Dungeon World: Legends of the Western Reach [ EDIT ]

This game has been retired! That means it's no longer being run.
Everyone thought the Western Reach was simply a mostly quiet, unimportant stretch of wilderness that the kingdom didn't care much for and had even less of a claim over. Not strategic enough to maintain many fortresses within (not since the war in the east broke out anyway), not near anything important enough for anything other than the smallest of farm steads. Even the elves didn't feel much kinship for the vast and hostile forest there, and the dwarfs all but ignored the ever smoking volcano dominating the skyline claiming that it was a domain of dread.

But all that changed after the series of earthquakes three months ago; they were felt all across the continent, and shifted the entire Reach's geography. It unearthed great hidden carved passages stretching deep, deep into the earth, fantastically old and previously unknown to the surface above.

After the first prospector came back with tales of vast complexes filled with deadly traps and eldritch monsters, folk were sceptical until they also unveiled a great cache of ancient treasures; and now the news has spread throughout the world.

Now it is a gold rush; each day a caravan arrives in the newly founded Camptown with new souls looking for adventure. Scholars gather to analyse each new relic unearthed, piecing together the fragmented history of this lost empire. Mercenaries and soldiers, embittered with the wars to the east seek their fortune and payment for their skills guarding caravans or to report back to their superiors for anything that may help fund the kingdom's war chest. Opportunistic rogues find themselves in demand for their skulduggery both beneath the earth and within the town. Hopeful folk of all stripes seek their destiny and the vast riches of the dungeons below, and to go down in history as great adventurers.

Maybe you can be one of the successful ones.

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{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
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Dungeon World! Newbie Friendly!

I've kept the setting vague purposely. We'll hammer out details of the Reach and the kingdom during group character creation.

Playbooks: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8_Fz4m5hcoieW1GRVVaNnRfbnc
SRD: http://www.dungeonworldsrd.com/


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