Jennifer Kritch

Feb 12, 2015 4:06 am
str 12 (+1)
dex 10 (+0)
con 10 (+0)
int 10 (+0)
wis 12 (+1)
cha 16 (+3)

sanity current 50 max 60


fort +7
ref +3
will +8

AC 14

HP 49

Second Sight
Self Defense Training (allows use of typical melee weapons and bonuses ranging +2 to +4 based on situation and relation to training)

appraise +13
Bluff +11
computer use +5
concentration +5
Cthluhu Mythos +10
diplomacy +8
gather info +8
innuendo +6
Knowledge astrology +8
knowledge history +8
knowledge local +8
knowledge occult +8
knowledge psychology +8
knowledge religion +5
knowledge streetwise +5
perception +6
research +6
sense motive +6
spellcraft +2

Jen has lived a difficult life, even though she comes from a wealthy family. From a young age, Jen talked to things that no-one else could see. Her parents saw this initially as a cute thing their daughter did, and then later as a phase she would soon out-grow. But as she got older, Jen's conversations with her imaginary friends become a constant part of her life. While she was never a disruption in school, her habit of muttering questions to invisible people and answering her teachers with knowledge far beyond a child's learning was concerning. She was put through therapy at the best clinics across the country. No doctors could diagnose anything physically wrong with her, but she was labeled as schizophrenic. In her mid teens, she started suffering intense migraines. She complained that there were more and more voices talking to her. She had very few friends, and spent most of her time alone. She taught herself to play a variety of instruments, saying the concentration and music helped quiet the voices and ease her pain. Unfortunately, the problems continued to intensify. When she was 18, she attempted suicide. She did not die, but she was placed in a mental institution after recovering in the hospital. After a few years of heavy medication, she decided to search alternate methods of handling her issues. She traveled the country and began working with mystics and spiritualists. It was during this time that she learned she was not insane, but was in truth a powerful psychic in almost constant contact with spirits and ghosts. She learned to control this ability with meditation and increase her powers with various rituals and ancient practices. Jen settled in Henderson and began working as a psychic and medium for the local population. She was remarkably accurate and brutally honest, which was not the best for business. She began working with the local police department as a consultant after turing up some valuable clues that led to recovering several missing children. Most members of the police force see her as a joke, but she almost always provides results in anything she works on. In Henderson, Jen lives modestly in a small studio apartment. During the day, she works at a local yoga studio and health spa. She does not have a vehicle, as she lives close enough to walk to work. Recently, she has started taking self defense classes as the streets are becoming more dangerous with an upswing of gang activity. She still retains ties to her family, even though they live Boston. She has limited resources, but does not live uncomfortably. Many of her clients have weekly or monthly appointments for psychic readings. Her reputation is growing, and she occasionally performs readings for high-profile clients in Las Vegas. She has many local connections in Henderson, and is a well-loved member of the community of small business owners. She frequently spends time in the public library, researching occult practices and historical oddities.

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