The GP Advent Calendar - Door 2

Dec 2, 2022 1:21 pm
Hey there, lovely GP community!

Throughout the next 24 days, we, the mods, want to highlight some fun, exciting, cool or otherwise interesting GP posts, just to give you all a glimpse of what might be going on on the site outside of your own games and to share some gaming enthusiasm around.

Since we can only be in a small number of games, compared to all the many going on at the same time, there will definitely be some amazing posts that none of the mod team are aware of. If you saw a great post in a game you're in or you have written something that you're particularly proud of, please share it with Bowlofspinach in a private message and we will put it under consideration for a future advent calendar door. Unfortunately, an advent calendar only has 24 doors so it's possible we won't be able to share everything that gets submitted to us if we get a lot of messages, but I'd still love to read as many posts you find fascinating as possible so don't be shy about submitting one or more posts you think would get other people excited 😊
For the second day, we have a climatic adventure finale for Bounty Hunters in Space, a gonzo high action, maximum carnage, space game.

The bounty hunters have infiltrated the governor's mansion to kidnap the corrupt space dictator in order to give him to the Slug Cartel of Xenon 7. Having chased the governor and his dwindling supply of bodyguards into the garage, Ash Ulrand scored a whole lot of successes in his attack. I asked the player Chalrytharendir to narrate the victory with full narrative control.

Ash Ulrand


Dec 2, 2022 1:23 pm
Ash Ulrand

Qralloq says:
@Chalrytharendir, care to narrate what happens next? Total victory, with massive collateral damage.
My pleasure!
With Mina on the jet-wing by his side, the chaotic blaster fire from the Khopesh IV works perfectly! The guards are dispatched and the Governor's ship is disabled. Explosions on the ship cause the Governor to jump overboard. He lands on hands and knees right between Damak and the elevator, its door dings to announce the arrival of Grego.

The Governor's eyes frantically search for any other escape options and settle on a nearby garbage chute. Although, hope quickly fades as Rik and Rhugo tumble out and block his way.

Unfortunately, just as everything seems to have gone according to plan, another explosion from the governor's yacht knocks over the support of a neighboring booster rocket. The rocket slowly tips over, smashing onto the garage floor.

However, instead of exploding and instantly incinerating everyone in the garage and likely the top 10 floors of the Spire, the crash trips the rocket's ignition switch, causing it to launch sideways, smashing a giant hole in the garage wall and blasting erratically into the night sky over the city.


Everyone's nerves begin to relax as the sound of the rocket fades ...

... in fact time seems to stand still as everyone watches the comet-like object eventually stabilize. It flies over Ney Anki Temple leaving a beautiful picturesque arch of contrails over the religious landmark ...

... and then slams into Kerensky Mega Tower. The ensuing explosion and shockwave rattles the entire city!

Almost immediately the rolling wail of sirens can be heard from the Space Naval Academy where a squadron of Imperial pilots from the Core are scrambling to their fighters to respond as sparks and debris shower down on the city from the collapsing tower.

Even Ash looks taken aback by the sudden and unexpected collateral damage and escalation of the situation. He lands the Khopesh IV gently next to his colleagues, still standing on the wing and just says innocently, "Well, at least we got the Governor, but I guess we should probably get going. It might be a little tricky finding a way off planet through that squadron of fighters."
Dec 3, 2022 6:07 pm
Wow! Thanks for highlighting my post Qralloq! And thanks for giving me the opportunity, as the GM, to be creative and write the post in the first place! I really enjoyed coming up with that and sharing it. PbP is a great medium to toss a player narrative control.

Also, thanks to my fellow players in that game for building a game that inspired fun ideas and creativity. Everyone did a great job, but one of my favourite moments was when Rik (played by @TheGenerator) performed an acrobating stunt to catch a fully loaded weapon tossed to him by Mina (played by @orklord) during the heat of a chaotic fight with the Governor's guards. The idea and description of the stunt was great, and the resolution of the outcome by the GM is perfect!
orklord says:
... then she grabs her staff and Rik's crossbow. She tosses the tachyon crossbow towards Rik, "Hey Rikky! Catch!"
TheGenerator says:
"Don't throw that, it's..." "loaded and armed" is what he was going to say, but it's already too late. The tachyon death machine is already flying through the air towards him, the barrel aiming right at his stomach. With quick thinking, he jumps up and plants both feet on the wall. One on each side. Then, when the crossbow soars past underneath him, he swivels round behind it and tries to catch it while hanging upside down.
I love the description of the moment and the stunt!

Meanwhile, Damak (played by @Windyridge) was trying to take out a guard lost in the confusion of the chaos.
Windyridge says:
... Her rifle was already out and ready. All she had to do was squeeze the trigger. Aiming at the nearest confused guard with the least risk of hitting anyone in her group, she fired.
Both Rik and Damak succeeded and Qralloq, our creative GM, resolved the action with this gem:
Qralloq says:
Qralloq (GM)
Damak's disintegrator rifle lines up and takes the head of another guard who was watching Rik perform an acrobatic stunt, and trying to record it for his GalacTikTok feed. I'll get at least three hundred views for-- were his last thoughts.
I laughed out loud at that one!

I guess I could have submitted these for another Day of the Advent Calendar, but I figured it'll be good to highlight different games on other days.
Dec 3, 2022 6:12 pm
Wow, this game must have been a fun-packed blast!

Dec 3, 2022 6:40 pm
Thanks for showing us some other moments of that game! Sounds like fun
Dec 3, 2022 9:55 pm
This game was super fun!! Thanks for sharing that moment.
Dec 3, 2022 10:05 pm
Honestly, that whole game was a blast from start to finish! :D
Dec 3, 2022 11:23 pm
Yes, it really was fun and whacky.

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