Hearty Hellos!

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Jul 21, 2014 5:04 am
First one, boo yeah. hi there PnP enthusiasts, nerdy people and fellow gamers!
I'm Alex, sometimes RangerSlythe, sometimes Rexol Deathdice, sometimes just ExperienceLtd...
I'm a PC gamer, mostly RPG and/or Strategy games, but off the computer I quite enjoy getting my hands on a good RPG! Anything from your basic d&d to L5R, any of the warhammer games, etc...

Aside from playing games, I'm currently in the arduous process of making my own RPG system from the ground up. Not just a setting, the whole shebang, core mechanics, combat, skills, functionality, all the stuff that makes the game work and fun to play. That's my goal, and it'll be one hell of a fun process to do, and fantastic when it's finished finally!

If you have any questions, comments, words or anything, feel free to say hi, or ask away, pick my brain..whatever you want
Jul 21, 2014 2:47 pm
Hey Alex, thanks for joining us! We're a little sparse on games right now, but if you're interested in GMing but a system you're into isn't up, let me know, and I'll do what I can to add it!

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