NPC Guide

Nov 29, 2015 8:29 am
In some games I find it hard to keep track of all the NPC the characters meet. This area will be another quick reference to look up info to jog your memory.
Nov 29, 2015 8:31 am
Additionally, Please create 2 NPCs that live in Uncegilla that your character has a vested interest in.
Dec 2, 2015 6:56 am
Aileen Verigar is a seamstress in town who has a soft spot for the children in the town. She lost her three children to sickness when they were very young and her husband died in a farming accident. She is pretty universally well-liked and always willing to help others even above herself. Galen is fiercely protective of her as she was the only motherly figure he had in his life growing up.

Amburn - A young woman who works as a merchant with her parents. She completed the Rite of Ascension last year. She often contracts Pha R'tet to run errands for her and do grunt work. Rumor is she is sweet on him, but has to wait for Pha to complete the Rite before she can say anything. She is known as an honest but shrewd businesswoman.

Chaig Doddy Rauc - A boy from Uncegilla Cove. He was orphaned at a young age. Some people say Chaig's father was killed by Pha. All that is known however is that there was a fire and Caig was left alone in the world. He went to live in the same orphanage that had discarded Pha. Now Chaig runs with a crew of young boys called the Clay Rats for their tendency to hang out in an old clay pit near the mutant ghetto.

Druvin Meleks - middle-aged numenera technician. He is famous in the cove because he has wide and deep knowledge and understanding of all things numenera - technical, esoteric and otherwise. He is very a respected person. He is a calm focused person, who is normally busy. Those who call him friend find him quite helpful. It's known is a good friend of Triun - chief of the guard.

Epee Gurosoa Kveit's father. He is a local farmer, once a respected member of the community. That all changed when his wife died in child birth. After that, he took up drinking heavily, and his fields went to weeds. He has traded off most of his former farm holdings, only keeping a couple sallow fields where he grows a meager crop suitable to keep him alive, fed, and in drink. He rarely talks to anyone and is almost never seen off his land. On the few occasions he has made his way into town (usually after brokering some deal, with shins jangling in his pockets) he has made a scene at the local tavern. Once he gets drunk enough, he inevitable begins raving about his "demonic daughter" and how she needs to be put to death for "killing his wife". There was an ugly scene once where he tried to go into the Mama Zifnaby's hovel and do the deed himself. But he was turned back somehow by Mama herself, without ever entering the place.

Gashe Somi - Gashe is Yaru's older brother (the other brother, Ubil, is younger). Gashe has been following in his father's footsteps since he was a young boy -- as Yaru was doing. At the age of 20, Gashe has completed his Rite and is hunting to settle down and contribute in the grand traditions of the village. A family. A fisherman. One day, perhaps, he will be wise enough for the village council or vie for leading the fishing fleet -- but his ambition is quieted by adherence to tradition. Gashe and his brother get along famously -- Gashe being one of a very few people in the village (family included) who is not unnerved by Yaru's somewhat spacey, intense and off-putting aura. Gashe is excited to see his younger brother take part in the Rite, but worries about Yaru's place in the village. On the one hand, he's a bit of an outcast -- while not a mutant -- on the other, his skills with recharging numenera are immensely helpful to a village that depends on it. Yaru's loyalty to Gashe is high -- protected by his bigger brother (and not a few of his scars were nursed back to health by Gashe without mom or dad the wiser) Yaru will seek to please and assist his brother.

Irving Winters - Galen's master and adopted father. He knew Ilyana, Galen's mother, quite well - though he refuses to reveal the history there. He is a rough man who lived a hard life and has little patience for nonsense. He does have obvious affection for Galen, though he doesn't often show it beyond a stiff nod or pat on the shoulder. He is a skilled blademaster and retired adventurer.

Jarlho - Leader of the Fisher's Guild. A very influential man in the Cove. He is tall and broad shouldered. His face is wrinkled and weathered from years of hard work on the sea, but combined with his piercing blue eyes he maintains a rugged handsomeness. Despite his years being shore-bound by his guild duties, the scent of brine still clings to him as though he carries the sea with him in his pocket.

Koser Koser is a local mutant who enjoys an almost normal relationship with the community. He looks like a normal human, but has the ability to "melt" his arms into amorphous forms. This, combined with a natural aptitude for mechanics, has garnered him a place on the maintenance crew for the fishing vessels. The other mechanics treat him with respect, but the fisher folk generally mistrust and avoid him. His status in the community and his "wealth" (relative to the other mutants) has made him sort of spokesman for the local mutant community. He is sometimes invited to village council meetings as a representative for "his people". Not often though.

Kylia - Daughter of a local farmer. She and Carrick are sweethearts. Her parents don't approve of the fisheman's life Carrick leads, afraid it will leave their daughter alone to much.

Mama Zifnaby - Often just called Mama. Zifnaby is an ancient crone living in the mutant ghetto enclave of the village. She is so old that nobody in living memory can recall her as being anything but an old woman. The oldest local gaffers, if you get a few drinks into them, will tell you that she was old, wrinkled and crooked when they were but children. Zifnaby makes her living as a fortune teller. Her predictions are eerily insightful and often come true. She has a reputation for taking in mutant children born of non-mutant parents.

Obahl - the old man who maintains the fishing fleet (or who is hired to do so) has taken Yaru on as an apprentice. The young boy's ability with numenera cannot be under-stated, and his connection to the mystical force which powers them is beneficial. Yet, there's something slightly creepy about the kid -- and at times it can be hard to think of the boy as a boy and not -- well, not a tool. As a result, while Obahl is gruff on the exterior but kind and approachable to most in the village, he remains somewhat inscrutable to Yaru and standoffish. Obahl has convinced himself that this is the boy's own doing -- rather than his reaction to a kid -- and therefore has skewed towards treating Yaru as more of a wrench than an apprentice. He's skeptical of the kid's ability to manage the Rite -- and even if he does, what could possibly be next for him?

Repine Mohsen - Pha's guardian and mentor. An older woman who lives as a hermit a little ways from town. She is known as a hard woman that no one in their right mind would cross, but her attitude has not won her many friends either. When Pha was nearly chased out of the aldiea, Moshen agreed to take him in. She seemed to see something in the boy that no one else in the town could, or wanted to.

Triun - Captain of the town guard, father of Triat. Known to as a stern but fair man, Triun seems to carry some amount of regret with him in his later years. Some claim it is shame for having a daughter and no sons. Most dismiss this as Triat seems to be shaping up into a fine young woman who could even fill Triun's shoes some day.

Widow Fesessa - elder lonely woman which lives lonely life at edge of the cove. She never had children and her husband died many years ago. She is very reclusive type and not too social. She walks around at evenings. She have some telekinetic powers but normally do not show them.

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