How To Play

Sep 16, 2015 4:31 am
These are the rules of Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf. Feel free to ask any questions after reading:
Each character begins play with 5 blood tokens. These represent your well being. As you are attacked and move through various challenges, you will lose blood tokens.

When you take an action that risks bodily harm, such as attacking Shia with a melee weapon or attempting to leap through a glass window or being attacked yourself, roll a d6. If the result is greater than your current number of blood tokens, you lose one, which is discarded into the center of the table. If you wish, you can expend a blood token to guarantee your success in whatever action, though this token adds to Shia's total.

Once you lose all five, you can no longer take actions that require a dice­ roll and the next attack will be fatal, though can still attempt to flee to safety. If you die, Shia will consume your body and gain your blood tokens. Of course, leaving him to his meal might afford the others the opportunity to escape...

Rolls should take place when there is a risk of harm to the player. This includes when Shia attacks them which should be described by the SM whenever appropriate. Give them a roll to attack, attempt to dodge or otherwise avoid the assault. A roll that is greater than the number of blood tokens causes them to lose a blood token. A roll that is equal to or less than the number of blood tokens they have succeeds without harm to them. A roll of 1 always succeeds. Players can choose to give up a blood token in lieu of a roll to succeed at a particular action, though these go directly to Shia’s total. Mundane actions or actions with precautions taken never require a roll e.g. smashing a window with a rock is safe, while smashing it with your fist is not. Obviously precautions take time and Shia is always moving to his next assault.

Once a player has no more blood tokens, they can no longer take actions that require dice-rolls, but they can still attempt to flee to safety. If a player dies as a result of being attacked after expending all their blood tokens, these discarded tokens are added to Shia’s total as he consumes the body, bones and all! Of course, while he feasts, the other players can flee unimpeded. Interrupting his feeding will greatly anger Shia and cause him to target the interrupter more viciously than the others.

The only goal is to survive and escape. Shia Labeouf will hunt you as long as you remain in the vicinity. The item you have can possibly aid you in some way, though your SM will determine how helpful it is in a given situation. Good luck...

Here are a few more rules from the SM section:
Shia Labeouf is supernaturally fast, powerful and possibly naked. Think the bastard son of Jason Voorhees and Michael Myers with the cruelty of Freddy Krueger and the speed and power of the Wolfman. He hunts mercilessly and will not stop once he has tasted blood.

This game is not intended to be kind to the players. People will die.

If you want, here is the rules PDF:

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