1.1 - Nixing the Sixers

Feb 2, 2016 3:27 pm

Entering the neighborhood of the Southern Ward, this area of San Waterdeep has become little more than poorly managed low-income housing units. Gangs have prevailed here as Peacekeeper presence has always been low. When the Sixers came to rise here the Peacekeeper presence dwindled even further. The people who call this place home range from those who simply can't afford a better life for their families, or those that extort others for money or power.

As the van rolls into the neighborhood you instantly start to see Sixer thugs. You can tell them apart because they all have some sort of green clothing item on them to denote the gangs color. They all seem to openly carry small firearms and you have yet to see a single peacekeeper for a little while now. There are few that seem to be out on the streets outside of the Sixers, and probably for good reason.

Nimbus chimes in over comms, May I advise keeping the doors locked and the windows rolled up, I do believe you've entered the 'rough' part of town. We are still several blocks from the warehouse the Sixers call home, so discretion is key.

An audible notification chime flashes into all of your comm devices. Nimbus chimes in again, I've just received a message from Daemon as well, he says his two associates will meet us near the facility whenever we are ready.
Feb 2, 2016 4:44 pm
Breecha brings up the map on his HUD and reviews the most inconspicuous route to the warehouse factory.
Feb 2, 2016 4:46 pm
The most inconspicuous route is to keep on the road you are currently on. Follow it 4 blocks over and about 10 blocks up. Once within proximity of the warehouse, however, you may start to become more and more conspicuous. Chances are they will have guards or patrols.
Feb 2, 2016 4:57 pm
Did our initial study of the topography and surrounding area reveal any advantageous lookout points? Ideally within the "inconspicuous zone" that we could park, where the rest of us observe while Mack and/or Preserver venture further on foot?
Last edited February 2, 2016 4:58 pm
Feb 2, 2016 5:23 pm
Nimbus chimes in once more, I've found a building that may assist in our reconnaissance. Just to the southwest of the warehouse is a rundown apartment block. If we can gain roof access here we would have a perfect vantage point from above that wouldn't be too conspicuous. Looking over the buildings systems I don't see any electronically controlled locks to the roof, so you may be looking at the old fashion tumbler style lock. Also just be careful about drawing too much attention to yourself, but it's at least far enough away you could slip by unnoticed.
Feb 3, 2016 7:48 am
"That sounds like a good plan. Let's move in there. While you guys take to the roof I will make my way in. As a rat, I think. Or should it be a dog...some kind of mutt breed?
Feb 3, 2016 2:32 pm
You are able to make your way casually to the apartment block. You park around back.
Feb 3, 2016 3:36 pm
Breecha offers to stay in the van, believing his appearance would be highly noticeable.
Feb 3, 2016 3:45 pm
Nimbus cuts into Breecha's comm lines, Hey rust bucket, if you would like to be helpful you can try and hack your way into some of the Sixer's systems. Maybe we could find some dirt on their computers or something?
If you would like you can try and infiltrate the Sixer's network via RAIN interaction. If you direct connect to it you can actually float around in the digital representation of San Waterdeep and try to infiltrate their base. I should have a whole wiki section on using Rain with a direct connection.

RAIN Usage Page

Make sure to read the last few sections from "Being Booted" on if you want to direct connect with RAIN.
Feb 3, 2016 4:02 pm
Breecha's processors aren't built for such intense computations. He will try reasonably-safe networking through public security cameras, incident reports, or anything else one might find with the right search queries. Delving deeper beneath the layers may prove much more difficult for a unit designed for combat.


Intelligence - (1d20-1)

(8) - 1 = 7

Feb 3, 2016 4:48 pm
Preserver pops the door open slightly, so he can slip out when he is ready. Then he concentrates. In an instant, parts of his robotic frame fold in on them self. A low whir and clicks accompany the transformation. Folding to less than half his size, Preserver takes the form of a giant rat, but still has white armor plating and glowing blue cybernetic muscles. Then the bio printers kick in. Fur sprouts quickly, brown for his muscles, black where the plating used to be. Then he slips out of the cracked door and makes his way to the Sixers hideout.
Relevant stat changes: AC 13, HP 7 Str 7, Dex 15, Con 11, Mental stats stay the same. Darkvision 60ft. Keen Smell: advantage on Perception skill related to smell. All equipment melded into rat form.


Stealth roll to approach Hideout - (1d20+4)

(13) + 4 = 17

Feb 3, 2016 7:21 pm
"Leave the hacking to the pros, my friend."

Kessel closes his eyes and drops his consciousness directly into the city's neural network.



RAIN interaction (direct connection) - (1d20+4)

(15) + 4 = 19

Feb 3, 2016 7:43 pm
Breecha starts paging through data of any publicly available camera feeds, and data networks to see what he can see. Unfortunately he isn't able to discern much more than the group already knows about these Sixers.

Preserver's transformation is incredibly lifelike and he is now completely indistinguishable from an organic lifeform. He is able to find a small enough gap in the perimeter of the warehouses surrounding walls. He slips in unnoticed by any of the patrolling Sixer guards. The warehouse lies ahead about 30 feet. You see a place you could scramble up to reach some open upper floor windows.
If you want to climb up to the windows you will need to make an Athletics or Acrobatics check, DC 10. Otherwise you could do a perception check to look for another entrance to the facility.
As these two go about their tasks, Kessel drops into RAIN and the city blocks become aglow with large blocks representing the buildings and systems. Public lines show as tracers running through the air with data pulsing through them. As he moves through the simulation he finds the large blocky structure of the Sixer warehouse. He is easily able to slice his way into their warehouses structure. This looks sort of like his avatar slicing a hole in the wall of the warehouse that he steps through. The hole seals behind him, but unless caught, he can slip back and forth through here without notice.
It's free to drop into a direct connection for RAIN, but I'll take your roll as your first hack to get into the warehouses secure network. You will need to do perception as well to see what systems you can try and breech next. The perception check doesn't actually have a chance of failure or tipping anyone off, just sees what is around that you could try to hack.
Feb 3, 2016 8:16 pm
Kessel looks around the virtual space, feeling out the system's nooks and crannies...


Perception - (1d20+1)

(20) + 1 = 21

Feb 3, 2016 8:23 pm
Kessel's keen sense for securities and systems finds several systems that could be vulnerable to breach.

- Perimeter cameras
- Internal cameras
- Electric locks
- Sensitive Information storage systems
- Internal securities systems

You even find that the old fire extinguishing water system still seems to be hooked up and accessible. In a building this old it was probably an oversight on the Sixer's part when they moved in.

With his check he is also able to tag patrolling sentry locations on the group's HUD displays. You can now see them as floating red orbs, even through walls. These pings are showing the location of moving RAIN connected weapons within the warehouse.
Slicing into any of these systems would be another RAIN check to gain access. DC 10.
Feb 3, 2016 9:01 pm
Tracking his team's location, Kessel attempts to override relevant systems as they are encountered if they pose hindrances. He is surprised to find information storage servers housed in this warehouse and is tempted sorely tempted to take a peek but saves it for later.

"Guys, I have no access to perimeter cameras, so stay sharp out there. I have control of internal camera systems, and all electtric locks. Gimme a sec to override the internal security systems...oh damn."
I get double proficiency on these hacks, correct?
Last edited February 3, 2016 9:05 pm


Hacking perimeter cameras - (1d20+4)

(5) + 4 = 9

Hacking internal cameras - (1d20+4)

(16) + 4 = 20

Hacking electric locks - (1d20+4)

(12) + 4 = 16

Hacking internal security - (1d20+4)

(1) + 4 = 5

Hacking perimeter cameras (2nd pass) - (1d20+4)

(4) + 4 = 8

Feb 3, 2016 9:07 pm
Correct, direct connection into the RAIN network gains you double proficiency bonus on checks.
Kessel's first run at the perimeter camera system fails and sends feedback into his avatar. He loses 1 of his 5 RP. Deviating from that system he slices into the internal camera streams. He is able to send the current camera feeds to his party members, and feed a looped video back into the Sixer's view. They won't be able to see people inside the warehouse through these cameras.

He flips over to the lock system and pops the electronic locks within the building, doors are now unlocked. Systems are still reporting locked doors to the Sixers.

As he jumps over to internal security he gets hit with a powerful feedback shock as a signal is sent along and blue glowing spider looking AI starts crawling the lines of the base looking for the malfunction in internal securities. Kessel makes one more attempt at the perimeter cameras but gets hit with another feedback shock and can't gain access to the systems.
When you enter RAIN directly you have 5 RP, if you lose them all you are forcefully booted from the system and will take some damage. If you disconnect with 1 RP left you will also take a small amount of damage, but not as much. The failure with the perimeter cameras wasn't enough to set off any system alarms. You can try with the Perimeter cameras again if you would like.

EDIT: So you took 1 from the first failure, a crit failure cost you 2 RP, and you took another from the second attempt failure. So you are down to 1 of 5RP. If you disconnect now you take 1d4 damage. If you take one more hit you take 1d4 per character level of damage. If you disconnect now the systems spiders won't find you, but they will discover the hack attempt on internal system and a system wide audit may occur. It will take them time to find any other issues with the system, so your current hacks will remain in effect.

You could try and hack the internal system one more time to cancel the system search, but you won't actually gain access to the system, and you risk taking another hack fail.
Feb 3, 2016 9:43 pm
"C'mon, baby...."


One big hack - (1d20+4)

(15) + 4 = 19

Feb 3, 2016 9:50 pm
Working as quickly as he can Kessel loads a data packet with a false scan report he injects it into the internal securities system. It spreads down the line and hits the crawling spiders. A moment later they disappear and the internal securities system reads no anomalies detected once more.
You may not have gained access to the system but you did manage to stop any further scans, so you are safe to move about the simulation still.
Feb 3, 2016 10:35 pm
Kessel is sweating profusely now from the strain. He tries another run at the internal security systems.

"Got it. I have full control. You're good to go."
Last edited February 3, 2016 10:38 pm


Hack - (1d20+4)

(6) + 4 = 10

Feb 4, 2016 12:37 am
PhantomNimbus sent a note to Jabes.Plays.RPG
[passing note to Kessel]
Feb 4, 2016 1:31 am
Scurrying between piles of trash and and crates Preserver crossed the distance to the warehouse proper. Then he climbs up to the open window, much higher now than it would be in normal form. Preserver however relishes the challenge.


Acrobatics to climb - (1d20+2)

(12) + 2 = 14

Feb 4, 2016 5:56 am
"Hold up, everyone, I just found a defensive gun emplacement run by a parallel network. I can try to shut it down, or... Am I correct: This warehouse is NOT our demolition target, we're only infiltrating as a recon mission? Preserver is trying to gain access to the roof so he can scout the actual target? Meaning slipping in and out cleanly is better than shooting up the place? I ask because I could potentially turn the place's defense systems on the Sixer patrols but if that's not our goal here... There, I own all the guns. What d'you want me to do with 'em?"
Last edited February 4, 2016 5:58 am


Hack - (1d20+4)

(19) + 4 = 23

Feb 4, 2016 6:01 am
"Primary Objective: Deliver Explosive To Target And Detonate," intones Breecha. "Current Objective: Reconnaissance. Ascertain Efficient Means Of Infiltration And Delivery Of Ordnance, Bypass Defenses, Extraction Route."
Feb 4, 2016 6:13 am
"Thanks, Breecha, that's what I thought. Now that I'm in their network through the backdoor I'm hoping it'll be a little easier to hack the actual target's systems. You're gioed to go, Preserver. Just watch those patrols."
Feb 4, 2016 3:58 pm
Preserver quickly accustoms himself to his agile new form and is able to scramble his way nimbly up the side of the warehouse and into one of the open windows. Inside he finds the second level of the warehouse. It's sort of a series of catwalks that overlook the warehouse floor below. There is an office at either end of this long warehouse, and plenty of boxes of supplies on the catwalks up here to take cover behind. He is able to drop in to the factory and hide behind some crates in between a patrol on the catwalks.
Just as a heads up to everyone, this warehouse is the main base of the Sixers, and your target of destruction.
After Kessel mentions his hacking victory Nimbus chimes in the comms, I'm receiving a hail signal from the two that Daemon sent along, should I patch them in to the comms?
Feb 4, 2016 7:37 pm
"Guys, I'm checking our logs and it seems this IS our target after all! Who's got the antimatter grenade?"

"Yep, patch Daemon's boys through, Nimbus."
Feb 4, 2016 8:13 pm
A deep voice cracks into the comm line, Howdy boys, you're not starting the party without us, are you? I assume that giant rat that crawled out of your van is one of you? You see a small vidfeed window that shows the human you had seen outside of Daemon's office. A bulky looking barbarian with thick blond hair.

We're on a building just north of the warehouse. We have a high up vantage point. Elphi was just about to try hacking their systems but says she saw someone already slice their way in through RAIN. Been in there a while. What's the skinny?
Feb 4, 2016 8:32 pm
Breecha remains where he is, unmoving, obeying his directive to maintain cover. His memory bank plays back the segment in which Mack was given the antimatter grenade (at least, Mack was the closest in proximity to the device when Daemon revealed it).
Feb 4, 2016 11:36 pm
Mack nervously taps the steering wheel as the nerds work on the network. "No alarms yet, right?" he asks with some trepidation. He loads up Gnomgle Maps and starts plotting at least three different escape routes.

He adds, as an afterthought, "Should we have given the grenade to Preserver to plant?"
Last edited February 4, 2016 11:38 pm
Feb 5, 2016 1:27 am
Kessel locks Leon & Elphi out of the comms temporarily so only his crew can hear him reply to Mack, "Yeah, maybe. But I thought you were going in with him. Or were we all under the false assumption this wasn't the target?"
Last edited February 5, 2016 1:28 am
Feb 5, 2016 2:05 am
"Priority Given To Scout Location First," answers Breecha. "Location Is Target. Infiltration Without Reconnaissance Not Advised. Once Infiltration And Extraction Routes Confirmed And Cleared, Operation Can Proceed."
Feb 5, 2016 2:22 pm
Nimbus chimes in again, We are being hailed again by Daemon's guys. I don't mean to criticize your clearly professional decorum, but Tymora had stowed the explosive device in the van's smuggling compartment.
I'm going to go ahead and say the explosive is in the van, there is a compartment in the floor of the back of the van that is shielded from scans so you can smuggle small items.
Feb 5, 2016 9:21 pm
Preserver begins recording what he is observing. He makes does his best to count all the Sixers in the building and get a layout of defenses that would not have been in the schematics.. He has shut the coms down just in case one of the gangers is smarter than expected and put some kind of scanner inside the building.

Once he has made his recon. he high tails it out of there and back to the van.


Perception - (1d20+4)

(8) + 4 = 12

Stealth inside warehouse - (1d20+4)

(10) + 4 = 14

Stealth back to the van - (1d20+4)

(12) + 4 = 16

Feb 5, 2016 10:32 pm
PhantomNimbus sent a note to foolsmask
[ passing note to Preserver ]

Preserver returns to the van and relays his findings to the group without alerting any suspicion.
Feb 5, 2016 11:36 pm
Once back in the van, Preserver reverts to his normal form. He plugs into a monitor and begins to play back what his optics recorded inside the warehouse. "There are as many as 30 Sixers in there. A good number of them are just hanging out and boozing it up. The good news is that the guards there are only cary small arms. The bad news is that security has the high ground. There is a catwalk with five guys, they have the guns, though I'm sure the others are packing as well. There is an unknown individual in an upstairs office. I suspect it to be their leader. I suggest we check the police records again to see what we might be able to learn about this individual."

"We might be able to draw some of the rank and file away with a diversion, then the rest of us move in through the window I used. We will have to move fast once we breach the window, I think. Maybe Daemon's guys can provide the diversion?"
Feb 6, 2016 2:45 am
"Breech, remind me of the requirement for this job?" Mack asks, "If I recall correctly it's to blow up the warehouse, right? Is our best bet having Preserver drop it off while in rat mode? Perhaps a bit later when the sixes seem to be asleep?" He frowns at the comms, "I don't like that Daemon's thu...gentlemen showed up without being asked. I distinctly recall asking for them to wait for us to call them."
Feb 6, 2016 2:54 am
"Confirmed: Objective Is To Deliver Ordnance Inside Warehouse And Detonate; Destroy Facility," says Breecha.
Last edited February 6, 2016 2:54 am
Feb 6, 2016 3:10 am
Still receiving the hail from Daemon's guys. Maybe we shouldn't upset the thugs from the crime boss? Nimbus interjects into the conversation.
Feb 6, 2016 3:14 am
Meanwhile, Kessel is attempting to determine the identity of the person in the office by running the internal video feeds through facial recognition.

"Patching Daeron's guys through the comms. You guys talk to them while I work on this."
Do I need a Hacking roll to run facial recognition?
Last edited February 6, 2016 3:17 am


Running ugly mugs through facial recognition - (1d20+4)

(12) + 4 = 16

Feb 6, 2016 3:16 am
Mack answers to comms, "Hello gentlemen, where's the dragon? What's the rush?"
Feb 6, 2016 3:20 am
PhantomNimbus sent a note to Jabes.Plays.RPG
[ passing note to Kessel ]
Feb 6, 2016 3:35 am
A female voice crosses the comms this time, No dragon darling, only a demon who wants to make sure things are going smoothly. Things are going smoothly, are they not. her voice is almost silky in comparison to Leon.
Feb 6, 2016 4:10 am
Kessel says privately to Mack, "The guy in the office is the Sixers' top boss, Grudo. I also found an info cache on the premises...probably worth something to somebody." Kessel licks his lips at the thought of the info sitting there, waiting for him to steal it. "I haven't tried to breach it - I don't want to risk setting off any alarms before we start trashing this joint. Speaking of which, we're all set, I think, as soon as you're done dealing with Daemon's watchdogs."
Feb 6, 2016 6:53 am
"Yes, everything is going quite smoothly, thank you. We're doing a bit of recon to ensure we know what's what. We'd like to avoid too big a fiasco." Mack responds, dialing down the comm. He looks over to Kessel and then the others, "Well guys -- what do you think is the best plan? Stealth? Drop the bomb somewhere.. hopefully out of site and let it do its thing? Or does this bomb need to go somewhere specific-like?"

Back to Kessel he notes, "Be ready to break in and grab that stuff once the bomb is set. If that thing is about to go off, they won't have time to figure anything out before it blows." He pauses, "Or, at least I'd hope so -- we should see what kind of timer we can set on the thing."
Last edited February 6, 2016 6:54 am
Feb 8, 2016 8:21 pm
Elphi cuts back in, From what I've seen of your hacker you actually have a good grasp of the situation. I'm actually fairly impressed. May we assist you in any way?
Feb 8, 2016 8:22 pm
The gruff voice cuts back in as well, Settle down, Elphie. They got it under control. Plus this way we can just kick back and watch the fireworks. You boys do what you gotta do. If we have to we will bail you out.
Feb 8, 2016 8:25 pm
Breecha calls up the schematics of the warehouse to determine the best location to set off an anti-matter device for maximum destruction.
Can't remember if I rolled this before, so I'm rolling again.


Investigation - (1d20-1)

(4) - 1 = 3

Feb 8, 2016 9:16 pm
Breecha pulls up the schematics to the building that Daemon gave the group and is able to point out the central pillar to this warehouse. It is a little more heavy duty and runs from the first floor all the way up to the ceiling. It cuts right through the walk-way level and could be reached from there, though it looks like the placement Daemon gave the group suggests it should be placed on this pillar on the first floor, the floor that is apparently swarming with Sixer's.
Feb 9, 2016 2:00 am
On top if the structural schematics, Kessel projects an overlay of the building's internal defense system, as well as the tracking blips indicating Sixer personnel. "What d'youthink, Breecha? Can we use their defenses against them, take them out without getting our hands dirty? Or at least create enough chaos for Preserver to get in, plant the bomband get out unnoticed?"
Feb 9, 2016 3:03 am
As Kessel overlays his Intel you see that the autogun on the first level of the building actually would do some major softening up of the Sixer forces on the first floor, you also see that the only two real exits from this building are electronically controlled locks on either end of the warehouse. The upper Windows where Preserver got in are not easily accessible by someone not so agile and small.
Feb 9, 2016 6:38 am
"QUERY: Commander Kessel Unlock Doors To Expedite Unit 9R353RV3R Extraction?" asks Breecha. He understands that Preserver will have to shift out of his beast form in order to plant and set the bomb. "ASSESSMENT: Proposition To Use Enemy Emplacement Valid; Distract Force Until Ordnance Delivered, Use Confusion To Extricate. PROPOSITION: Commander Kessel And Commander Mack Pilot Transport Into Zone, Rendezvous With Unit 9R353RV3R, Apply Suppressing Fire, Proceed With Extraction."

Breecha's HUD checks the fastest route to drive the van into the facility and up to the doors, the idea being that Preserver will need help in getting out of the area. Swing the van around, open the doors, lay down suppressing fire while Preserver jumps in.

"WARNING: Difficulty Of Transport Making Rendezvous Not Yet Determined," says Breecha. "QUERY: Reinforcements' Ability In Clearing Safe Route?"
Feb 10, 2016 2:52 am
"Uh, sounds good to me."
Feb 10, 2016 3:16 am
Leon lets out a loud chuckle over the comms. Someone ought a get that bot a more diverse speech processor, but I like the way he thinks. If you got a guy who can get in we can certainly lay down a bit of suppressing fire with you. I brought myself along a special toy that ought a help out. I'll move in position and await your call, he relays as he moves from the rooftop he was on.
Feb 10, 2016 3:19 am
Nimbus plots a course to the entrance of the warehouse. It will only take about 3 minutes to get there and in place.
Feb 12, 2016 11:19 pm
Poised to open fire with the Sixers' autogun and execute the hack on their data cache, Kessel says to Mack, "No time like the present. Preserver and I are good to go, sheriff. Just waiting for your green light."
Feb 13, 2016 2:58 am
Breecha readies his pistol and shield, and waits in the back of the van.
Feb 13, 2016 3:34 pm
Mack nods assent. "Preserver, do you want us to get you in closer -- or should we wait until you give the word to start driving in? Kessel, you sure you can make those autoguns not shoot our friend?"
Feb 17, 2016 2:39 am
"I shall give the word when I am ready. I think that should alleviate the potential for injuries and casualties on our end." Preserver shifts forms again and prepares to move out.
Feb 17, 2016 3:09 am
"All their systems belong t me now. Unless they've got a hacker better than me, it'll stay that way until we blow it all to bits."
Feb 18, 2016 5:42 am
Breecha says nothing as he diagnoses his system's ready levels. All green.
Feb 18, 2016 11:53 am
As everyone gets into place Preserver has the bomb and must get back into the warehouse.
Preserver, give me an athletics or acrobatics check, and a stealth check. You may have advantage on all checks for this since you've scouted this path before, and because Kessel is feeding the group so much info on the patrols.
Feb 18, 2016 1:50 pm
As Preserver moves out Kessel initiates the hack on the Sixers' sensetive information cache, routing the data packets through servers all across New Faerûn before downloading to Breecha's data storage. As he does this he keeps an eye on Preserver's progress and monitors the Sixer patrols.
Lemme know if I need to roll anything.
Last edited February 20, 2016 11:22 am
Feb 18, 2016 2:45 pm
I believe you already rolled high enough for access to that so you are successful in siphoning the Sixers data.
Feb 20, 2016 4:34 am
Preserver transforms again and heads out to place the bomb.


Acrobatics with advantage - (1d20+2, 1d20+2)

1d20+2 : (20) + 2 = 22

1d20+2 : (10) + 2 = 12

Stealth with advantage - (1d20+2, 1d20+2)

1d20+2 : (13) + 2 = 15

1d20+2 : (10) + 2 = 12

Feb 20, 2016 9:32 am
Preserver nimbly makes his way past the Sixers outer wall and back up to the Windows. He lands down on the upper cat walks a little less than gracefully. As he lands with a thunk one of the Sixers on patrol turns to another.

"Hey, did you hear something?", he asks, gripping his pistol nervously.

"Not this crap again. Every time something makes some noise up here you think something is up", the other says dismissively.

"I think I really heard something this time"

"Donny, I swear to the gods, I will end you. Let's just finish our patrol and go have some fun."

"Fine, you're probably right", Donny relents and heads off with the other guard.
Ill need one more stealth to plant the bomb unnoticed. No advantage on this one. DC 15. Unless you want a different order of setting this all up?
Feb 22, 2016 1:30 am
Other than not trusting the dice to make that roll...no that sounds good.
Ohhh yeah! The computer dice gods are on my side for a minute!
Last edited February 22, 2016 1:32 am


Stealth - (1d20+2)

(16) + 2 = 18

Feb 22, 2016 6:15 pm
Preserver, in his rat form, his able to nimbly dash across the catwalks in the warehouse, dodging the scattered patrols. He launches towards the central pillar of the warehouse. The bomb needs to be planted near the base of this pillar and he scampers down it stealthily enough. Making sure to move on the side of it to keep the pillar between himself and the auto-gun on the first floor.

As he reaches the first floor he is able to hide and obscure his actions behind a crate next to the pillar. No one is any the wiser to the actions of the large rat that had climbed down to this floor.
Feb 22, 2016 7:03 pm
Preserver sticks his elongated nose out of the shadows attempting to be seen by the auto-gun camera. He intends this to be a sign that he is green and ready to proceed.
Feb 22, 2016 7:40 pm
"You're good to go, Preserver. Proceed. And don't worry about the autogun, buddy. I have full control."
Feb 22, 2016 10:28 pm
Mack wipes his palms on his pants and turns on the van, resisting the urge to rev the engines.
Feb 23, 2016 5:53 pm
Breecha performs a final check to make sure his weapons are ready. He rests the double-barreled shotgun on his lap, and prepares himself to open the van doors when the time is right.
Feb 24, 2016 3:14 am
Preserver has to scurry back out of the warehouse.


Acrobatics to get out again - (1d20+2)

(17) + 2 = 19

Feb 24, 2016 3:51 am
"Charge is set. He's coming out. Standby for extraction."
Is the bomb on a timer or has Mack or Kessel got a remote detonator?
Feb 24, 2016 3:59 am
The explosive is timed with a roughly sixty second timer. So once planted and armed Preserver needs to high tail it out of the warehouse.

I would assume Mack would be almost to the entrance of the compound going full tilt and Kessel will be spinning up the auto gun to make Swiss cheese out of the Sixers in the warehouse. Preserver will be doing his acrobatics to get to the main entrance warehouse without getting caught in the crossfire.

As Mack and Breecha pull up to the facility and swing the van around so Breecha can provide cover a loud FWOOOSH is heard from a building across the street. From the second story window a trail of smoke follows an RPG round as it flies past the van and slams into the front of the warehouse, erupting in a ball of flames and leaving a giant hole in the wall, and a lot of scattered and flailing Sixers.

That gruff voice chimes in again, "That's how you make an exit boys!"
Breecha, just make me a ranged attack with your shotgun to fend off the remaining Sixers. Just beat a DC10 since they were softened up pretty well.
Feb 24, 2016 5:21 am
Mack ducks and revs the engine, waiting on Preserver to hop in the back. "Mind the shrapnel, boys!"
Feb 24, 2016 6:57 am
As the van finishes a fishtail, Breecha opens the back doors and raises his shotgun. He pulls the trigger on both barrels to clear a path for Preserver.


Shotgun - (1d20+2)

(11) + 2 = 13

Feb 24, 2016 10:33 am
Breecha lays down solid cover fire with his shotgun. He keeps any Sixers from trying to nab Preserver in the chaos. A few try to return fire to the van but Breecha's shield keeps him well covered.

Preserver was weaving his way towards the entrance when suddenly a rather large Sixer blocked the entrance to the warehouse, it was at this time the front of the building erupted and Preserver found a much easier exit. He raced out of the factory and across to the van where Breecha had his back.

Nimbus chimes in over comms, "That certainly is one way to plant a bomb. I indicate we have about 40 seconds left, you may want to punch it Mack."
Feb 24, 2016 8:02 pm
Mack doesn't need to be told twice, "Get those doors shut!" he yells, and he peels the van out of the vicinity like an imp outta one of the various hells. His route from Gnomgle maps on his faded Helms-Up display he pays scant attention to anything other than ensuring the van is making sufficient progress to not get caught in a blast. "Kessel -- there aren't traffic cameras picking us up are there?" he worries.

Mack weaves through the course on his display which flickers unhelpfully. "Stupid display probably programmed by kobolds.." Despite the griping, though, he sort of looks like he's having fun.
I hesitate to ask, but need any rolls?
Feb 24, 2016 8:21 pm
Breecha waits until Preserver is inside the van, then pulls the doors closed. He does not bother to reload his shotgun, instead opting to draw his pistol and readying himself for counterattack.
Feb 28, 2016 12:29 pm
The van tires squeal as Mack forces it to move. Breecha slams the doors behind Preserver who dives into the back of the vehicle. Bullets are flying like a hail storm but meet the reinforced back doors of the van. As you crash back out through the main gate, nearly clipping another vehicle on the way out, you gun it down the street following the nav system.

Looking into the side mirror, you see Sixers trying to put out fires and fire at the autogun inside the facility. Suddenly there is a brilliant flash of white-blue light and the warehouse is suddenly ripped apart by a massive explosion. It's almost blinding. The sound and shockwave hit a moment later then suddenly, as chunks of debris start tracking into the air, a loud whoosh is heard and the explosion violently reverses.

The entire blue-white fireball implodes suddenly and drastically, leaving almost nothing of the warehouse, or any of the Sixers, in it's wake.
Feb 28, 2016 12:32 pm
Leon's voice comes in over the comms, "Now that's how you throw a party. Well done, boys. Me and Elphi will report back to Daemon. We will be in touch later, I'm sure."
Feb 28, 2016 2:49 pm
Mack slows down and carefully finds his way back onto more respectable thoroughfares. A little paranoid about tracking, he asks. "Kessel, Breech - can you detect anything hooked up to the van that might be tracking us? I doubt they got something on us, but we shouldn't take it for granted." He'll keep driving around the city -- perhaps heading into middle class parts -- while we establish that we aren't being traced (as far as we know) and Mack will eye traffic carefully to see if someone might be following them.
Feb 28, 2016 3:15 pm
"On it, chief." Kessel scans the van for tracking hardware or software. He also listens in on law enforcement radio chatter.
Not sure what skill check, so here's an unmodified d20 roll.
Last edited February 28, 2016 3:28 pm


Scanning - (1d20)

(19) = 19

Feb 28, 2016 4:14 pm
I would call it investigation probably. Either way you crushed it. Also you probably have gotten enough time in RAIN to disconnect on a stable connection, so no damage roll when you drop out of the direct connection.
A thorough scan of the van shows that there are no tracking devices. Peacekeeper chatter is abounding with reports of an explosion in the Southern Ward. They don't seem to be mentioning any van or who may have been the perpetrators of the crime.

It seems you got away clean. Where do you go now?
Feb 28, 2016 5:14 pm
Breecha resumes his customary waiting position inside the van. His pistol is holstered and shotgun is left across his lap, unloaded. The red glow in his optics are steady as he rests.
Mar 1, 2016 2:56 am
Mack, feeling safe that there's a clean getaway says, "Noodles!" and begins to thread his way through the streets to his favorite noodle house. It's a place Kessel's been to before -- and likely the forged have each had to put up with going there as well.

Whilst driving he asks, "So, do we call up our employer now and check in? Or let him check back in with us? What's the cool criminal thing to do?"
Mar 1, 2016 3:43 am
"RESPONSE: Contact Tymora Of Operation Completion," intones Breecha.
Mar 3, 2016 5:28 pm
Mack will force the party to endure an outting to Frumph's and pick up an order (or two) to go, "These are really good if you poach an egg and then serve 'em as breakfast. Besides, Tymora might want one." While waiting for the order to arrive, he'll make sure to check in with Tymora and indicate that the day's work is complete and that the crew will be back in after lunch. Or dinner. Whatever meal it happens to be.

A few coppers poorer and with a full belly, Mack happily drives the crew back to base -- whereupon we presumably now arrive?
Mar 9, 2016 9:38 am
Talking to you on the phone Tymore seems glad to hear you made it out unscathed. She also gives Preserver a good motherly scolding for being so wreckless in a warehouse full of bad guys. All in all she just seems happy to hear from you though.

With the day winding down and the sun setting you see a stray star in the sky but the city is so illuminated with lights it's hard to see much else. The work day has ended and people hussle and bustle to their condos and homes. You find your way back to the safe house easily enough and check the police scanner every now and again. A lot of talk about the Sixer warehouse, but not a single lead.

When you get back in to the office on the main vidscreen you see the red flash of a new message. Tymora is in the back already putting the van up on the lift to do some work on it.

New message just came in before you got back. You should check it out, she says as she goes to work trying to fix the plated panels that absorbed most of the bullets.
Mar 9, 2016 9:56 am
Kessel balances the big bowl of ramen he bought back at Flumph's precariously on his knee. He got it to-go for Tymora but "forgot" to tell them to hold the chili oil. Tymora hates chili oil. Noodles still dangling between his mouth and the pair of chopsticks wielded in one hand, Kessel taps on the new message with his free hand.
Mar 9, 2016 11:04 am
The message pops up and you are greeting with Daemon's wicked smile once again, Boys! Boys! Elphi just sent me a vidstream of the destruction of the warehouse! I couldn't have done better myself. In the background of the video you can see one of his screens looping the explosion of the Sixers' warehouse.

You've done right by me, boys. I have a little gift for you. Tymora wouldn't admit it, but I know times have been tough. I mean who barters so hard to get such a small care package from a demon, he cackles to himself a bit, Just make sure to remember your good buddy Daemon when he comes knocking again. his mouth cuts an impossibly wide jagged smile from ear to ear, And I will come knocking again.

The video cuts out and another notification pops up. Tapping this one shows a 10,000 GC transfer to your account from "t3h 0n3 wh0 kn0ck$".
The stash has been updated to reflect this.
Mar 9, 2016 3:26 pm
Preserver is bounding around the hideout like a kid after Christmas, excited that he managed to be so integral to the operation. But then he gets a worried look on his face as he mentions the explosion and how big and awesome it was. The bot stops and gets on RAIN looking for any reports of innocent bystanders injured in the expolosion.
Mar 9, 2016 3:32 pm
Breecha assists in the van's repairs, using his strength to complement the shop's machinery.
Mar 10, 2016 1:17 am
Preserver flips through any and all news he can find about the explosion. Luckily all reports don't seem to report innocent bystanders being caught in the destruction. Luckily it seems like the Sixer presence really kept civilians from getting too close to the warehouse, and the adjacent buildings.

There are some reports of broken windows nearby, probably from the initial shockwave, but no casualty reports.
Mar 10, 2016 2:27 am
"t3h 0n3 wh0 kn0ck$!" Jessel snorts, "Hacker wannabe! Still, the guy's not bad, eh?"

Suddenly remembering something, the technomancer calls his battle droid over. "Hey Breecha, come here a sec, will ya? I just need to run a quick diagnostic."
Jabes.plays.RPG sent a note to PhantomNimbus
Mar 10, 2016 2:33 am
Breecha complies, stepping across the garage to Kessel's location.
Mar 10, 2016 6:29 pm
Preserver visibly relaxes once he sees he didn't accidentally hurt anyone.
Mar 12, 2016 7:01 pm
Mack carefully hides one of the bowls of ramen in the communal fridge. He's suspicious that Kessel might nab it if he's not careful, and he really does like poaching a couple eggs and eating them with the ramen in the morning. His mission complete, he will find his way back to the garage. "Ten thousand. That's a pretty hefty sum. I suppose if we don't have any looming expenses, we should consider putting a big chunk of that in a rainy day fund somewhere."

He works his way over to the grimy couch that has a good view of the garage and pulls up a personal RAINpad to browse around and start nosing around for job leads.
Last edited March 12, 2016 7:02 pm
Mar 12, 2016 7:45 pm
Tymore comes up behind you as you are looking for leads. "Hey, great minds think alike. I actually had two small jobs that came in while you were out. Looks like one is up in the Castle Ward, helping some executive spy on his wife. A real broken hearts case. Otherwise there was a dwarf over in the Sea Ward that needed an escort for some cargo coming in."

She pulls both jobs up in the main vidscreen. "They both seem like small time jobs, but at least it seems like we have enough of a cushion to coast for a bit."

She looks over the van up on the lift, and the current dress and equipment of everyone, "I might also suggest finding some new gear. I have an old contact who has some connections to some 'reputable' businesses." She seems to anticipate a reaction and quickly interjects, "I promise it won't be another Daemon situation!"
Mar 12, 2016 9:08 pm
what you choose to do now is up to the group. There are a few new jobs, you could buy stuff. Explore the town. Whatever. You can also spend more time at the HQ attempting to achieve stuff around here first. Either way I would recommend a long rest before you set out, just in case.
PhantomNimbus sent a note to Jabes.plays.RPG
Mar 14, 2016 2:32 pm
Kessel completes his "diagnostics" on Breecha. It was all just a ruse. In truth he was examining the data he stole from the Sixers and saved to Breecha's databanks. The encrypted data (which was a cinch for Kessel to hack) contained detailed Sixers personnel files. Might've been valuable before, but since most of these guys had just been blown to smithereens, maybe not so much anymore. Still, it might be useful to have. Kessel files it away with his own triple encryption and turns his mind to other things.

"So what do we do now, boys? You guys wanna take another job, or you wanna go spend some of our ill-gotten wealth?"
Last edited March 14, 2016 5:24 pm
Mar 14, 2016 5:13 pm
His task complete, Breecha heads over to his charging station and hooks himself into the machinery. As his power supplies are replenished, his memory banks and processors begin to reorganize and file data into their appropriate directories, backing up what's needed, reclaiming space where available.
Commencing long rest.
Mar 19, 2016 2:35 pm
A long rest seems like it's the order of the day.
"I think it's time for a good night's sleep, first." Mack announces and sets down the RAINpad to wander off to his quarters. "We can debate jobs versus spending tomorrow morning?"
Mar 19, 2016 2:44 pm
Also feel free to flesh out more detail about this safe house/home base. What bunking is like, the shapes or dimensions or rooms to it. It's your space so feel free to have the agency to create it.
Mar 19, 2016 4:31 pm
Breecha has a recharge station hooked into the mainframe in the spacious garage/common area, so that qualifies as his bunk, plus it lets him be aware of anyone coming or going in his inactive state.

I would imagine the others have individual private rooms in the back, where there ought to be a kitchen and head.
Mar 19, 2016 6:40 pm
I imagine Kessel's nook to be a bitchin' hacker terminal with a cot pulled up right next to it, and the whole mess enclosed in a Faraday cage.
Mar 24, 2016 9:41 pm
Preserver goes to the kitchen and comes back to the common area with four blue and white packets, about the size of half sandwich each. A round plastic nozzle sticks out of each one. Preserver sits in a poser converting chair across from BR33CH-A. He sits and wires along his leg feed out into ports along the seat of the chair. He raises the first packet to his mouth and a small semi transparent tube comes out from under his "tongue" and connects to the packet. The blue glowing semi solid material flows up the tube lighting it up. The light in his components seem to grow a little brighter as the bio nutrient gel suffices his systems. Tossing the first packet into a waste bin nearby, Preserver adds to the conversation,
"You know I'm up for just about anything that brings some good into the world."

Then he "eats" the other three pouches of nutrients.
Also Full resting with the group.
Last edited March 24, 2016 9:42 pm
Mar 26, 2016 3:07 am
The following morning, Mack is up early -- anticipating his noodles and poached egg breakfast. After a quick, refreshing, shower (unusual for Mack who prefers to use up most of hot water) he quickly makes his way into the kitchen and makes a bit too much noise whilst preparing his pots and pans for a careful reheating of the noodles without overcooking them and his less-than-perfect poached eggs.

"Good morning!" he'll call out to his 'forged friends.

As he carefully monitors his breakfast he asks, "Anyone seen Kessel yet? I guess we should figure out what our plan is for today."
Mar 26, 2016 3:14 am
Now that you've long rested you feel refreshed and as though you've improved upon yourself in significant ways. Plus there is breakfast!

Everyone goes up to level 3! Now figure out what you want to tackle for today. Two jobs currently available, or plenty of money to spend.
Mar 26, 2016 6:04 am
"ANSWER: Commanding Officer Is Not Currently Available," intones Breecha. To the follow-up statement, he continues, "ADVISORY: Obtain Medical Supplies."

Behind him, the displays scroll lines of code alongside replays of the battles the group has seen thus far. It seems Breecha is studying past footage to glean better insight into his own combat capabilities.
I considered multi-classing to Paladin, but I decided that I will continue to pursue Fighter and become a Battle Master. As a result, I strongly suggest medpaks!

The Battle Master archetype grants me proficiency in one set of Artisan Tools. I'd like to help repair weapons or armor; would Smith's Tools be appropriate?
Mar 26, 2016 8:22 am
Sounds like the logical choice. I'm sure smithy tools may be much more sophisticated today, but same basic principle. :)
Apr 1, 2016 3:21 am
"Fair enough," says Mack. "Medical supplies it is. Can one of you guys turn the music on in Kessel's quarters up to about a 13 out of 10 or something? Perhaps shake him awake with one of those tunes with the heavy bass?" He smiles to himself, both for the picture he crafts in his mind and the pleasure he takes from the breakfast before him.

"I think Tymora said she knew some folks with some kit we could talk to. How much should we budget for the shopping spree? I think we agreed we wanted to keep a good bit of that ten grand for a rainy day or four."
Apr 1, 2016 3:45 am
I did, Tymora says as she walks into the kitchen area and takes a slice of bacon off of your plate and shovels it into her mouth, A guy I know, runs a shop on the south side of the Trade Ward. Real low-key. I promise this one won't try and kill you.

She pulls up her tablet and shoots the location to you. The place you are looking for is Dave's Datapad Repair. He runs a more...black markety...operation out of the back.
Apr 1, 2016 5:25 pm
"Do we need to know anything important to see the... nicer stuff?"
Apr 1, 2016 5:29 pm
Just tell him I sent you..., she says as she snatches another piece of bacon and takes a bite out of it, ...oh, and don't mention his scar. Seriously. She chews on bacon for another moment and then looks at Mack again, Seriously, don't.
Apr 1, 2016 5:30 pm
Mack sighs. "Great."
Apr 1, 2016 5:32 pm
With a whine of servos, Breecha detaches himself from his charging station. His red optics run some last-minute diagnostics and calibrations before he loudly steps down the hallway to Kessel's room. Breecha stands in front of the door and knocks, politely.
Apr 3, 2016 3:38 pm
Breecha taps politely at Kessel's door. It's not a proper bunk, just an unmade cot in the midsr of a jumble of wires and consoles, all enclosed in a Faraday cage. Breecha can clearly see through the cage that Kessel is still jacked into the datasphere. Current session length: 24 hours, 13 minutes, 7 seconds, and counting. With his face hugged by a complex system of optics and probes, and with cables snaking into his various cyber implants, it almost looks as if the technomancer is being devoured by his computers. The combat 'forged knows from long experience that when his 'commanding officer,' as he calls Kessel, is wired in like this no force on the planet can move or reach him - at least not safely. Obviously the summons will remain unheard for a while longer.
Apr 4, 2016 1:02 am
Breecha enters the room and closes the door. He calibrates his transmitters and receivers to an appropriate frequency, not only to prevent any interference from Kessel's faraday cage, but to send a coded missive to the hacker with a simple statement: Presence Requested At Morning Mess.

The message itself is unobtrusive, like a blinking alert in a terminal covered by layers of windows and shells. Breecha's own red optics remain steady and impassive as it patiently waits for a reply.
Apr 4, 2016 6:08 pm
A full 80 minutes pass between Breecha's transmission and the moment Kessel finally begins to stir and the interfaces begin disengaging from his implants. During that interval the patient bot sees massive amounts of indecipherable data scroll across various displays, presumably tracking progress as it is transmitted to Kessel from some unknown source. As well, schematics for what appears to be some sort of two-wheeled conveyance, and another for some type of tiny, flying drone flash on-screen as they are transmitted to Phantom.Nimbus for 3D printing.

As Kessel rises from his station there is a look in his eyes that is a mix of elation and terror. Sitting for a moment he takes a deep breath and runs his hand over his shaved head. Springing to his feet he throws Breecha a wink as he throws on a ratty T-shirt.

Bounding into the kitchen he plonks himself down across from Mack and looks hungrily at everyone's now empty plates. "Sorry for keeping you, folks! What're we up to today?"
Last edited April 4, 2016 7:44 pm
Apr 4, 2016 7:36 pm
Breecha follows behind, then deviates his route to the small makeshift armory where he stands next to the stockpile of ammunition, looking like part of the cargo.
Apr 8, 2016 8:53 pm
I believe a shopping trip is in order. Supposedly with some weirdo with a scar, as Tymora has implied. Is that the plan, Mac?, the AI prattles on in the comms.
Apr 10, 2016 11:15 pm
Returned from vacation!
Mack nods, staring at his empty bowl. "That's the plan. But we're not to mention the scar, apparently. Even if it looks likes Elfis the rock star."
Apr 11, 2016 4:49 am
Kessel tosses a burrito in the microwave and watches it reheat. The microwave timer dings just as Phantom.Nimbus alerts him that his new gear has also finished rendering. "Sounds good! When do we leave? I can't wait to take my sweet new ride for a spin!"
Apr 11, 2016 5:26 am
"QUERY: Additional Vehicle?" Breecha monotones, the closest one could expect the combat droid to demonstrate surprise.
Apr 11, 2016 10:05 am
"Yeah, buddy. I expect I'll still ride in the van most times. But at least now I don't have to Über when I go to GameCon. And I've always wanted to solo ride across the Baldur's Gate Bridge. Oh and speaking of 'additional,' don't be offended but I've built me some new tech okay? You've always done an awesome job watching my back but I've built some surveillance tech so now we'll have something that'll watch over you too, yeah?"
Apr 11, 2016 6:39 pm
Mack arches an eyebrow at news of a new ride. "It doesn't fly, does it?" Mack asks. "Because if it flies, I'm going to be a little jealous." He stands and places his breakfast dishes in the Telewash (Trans-planar dishwashing for 35 years!) and starts to gather up his gear. "That reminds me -- I need to pick up a couple new pieces of ammunition I've worked out..."
Apr 11, 2016 6:46 pm
"No flier, Mack, though that'd be sweet. It's a bike, but doesn't run on petrol. Well, you'll see."
Apr 13, 2016 12:37 am
"QUERY: Unit Assistance Required?" asks Breecha, referring to the shopping trip.
Apr 14, 2016 3:55 am
"Required?" Mack asks back, "Uncertain. Welcome, and desired, sure. But if you have other plans Breech we can accommodate. I figured there might be a thing or two we'd each have an eye out for to make things a little less treacherous for us."
Apr 14, 2016 8:08 am
Kessel nods. "You know I always feel better with you around, Breecha. But you are not ordered to participate, if that's what you mean."

At that moment a tiny drone silently floats into the room and hovers over Kessel's shoulder. "Ah, just perfect. Guys, this is he new surveillance tech I was talking about. This is O.W.L."

O.W.L (Overwatch Lookout)
Tiny construct, unaligned
Armor Class 11
Hit Points 1 (1d4 - 1)
Speed 5 ft., fly 60 ft.
STR 3 (-4), DEX 13 (+1), CON 8 (-1), INT 2 (-4), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 7 (-2)
Skills: Perception +3, Stealth +3
Senses: darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 13
Flyby. OWL provokes no opportunity attacks when it flies out of an enemy’s reach.
Advanced Optics. OWL has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
Last edited April 14, 2016 9:05 am
Apr 15, 2016 2:39 pm
Ah, I see the printer already finished up. I've already linked this directly with your cybernetics you should be able to fully digitize the drone and vehicle, and bring them back again. Just be careful with those things. I think we all already know that we can't have nice things around you guys, phantom chimes in.

Now are you guys just going to sit around all day? Again?
Apr 15, 2016 2:41 pm
Tymora checks the time, Oh, he's right, we should get a move on. I have to try and scrounge up some more work. Our mutual friend gave us some breathing room with that loan, but if we don't keep up cases it won't be for much good. Later, boys.

She quickly gathers up a messenger bag and hurries out the door.
Apr 15, 2016 9:32 pm
Breecha, having little need for breakfast for other morning necessities, steps to the van and begins to prepare for departure. By all indications, he is ready to leave at any moment.
Apr 15, 2016 11:34 pm
Mack looks around for Preserver -- who appears to be plugged in somewhere. "Let's make sure and leave some rMail for him -- he can either take public transport to hook up with us, or we can swing by and get him if he decides to come along."

He follows Breecha to the van, "Looks like it's just you and me, Breech -- you can pick the music." Starting up the van, the window rolls down and his head sticks out. "Ty? You got an address for me? If so can you ping it over to the van? Make it easy since I don't have the wizard with me." He smiles a little at his joke.
I haven't seen foolsmask around in awhile, so figured it was easy to leave him back and we can hook up with him once rela life improves for him.
Last edited April 15, 2016 11:35 pm
Apr 16, 2016 12:53 am
Breecha's transmitters link with the van's interface as he loudly situates himself in the back of the van, and closes the doors. Soon, the supple and nuanced tones of Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto in E Minor fill the vehicle. The construct sits in silence.
Apr 16, 2016 8:22 am
Kessel sends O.W.L zipping high in the sky to watch out for trouble. He nods in approval as the violin concerto flows across the comms link. "I'll be right behind you, guys." He waits for the van to start moving before jumping onto his cycle.

Apr 17, 2016 4:18 pm
Assuming the relevant navigational data will show up on his display, Mack fires up the van and pulls out, headed in the general direction of the "shopping district" he's headed for.

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