor from the force of your attack. All the suits around her immediately pull out guns and train them on you.
"YOU HAVE JUST ASSAULTED A MEMBER OF THE FBI, STAND DOWN OR WE WILL PUT YOU DOWN!" barks an intimately familiar voice. As you turn your head to see who addressed you, you lock eyes with none other than your own boyfriend, Brensen. His face becomes a mask of confusion as he realizes it's you who has attacked his partner. He's about to say something when the woman finally catches her breath.
"Agent Sosa! Take this impudent little bitch into custody before I lose my cool!" Vanessa struggles to her feet and Brensen looks at you, paralyzed.

Ben, you perfectly somersault under the flying table and come up mere inches away from the monster, and let out a fireball straight into it's roaring maw. The battlecry turns into a shriek of pain as the creature falls backwards and claws at its face. You can tell you've blinded it and bought yourself at least a few moments before it regains it's composure, but it's not quite taken out.
GM: By my count you should be at 5 gum at this point, so with a tie you actually succeeded! :)

At that moment, all the lights in the mall kick off. Red emergency lights kick on along some of the outer walls, but it's still nearly impossible to see even with them. The crowds start screaming and panicking, so it's also very difficult to hear anything with all this commotion.

Gus Gus, you're finally able to extract yourself from this sticky situation. Where do you head next?

Sammy, you feel a gentle grasp on your arm before you hear Brensen whisper in your ear, "You need to go, now. I'll explain everything later but for now just go! I'll distract them."

Ben, all you can see are the glowing burns on the creature's face and the flickering shadows cast by the burning pub behind it. All the normal shoppers are gone from this area, having fled from your arson and monster fighting tendencies. It appears to be just you and this creature.
Oct 7, 2015 7:28 pm
Ben catches a whiff of the monster's face burning and decides it would be best served deep-fried with a creole sauce over grits. But first, to tenderize that meat. And maybe some greens for garnish. The chef picks up a potted palm tree and brings it down hard on the creature's skull.


Kickass vs 5 bubblegum - (1d10)

(4) = 4

Oct 8, 2015 2:07 am
Sammy, seeing Brensen's face lit by the red lights turns her face upwards to his. She runs her hand across his face. "I'll wait for you, Brensen", she says doing her best to look as breathtakingly beautiful as possible before she runs off. Hoping she has cemented her spot on the top of Brensen's list over that old hag.


Mundane (Look Pretty) vs 6 bubblegum - (1d10)

(9) = 9

Oct 9, 2015 9:42 am
Gus Gus pulls his hooded cloak on as he cycles through his recordings of the various security monitor feeds of the mall, taking notes of which ones are likely to give him the best views of the confused FBI goons when and if he decides to turn the lights back on. Occasionally he checks back to his live feed from the drone's infrared and night vision sensors.

He feels a twinge of jealousy for Vanessa's partner again. *Vanessa...what do you see in that kid?*

Gus: 4 gum
Last edited October 9, 2015 9:42 am


Mundane to pull on cloak (vs 5 gum) - (1d10)

(9) = 9

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