Character concept looking for a game, properly 5e

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Dec 10, 2022 6:53 pm
I have a character concept looking for a game, properly D&D 5e. My idea is based on the D&D cosmology, but not restricted to that particular game system.

My character is someone from the fairy realm that comes to the mortal realm. From the feywild to Ferune, and if we stick to D&D terms, I was thinking an Eladrin who is on a mission to retrieve one or more items that adventures of old had transported to the mortal realm. An obvious idea would be a MoonBlade
I'm thinking between 5th and 10th level would be fitting for such a mission and one of the major challenges would be that my character has no notion of human langue or culture.

Should this be a 1 player and 1 gm game? Not necessarily, but all players should be native from the feywild. My character would be a bladesinger in 5e and a swordmage in 4e, but let's not get bogged down in details yet.

Is this idea appealing? Is this something someone would GM for me?
Dec 10, 2022 8:50 pm
Cool idea. Are you looking for more role play, problem/situation resolution, long term quest, one off.....


Dec 11, 2022 5:16 am
Would love to play with you again, Rune. I don't currently have the bandwidth for a new game atm, especially as we go into the holidays, but I love the concept. If somehow people don't take you up on this in the next month, would love to revisit it in the new year.
Dec 11, 2022 10:22 am
Thank you @Psybermagi for offering but I think I will take @Len advice and wait for the new year before revisiting this concept.
Dec 11, 2022 3:08 pm
No worries. Have fun with it
Dec 11, 2022 3:15 pm
And you haven't considered trying out this character as a Solo game, without a GM?

Cool character by the way. I particularly like the idea of a fey creature (or even a monster/monstrous race) coming back to reclaim the cultural artifacts stolen from their lands by invading 'adventurers'.

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