Je'daii Origins [ EDIT ]

This game has been retired! That means it's no longer being run.

There is no ignorance
There is knowledge

There is no fear
There is power

I am the heart of the Force

I am the revealing fire of light
I am the mystery of darkness

In balance with chaos and harmony

Immortal in the Force

Hello gang!

Here's a little briefing on the setting and who you will be.

You are a Journeyer in the Je'daii Order. No longer a Padawan, but not yet a Ranger. Out from under the wing of your Mentor, but still the responsibility of the Je'daii. You are tasked with visiting each of the Nine Temples on Tython to learn the skills of the Je'daii.

During your stay and tutelage at a Temple, you will also be put to work. Often tasked with duties very similar to, or in the proximity of, those of the Je'daii Rangers.

Think of it like you've embarked on a multi-year work-study, for future space-wizard-warriors :)

Many do not complete their Journey. Many Force Sensitives go on to much more mundane lives on Tython - supporting the persistence of the planet, many go on to jobs of great import - advancing the power and status of the planet and the Je'daii through traditional avenues (business, politics, military, etc.)... and many die in their quest to become Rangers.

Which will you be!?

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{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
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Force & Destiny
Base Character Generation
+100 XP, +1,000 credits


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