Against the Cult: The Sleeper Must Awaken (1.3)

Mar 6, 2016 5:46 pm
Klak, Thacogygax, Morgran, and Sara arrive back in Hochoch at around noon the next day, Klak trundling the hand cart across the bridge. The bear does not follow across the Realstream. The group takes him through the East Gate into the walled section of the town and ask around as the location of the healer, Diana. She's usually found in the temple, by the North Gate.

There is a small crowd of curious locals following the hand cart by the time they reach the Temple, which is a large building with a sloped roof very close to the North Gate. There is a small group of commoners already here, going through the Temple's doors in single file, each being greeted in turn by a smiling cleric.
Mar 7, 2016 6:04 pm
I approach the cleric at the door, stepping ahead of those in line and bow my head respectfully, "We are here as a matter of urgency. This young boy is very ill, and we know not what affliction he has. We have come seeking healers to aid him."
Mar 8, 2016 4:30 am
"Muh." says Klak. He's tired. He's been driving a mule-ox-horse-thing all night long wondering about bears.
Mar 8, 2016 7:32 pm
"Rao's blessing be upon you!" the cleric responds, and then greets another commoner. After that momentary interruption, he addresses Sara again: "We are providing the midday meal now, but I will send someone to help you bring the boy inside and get Diana." He catches the eye of an initiate inside, and then explains when that person walks up: "These gentlefolk have an injured child. Help bring him to the Laomairy and tell Diana." He pauses for the briefest moment, looking kindly at Klak, "Then see that they get something to eat and drink with the others; they look to have come a long way."

The initiate accompanies you back to the cart and lifts Devek's inert body. He carries the boy, leading you into the cool recesses of the Temple of Rao (not unusually, Thacogygax has to stoop slightly to get through the doorway). The first room is a large hall, which has been set up as a cafeteria at the moment. Going through a side room, the initiate proceeds partway down a short hall and enters a room on the left, where several cots have been prepared. He sets Devek down on the first cot and then invites you to get something to eat and drink with them for their meal. Morgran declines, opting instead to stay with the boy until Diana can examine him.
Mar 10, 2016 8:40 am
The initiate leads Klak, Sara, and Thacogygax out of the Laomairy. "Are you more hungry, thirsty, in need of bathing, or of rest?" This kid has seen a lot, apparently, as he doesn't seem fazed at the blood and sweat of the battered adventurers.
Mar 10, 2016 12:22 pm
"A bit of food will be fine. I'm more concerned about the boy than myself."
Mar 10, 2016 7:51 pm
Thacogygax, awkward as ever, simply nods and follows Sara's lead. He stands gawking at the temple's interior, studying the architecture.
Mar 12, 2016 6:56 pm
"Rest, mostly." Klak mutters. Driving stupid animals to from a cart through the wee hours of the day and night are just the sort of thing Dwarves aren't supposed to do. Marching. Marching is one thing. Sitting staring at the butt of an animal... not so much.
Mar 13, 2016 8:29 am
The initiate escorts you three (leaving Morgran in the Laomairy with Devek) down the hall to another room containg several more rope cots. There is a pile of folded blankets in a large basket by the door, and a table with a wide basin and a pitcher of water. The initiate invites Klak to refresh himself with any ablutions he needs, pick a resting spot and take a blanket to get some rest as he needs. Then he escorts Sara and Thacogygax back to the dining hall.

The dining hall is about half full of various commoners who have come to be fed. Diana, standing in the center of the room as you come in, finishes invoking Rao's blessing on the meal and then comes through the room toward the two party members. "Please," she smiles, remembering you from before, "Join us and eat." The initiate clears his throat and points out: "They've actually come with another request, for a boy who may be sick or cursed." Diana frowns slightly, makes her excuses for stepping away from the shared meal, and then demands that the initiate guide her to the correct Laomairy room. She waves you to continue getting something to eat, rather than waiting on her observation of the boy, which might take some time.
Mar 15, 2016 3:26 pm
After several minutes of Sara and Thacogygax standing there awkwardly like 12-year-olds at their first dance, the initiate takes pity on them and leads them to one of the tables and serves them some food. "You truly must be exhausted."

As they sit and dine, they overhear others who have come for the free meal. They're debating whether Black or the crocodiles are the worse threat. "Well, whatever it is, you wouldn't catch me going to Orlane, that's for sure!" one of them concludes.
Klak can rejoin them toward the end of the meal, if he wants just a short rest.
Mar 15, 2016 3:31 pm
"What think you, Sara?" Thacogygax asks the half-elf in between mouthfuls of the simple meal, "What ails the boy? Unhappy I am that help more, we cannot."
Mar 15, 2016 8:05 pm
I eat slowly and solemnly, "I don't know. I hope the healers can help him, his ailment is beyond my simple knowledge of herbs and physical injuries."
Mar 16, 2016 5:34 pm
Sara notices that Diana has returned to the hall just as the cleric, clearly looking for them, spots the unmistakable bulk of Thacogygax at their table. As she crosses the room to them, she grabs an initiate and sends him off on an errand.

spaceseeker19 sent a note to falryx
Arriving at the table, you see that Morgran has come with her. Diana smiles grimly. "Thank you all for bringing in the Jarl boy. It seems like yesterday that I helped Elista with the birth..." She shakes her head and sits down on the same bench as Sara but at an arm's length from her. "Would you tell me again, please, the circumstances that brought Devek to us like this? I've prayed to heal him, and it hasn't worked. I spoke with your dwarf friend - Morgran?" (Morgran nods) "and he says that his prayers have also not been effective. He told me that Devek had been wandering in the woods, possibly near a ruin he and his sister found in the Dim, when he returned home and passed out. The family hasn't been able to wake him since. Is that right? Are there any other details you could provide?"

She notices that Morgran is still standing, and gestures to another initiate. The girl walks up, and Diana directs: "Please, get the dwarf something to eat. He's been up all night with no food or rest." The initiate leads Morgran away to choose his meal.

Diana sighs. "Your friend Morgran is very dedicated; more so than any devotee of Kord that I've ever met before. He helped me with some divination as to the nature of the sickness. Rao told me that the illness is both magical and alchemical in nature, and Morgran says that Kord says no different. We also noticed a puncture mark on Devek's hand; that's probably where the substance was introduced. In order to heal it, we'd have to know more about the substance."
Mar 16, 2016 5:44 pm
I nod, "I'm afraid those are all of the details we know. Those of our company who had actually spoken with the boy's parents had remained to deal with a new problem that had arisen during our visit. A minstrel of some kind intending the family harm. Whether or not it is related, I cannot say as we made our way here with haste to see to it that the boy was tended before long."
Mar 18, 2016 8:01 am
"It's a strange, magical sleep, indeed. I will continue tending to Devek. Do you plan to rejoin the rest of your group, or will they join you here?"
Mar 18, 2016 3:12 pm
I look to the others, "We hadn't considered what we might do once we arrived here. What are you thoughts? Thack? Klak?"
Last edited March 18, 2016 3:13 pm
Mar 19, 2016 6:50 am
It takes Thacogygax a few moments Sara meant him when she said "Thack." The thraakon has never quite grasped the concept of nicknames. He shrugs. "Rejoin friends, perhaps. What has happened at the farm, we know not. And the bandits? Forgotten them, have we? Consider carefully we must."
Mar 19, 2016 2:32 pm
"It would seem there's one road. We should follow it and regroup."
Mar 19, 2016 7:57 pm
"Aye. I agree." Turning to the priest, "As long as there is nothing more we can do for the boy, it makes most sense for us to return to our companions and see to it that they are themselves faring well."
Mar 22, 2016 12:49 am
"If you can find the source of the material, or even just a sample of it, that would help greatly."

Diana wishes you well.
Morgran decides to stay with Devek for the time being, but asks that you come back for him if you find out any more about Black or the giant crocodiles. He offers to pray a blessing of Kord over you. Diana, perhaps not wishing to be outdone, offers both a prayer of Rao's blessing and a gift to one one of you: a small flask of "Rao's Grace."
Rao's Grace is a healing potion: 1 dose, which heals 1d4+6 HP.
Mar 22, 2016 3:11 am
"Thank you. We will try to find whatever it is that cursed the boy. A material you think, like a fabric?" I bow my head politely and accept the potion.
Mar 22, 2016 3:52 am
Diana chuckles. "Oh, I'm sorry. I deal with Devane in his Tower so often, I forget that not everyone deals with spells and magic. He's our wizard in town; he often refers to his ingredients as "materials" or "components." Odd words, I know. No, I meant the substance I referred to earlier: whatever was inserted into his body when his skin was punctured on the back of his hand. I'm fairly certain that its not a coincidence that he has that fresh wound and fell into this magic sleep. It could be a potion that was trickled in, or inserted with a needle or sharp object. That can be handy when you are trying to administer a medicine or other substance and the patient won't drink a potion." At this point, she gets a faraway look in her eyes. "Why, I used to know a man - I mean, a friend of mine, when I traveled in my youth - who was rather skilled with a dagger; Tevros would do that, sometimes, with a knife - put some concoction on the blade, and then poke a villain with it...the blackguard'd fall asleep very quickly. It was very effective, and got us out of a number of scrapes a number of times. But it's dangerous, too: Tevros poked himself one time and fell asleep, and at first we thought he'd died. Then we realized he was just asleep, and tried wake him, but none of us could. I had to take a sample of the substance, or material, from the blade of his dagger and study it, pray over it, until Rao granted me insight into how it worked and how to bless it from his body. He was alright then, but swore he'd never put that substance on his blade again. He left us, eleven years ago this spring. Eleven years..."

She comes out of her reverie. "Oh! I'm sorry, I don't mean to rattle on so. If you can find out where Devek went, and if there's any sort of substance on something sharp that he could've scratched himself on, you could bring it back here. Perhaps Rao would grant me a similar wisdom with this boy."
Mar 22, 2016 6:25 am
Thacogygax accepts this all with his usual toothy (and sometimes somewhat vacant-looking) grin. Many of the words and phrases are beyond him, but he knows just enough about spellcasting to put together what he did understand of what Diana's words.
Mar 22, 2016 7:09 pm
I nod in acknowledgement, "Shall we go then?" I look to Klak and Thaco, then gather my things and prepare to head out.
Mar 22, 2016 7:11 pm
Thacogygax thanks Diana and takes his leave as well and follows Sara.
Mar 22, 2016 8:17 pm
Klak translates Diana's statement to mean "get a sample of the poison" and he mumbles to himself about shifty poison-users. As he does so, he shoulders his gear once more and follows Sara and Thaco. "Back to the farm?" he asks, "Or do you think they will have headed out towards Horlack, Horshack? Horoch? The other town."
Mar 22, 2016 8:25 pm
"The farm, first, I think. If they aren't there, then, well, depending on what we find, we'll continue searching for them in Orlane." I try not to think of why they might not be found at the farm.
Last edited March 22, 2016 8:25 pm

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