Interest check: fast peace 5e one-shot (series)

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Aug 1, 2022 7:52 am
This is not a recruitment yet. I'm considering DMing a 5e, but I'm quite demanding and limiting as DM. Scenario/settings will be 100% homebrew, but 5e rules will be enforced by DM. But before I develop settings/scenario I want to see if I can gather enough players interested to play game of my style and discussion settings/genre details as I am open to those.

So the game will certainly experience following features (my style):
A. Daily story progress. I'm highly involved/committed as DM into my game. I expect players to as well. I expect players to usually be able to read my post and respond within 16 hours and would put a deadline of 36 hours, expect weekends.
B. Visuals instead of text I will be providing illustrations and maps rather than textual description of an environment PCs have to interact with and will open for players to come up with their own interpretation of what they see.
C. Series of 1-3 month one-shots There will be very short introduction period and we will immediately jump into the game. I will start with a one-shot that will take 1-3 months depending on team ability (and luck) to avoid combat encounters.

Following features are more like an idea. I'm open to discuss them.
D. Quick PC concepts I want players to be able to switch race/class between one-shots, retaining PC lvl/XP. Quickly make new PC if previous die. Only standard array will be allowed.
E. Settings Based on D I consider adopting an idea from movies Matrix or Avatar, adjusted for magic and fantasy environment.
F. Plot each one-shot has a mission. Side-quests and tasks only contribute to that mission. Once mission done chapter is over. Each mission contribute to the world development story.
G. Pillar balance I am concerned with balance of combat/exploration/social interaction. I plan monsters/evils PCs to only be obstacle. Information gathering and building trust within factions and key NPCs will be the main goal of each on-shot.
H. Social interaction actions Inspired by Jeremy Crawford in this interview
I want to allow each player who want to achieve something out of social interaction to choose among: a) just roll a die and declare the outcome desired b) come to discord and have live conversation with DM
Last edited August 1, 2022 7:57 am
Aug 1, 2022 9:14 pm
Hello GreyWord,

I'm new to 5ed, and I'm very interested in learning (already got the handbook). I'm in!
Daily posting: perfect!
Visuals: I also used to have a lot of visuals before when I played 3.5ed.
The rest look OK, I'm willing to try the ones I haven't before.

I have just prepared 2 characers... just in case some new adventure appeared fast, so you can check how a character created on-the-run looks for me.
Do let me know when could we start,

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