1.0 - The Rescue of Hethan Romund

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Nov 10, 2015 2:41 am
Dagger grips his blaster a little tighter but tries not to let this sudden accusation jar him. "I made sure of it. He was the source of this taint. He was a blight upon this temple and a threat to all of us. I will not gamble with safety. The threat has been eliminated", Dagger says, with an unflinching coldness. "Or would we rather have a picnic with a murderous maniac who would flay women and children?"
Nov 10, 2015 2:52 am
PhantomNimbus says:
"Or would we rather have a picnic with a murderous maniac who would flay women and children?"
Urik has been slowly circling the group, watching and feeling the dynamics. His eyes flash to Malefax when the Gatekeeper pronounces him dead. At these words from Dagger, Urik lets forth an animalistic howl full of pain and rage.

He charges forward and begins stomping and kicking at Malefax's inert form, a stream of incoherent cursing pours from his lips, tears stream down his face and his features are contorted into a mask of rage and hate.

He shows no signs of stopping, even as the bones of Malefax's face crunch under his heel.
Nov 10, 2015 2:54 am
"We can discuss dining with you after we handle this cleansing and get the hell out of here." Csillag responds to Dagger - still not sure what to make of what she witnessed.

For now Csillag will stay with Hethan offering to help her in any way that she can.

OOC: Missed the last post, just pretend this happened before Urik flipped.
Last edited November 10, 2015 2:55 am
Nov 10, 2015 2:56 am
Dagger tried not to let the emotion show but the tiniest of grins crosses his face as he sees the boy destroying the form of Malefax. He had felt the same rage when everyone he knew and loved were destroyed by order of Vader himself. He knew exactly how the boy felt in that moment. The familiarity to this boy almost made the grin into a wide smile, but he suppressed the feeling.
Nov 10, 2015 3:11 am
"No, no, no!" says Hethan loudly. "Stop that, immediately! And Dagger! We have discussed this. Have you forgotten the scrap of the Jedi code I've taught you? There is no emotion, there is peace. Everything I've researched says that you must learn to find your center -- you must face these challenges without wasting human life or," she looks at Urik, "having an inexcusable display on a corpse. Really!" She puts her hands on her hips and looks quite stern. "If you do not find a way to master yourself and conduct yourselves in a manner that's above reproach, then you'll just become a new Malefax. And where will I be then?" Her rebuke is real, and forceful.
Nov 10, 2015 3:39 am
Daggers expression turns quickly, not to that of someone who has been chastised, but to that of one who has had enough, Where will you be then? If not for us where would you be? It seems you don't truly have a connection to the force. Tell me again where it is you've picked up this second hand Jedi code?
Nov 10, 2015 3:39 am
Urik makes one last forceful stomp. There is a sickening crunch from Malefax's skull, now a bloody mess.


Urik turns his back on the group and draws his deep hood over his head. Takes several deep breaths, and draws himself up to his full height. He is tall, over six feet, but his robes drape loosely over his wiry frame.

He turns, walks to Dagger, looks him directly in the eye, "You did the right thing. I only regret that my own hand could not do the deed. Malefax was a beast, worthy only to be put down." His features are composed, but deep emotions still swirl behind his eyes.

He breaks his stare and walks calmly to Malefax's sword, and picks it up.
Last edited November 10, 2015 3:52 am
Nov 10, 2015 4:07 am
Dagger looks back at the rest of the group who may have a mix of horrified or disappointed looks on their face and lets out a small chortle, "I like the kid. Can we keep him?" Probably met with even more horrified or disappointed looks Dagger will let out a sigh. "Fine. I killed Malefax. I don't get why you would actually care. You thought I had just done it earlier with my blaster, no one seemed to care for his life at all then. Heyop tried to hack him in half with his own sword! I just finished the job we were set out to do. You heard the kid, Malefax was a beast. A rabid animal that needed to be put down."
Nov 10, 2015 6:49 am
Kaveri is in no position to judge; she certainly tried to blast Malefax. But even though she's eager to help the Gatekeeper, she senses the boy's turmoil (in addition to seeing and hearing it), and goes over to speak to him. She does not touch him - touching is a mammalian thing and not welcome to many predators - but she stands respectfully close and says "I am pleased to have been able to help set you free. I am called Kaveri; these are my friends Csillag, Dagger, and Heyop. What may we call you?"
Nov 10, 2015 12:57 pm
Heyop sighs... No one seemed to be freaked out by what was possibly a Ghost... granted it was getting almost as rowdy as a infantry barrack before liberty and a lot of heated ideologies were exchanged.

Heyop let out a shrill whistle. "Yes Dagger he was an evil man, he did evil things. His sword urged him to do wicked things..." he began eyeing the boy. "Kid... Put the sword down now, I'm not going to ask you again and I know exactly what it's feeding you since I've held it. It'll take you to a dark place and want you to relish there in the very macabre thoughts. You have a chance to either follow in Malefax's footsteps or show that you can do more good than he could have down bad."

"I'm not going to preach words of judgement you should feel remorse Dagger, finding peace and being emotionless to me are two different things. This is the real world and ideology doesn't always marry up to actions we need to take. Personally I can kind of see her point. Malefax Dagger isn't who she's worried about as much as she worries for you, you're a lucky Sod but when it runs out it's not going to be pretty, the fact you basically killed someone regardless of his actions while he was defenseless seems something you want to justify. You did it because you felt it was needed. Malefax also justified all his actions though. She worries because that's a dangerous mindset at times, just like Malefax. Malefax is just one soldier in the war Dagger, his death mean this battle is won but what he knew could have saved others. Revenge only stays the dead in your mind for a moment afterwards you feel the weight of their lost potential... but then what? Their faces burned in your mind isn't the scariest thing even when it's in the hundreds... Malefax and his actions aren't the scariest thing... it's forget those we've lost and what they stood for... and forgetting yourself..." Heyop states his face dark looking at Dagger.

He had seen much death in combat over the years, sometimes they died from tactics, betrayal, bad intel, bad luck, the very fact they were at war. Heyop brought himself out of the dark musings and stared at the kid... if the kid went crazy they'd have to deal with that first.
Nov 10, 2015 2:34 pm
spaceseeker19 says:
"I am pleased to have been able to help set you free. I am called Kaveri; these are my friends Csillag, Dagger, and Heyop. What may we call you?"
When asked his name, the boy's face falls from its stern mask, exposing for a moment just how young he really is. His eyes dart from side to side and he stammers, "I...uh...I...U-Ur-Urik! Urik F-Forto! Yes. That's my name." He closes his eyes and takes a deep shuddering breath.

When Heyop begins his tirade, Urik's face goes hard again.
"Kid... Put the sword down now, I'm not going to ask you again and I know exactly what it's feeding you since I've held it. It'll take you to a dark place and want you to relish there in the very macabre thoughts. You have a chance to either follow in Malefax's footsteps or show that you can do more good than he could have down bad."
Urik lets Heyop finish, then turns hard eyes on him and begins slowly walking toward Malefax's body again, "This sword...is stained with the blood of my family, and countless others who Malefax killed," Urik's voice is low, but full of an intensity that demands attention, "I will keep this sword, and wash it clean by bathing it in the blood of monsters like this."

Urik has reached Malefax's body. He delivers another solid kick to the inert form, then stoops and begins removing the sheath for the sword.

OOC: GM, what is the sword doing to me? Is there something I can do (or a check I can roll) to sort of take control of it or resist its influence?
Last edited November 10, 2015 2:46 pm
Nov 10, 2015 2:37 pm
Dagger listens to all of what Heyop says. An annoyed look plastered on his face. He opens his mouth, seeming to search for something to say, but instead just turns and walks over to the running water and sits on the side facing away from the rest of the group. He closes his eyes and begins to think on everything that transpired.
Nov 10, 2015 2:39 pm
Hethan nods, "There is a difference, Dagger, between someone who is an active threat and someone who is subdued. The active threat seeking to kill you? This is a different thing. Then when you act, you are acting to defend life. Your life, or someone else's. But to execute an unarmed, unconscious being is not justice or righteousness. Of course, I'm not sure I understand what we could have done with him as a captive -- but perhaps there's something he knew that could have helped us."

Hethan paces a bit, "I am grateful for my rescue, of course -- but I would prefer to be in Malefax's thrall than to see you turn into Malefax himself. Perhaps this temple will have more guidance for us -- I see archives, and though they may be sorely ruined I have hopes that there are things yet to learn in this place. We are in an out-of-the-way place in the Outer Rim, it seems like as good a place as any to tidy up and settle in while we learn."
Nov 10, 2015 2:46 pm
The gatekeeper speaks up once more, "As I mentioned, there is a place where these two," he points to Dagger and Urik, "should go and meditate. It will help them clear their thoughts. I suspect that residual taint of Malefax and the dark side are no doubt helping to stoke the fire of fear and anger. It would be wise to remove that taint." The previously stationary gatekeeper now paces, ironically mimicking Hethan's own movements, and occasionally flickers in-and-out of existence as he does so. Noticing, he apologizes, "I'm sorry -- not all of my emitters and sensors are in excellent working condition. Your mentor is correct -- insofar as she remembers a part of the Jedi code. Would you like to hear the code in its entirety?"

Urik's grip on the sword is uncertain -- and emotions of fear and loss begin to overwhelm him.

He adds to Urik, "I do not think, youngling, that the way to cleanse a weapon of the Sith is through more death -- Sith or otherwise. But.. my knowledge of these matters is uncertain." He gestures, "Instead -- calm your mind and search your feelings. Does it seem right that a weapon forged by beings who used oppression and callous disregard for life would be cleansed by the death of any other being or beings?"

OOC: It is possible for a light-side minded person to wield the sword without challenge, but they must be stronger in the Force than any in the party is today. Perhaps some research within the temple or otherwise will help you identify how to remove the taint from the weapon in due course.
Nov 10, 2015 2:54 pm
"Where is this place Gatekeeper? Meditation...sounds...correct. Right now."

Urik sheaths the sword, then lets the scabbard dangle by its strap, so he is no longer touching the actual weapon. He tries to keep a stoic face, but it's obvious that fatigue, shock, and other, deeper emotions are threatening to overwhelm him.

"I haven't spoken correctly. Forgive me. It's been...a very long time since I've spoken to anyone beside Malefax. And Hethan, but only briefly. You have my gratitude for setting me free." Urik sketches out an awkward bow.
Nov 10, 2015 2:59 pm
The gatekeeper smiles, "Excellent." He then faces south towards the entrance and points off to his right (west). "If you take the corridor just there -- follow it to its end, around a curve and past some stairs going down to the lower level. There are some living quarters there, by the way." He pauses, "You'll then go down a set of stairs into a room with a door, now open, underneath those stairs. Go through that door." There's a brief pause as he appears to think, "I believe I've managed to turn on the lighting -- it's a roughly hewn tunnel that will curve around itself and bring you to the meditation terrace. I also believe I've managed to open the door to the terrace so that you can proceed unhindered. If you run into trouble, just call to me -- I may be able to assist if there is someone who can see better than I can, there."

falryx sent a note to Friar_Tuk
Nov 10, 2015 3:04 pm
Dagger stands back up, and heads off in the direction the gatekeeper mentioned. C'mon kid. Looks like we're being sent to our room, he says loud enough for the line to be obvious to all as he walks off down the hallway, whether Urik is following or not.
Nov 10, 2015 3:07 pm
Urik's lip quirks up at the side...it's almost a smile, but his features seem unused to the expression. He follows Dagger.
Nov 10, 2015 7:09 pm
Kaveri tries to commit those directions to memory, so that they'll be able to find each other later. Then she turns back to the Holocron image: "So. What do we do? How do we start this cleansing ritual?"
Nov 10, 2015 7:17 pm
Hethan, still only hearing parts of the conversation decides to accompany Dagger and Urik to the meditation terrace. "I wonder what it will be like. I promise I won't disturb you, but I'd like to look around a little bit now that, you know, it seems safe to do so." Hethan, Dagger and Urik follow the directions provided. The tunnel carved into the mountain leading to the terrace is poorly lit, but outside of being a bit dusty, quite serviceable. A brief flight of stairs takes them back up to the same level as the assembly hall and through a door that opens noiselessly onto a terrace facing west-southwest down the slope of Mount Teloc and across the valley.

The view is, breathtaking. The natural beauty of Sprintir is on display, and without the threat hanging over Hethan or their own lives, it's much easier to see the scenery and enjoy it. By all accounts, the wall of the balcony is probably on the other side of the corridor you came down -- so it seems like the terrace has been intentionally separated from the bustle of the temple.

Hethan says, "Well isn't this lovely?"

OOC: I'll post a map/image of the balcony and path there later this evening, Eastern. Urik and Dagger -- please roll an easy (1 purple) discipline check if you do choose to meditate.

Back inside the temple, the gatekeeper says to Kaveri, "You may stand or sit as you like. This will be a form of guided meditation. I'll be asking each of you to be calm and center yourselves -- then draw upon the Force as we work through the cleansing. Depending on your collective ability this could take some time, or it could go relatively quickly -- I think experience will tell. Find a position of comfort and let me know when you are ready and we can proceed."
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