Mechanics and Rules

Be sure to read and follow the guidelines for our forums.

Mar 27, 2016 10:55 pm
This thread is where I will put anything related to how we play the game. So any rule variants, houserules or forum guidelines will be posted here. That way we should be able to keep things consistent.
Mar 27, 2016 11:07 pm
Game post formatting;
When posting in the game thread I prefer the posts to be in third-person (e.g. the man walked in, she laughed, etc) past tense. There are good arguments for both first-person (I knew the place, it struck me, etc) and for present tense (especially since if you were playing a tabletop RPG you would often declare your character's actions in present tense), but I like to think of how the forum will look for posterity's sake. Imagine digital archaeologists discovering our game four hundred years from now and being dazzled by the wit, the imagination and the sheer chutzpa of your posts; third-person past tense reads better for them. :-)

Formatting is as follows;

"Spoken dialogue has double quotes at the beginning and end, and is in bold,"

Your character's thoughts are in italics.

Both dialogue and thoughts should start on a new line.
If you need to add something which is not in character, such as clarification of what spell you are using or what kind of action you are taking it goes in an OOC tag. These should be kept to a minimum to avoid breaking up the flow of the story in the game thread. If you have anything which will take more than a line or so, or which needs a response, post it in the OOC thread.
Each of these formats can be chosen by highlighting the appropriate bit of text and pressing the button in the ribbon above the text box. Feel free to practise in the OOC thread if you want.
Mar 27, 2016 11:10 pm
Game post etiquette;
The most important thing is not to control another person's character. Even if it is something simple; they respond to a simple question or give you a high-five, whatever it is, it is considered bad manners. In your own posts only describe the actions of your character and what is going on in his/her mind.

Similarly, try not to describe the results of your actions. You may think lighting a fire should be easy, but the story may say that the fireplace you are working at has sticks of dynamite in it. If your character has got a nice blaze going and is happily warming her hands it makes it seem a bit weird and arbitrary when I suddenly blow you up!

These seem pretty counter-intuitive, and there may well be times when it is appropriate to do either of these things, but as general guidelines they will help the game flow.
Mar 27, 2016 11:21 pm
If life gets in the way, and it will for all of us, please let us know. There is an absences thread in the Gamersplane General Chat forum where you can let us know if you will be away for a while.

Thread locked