From Origins to the future!

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Jun 10, 2015 4:05 am
Got back from Ohio mid Sunday evening, and even 48 hours later, I'm still tired. I had a great 3 days and a few hours at Origins, and though I can't say it was all good, I did enjoy myself overall. I have to say, for a convention run by a professional gaming organization, it was a mess. The site looks like its from the early 2000's, but is apparently only 3 years. They made ridiculous demands of they're volunteers, and their impossible to get useful answers from.

That said, their volunteers are amazing, and the games I actually got to play were fun. I'll be putting up a few posts over the next few days about what I've played, namely a great miniatures game called Aethersteel. If you like miniatures games and wanna go with something a bit less complicated and easier to get into, but with a huge range of diversity and unique mechanics, go back that right now.

I may be making it to DexCon in NJ next month, though we'll have to see. However, if you're heading to a game convention soon (GenCon, PAX Prime, etc) and wanna help me out by repping Gamers' Plane, let me know. I have a few extra large and extra large shirts I'll be glad to ship you, along with some business cards. If you like how the site is going, more publicity is good for both you and me. I'll be glad to ship it over free of cost, though if you're willing to help with the cost of the shirt or shipping, I'd welcome it.

Between my friend Joe (Dunlop here on GP) and I, we must have handed out over 150 business cards, and gotten some 50 back. I'll be spending quite a while reaching out to everyone (you may have noticed a new partner site, Dog Might), and if you are one of the people who spoke with Joe or myself at the convention, welcome!
Jun 10, 2015 12:26 pm
I used to GM/volunteer to get in free but after not getting reimbursed I gave up.
Jun 10, 2015 1:27 pm
Dextolen says:
I used to GM/volunteer to get in free but after not getting reimbursed I gave up.
A few times over my time there I considered looking into a GP con, but each time I considered how much work it takes, and if I can't do it justice, I don't want to do it. I even considered offering them a free website, a real one, but from what I'm told, it seems like they wouldn't take it or would make ridiculous demands.
Jun 26, 2015 9:49 pm
Hey, all! Just created my account: finally! It was great meeting Rohit at Origins. I was working at the Goodman Games booth and we had a good chance to chat. I was going to describe myself as the old guy with the white beard, but that doesn't narrow it down much at a game convention. ;)

Anyway, thanks for all the info you gave me about the site. Not sure what my level of involvement will be, but I at least wanted to touch base. Thanks for all your hard work in making the site happen!
Jun 26, 2015 11:24 pm
Thanks for joining up! Hopefully, even if not greatly involved, you find the site and tools interesting and help spread the word!

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