Manor of Origin

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Mar 25, 2021 12:59 am
Aira grabbed a nearby candelabra before following the two others up the stairs.
"Here's the solution to your light problem," Aira said, handing the candelabra to a bemused-looking Charlie. "As for the door..." Aira proceeded to pull a few thin pieces of metal from her bun with a quick flourish. "Lock picks," she said, shrugging. She walked towards the western door, squatted, and began picking the lock. The lock clicked open with satisfying ease.
Mar 25, 2021 1:02 am
Elena glanced at Savant and the now-unlocked door before turning to look at Charlie, "To answer your question, I don't know what that hoity-toity deity wants, but whatever is behind any of these doors can't be good."
Mar 25, 2021 1:10 am
"Well, let's get going." Charlie turned the handle and almost opened the door. Instead, he took a step back.
"Ladies first?" Charlie suggested, a grin on his face.
Last edited March 25, 2021 1:13 am
Mar 25, 2021 1:16 am
Elena gave Charlie a dirty look.
"Maybe we shouldn't go in there quite yet. We don't want to miss something important," Elena suggested.
Last edited March 25, 2021 1:21 am
Mar 25, 2021 1:58 am
"Ah, like this vase." Fully intending to spout a spiel of nonsense, Charlie swaggered over to the object, "Doesn't this piece just scream 'interior design?' Look at it! Before its time as a flower pot, this artifact was carefully crafted by a master sculptor. It's shape and coloring are rather unique, and if we examine it more closely, we'll see that-oh! Yes! This vase is worth well over $1,000." Charlie made sure to include a fair share of dramatic hand gestures in his impromptu speech. He raised his voice, "Would either of you ladies like to examine it? What about you, Inquisitor?" He didn't wait for their response, "If you look closer, you'll see...oh my. Now, what's this?"


Perception - Is there actually anything important here? - (1d20+3)

(14) + 3 = 17

Mar 25, 2021 2:07 am
Inside the vase among the dead flowers is a yellowed envelope. Sealed with a wax stamp.
Mar 25, 2021 2:20 am
Charlie set the candelabra and his pistol on the table. "Flowers!" He said excitedly, removing the wilted bouquet. With another dramatic gesture Charlie pulled out the envelope, "But there's more." He broke the seal and pulled out the letter, which he read aloud.
Mar 25, 2021 2:41 am
Inside is a letter dated 1753.
Day 3
Gareth was right in assuming something had gone wrong with this place. In the beginning all the reports of this place were whispered rumors of a weird mansion you'd find yourself in if you were doing some sort of unnecessary wandering about in the wilderness. An entity would ask if they would undergo a test that would put them at great risk, the person in question would say no and leave. Gareth's reports indicate this would happen once every couple of months and only to a couple of people. Now however groups of people seem to be disappearing without a trace, during the same intervals as before. The fact that none were returning started to worry Gareth, so he put together the appropriate materials and helped me punch my way into this hellhole.
I assume if someone else is reading this you know that i can no longer leave, and that i have to play this game, however seeing as im singularly suited to stay here for an extended period of time, i'll try to figure out what the hell is going on here, and if i can try to put it an to it, if you're reading this i likely failed in that particular endeavor. I will be leaving letters like these hidden about, find them if you can ill record what i find, but i cant leave them out in the open, who knows if the entity will dispose of them if it sees them, or if these so called squatters will take them. Should i fail i wish thee luck.
The Doll.
Mar 25, 2021 3:05 am
Aira snatched the letter from Charlie's hands as soon as he finished reading. "Wow, this is ancient. Such quality parchment! It's a wonder it's lasted this long with such little signs of degradation." She paused. "I'll be holding on to this."
If Charlie made any protest, Aira did not see it, for she had quickly folded the letter back into pristine lines and placed it in her satchel bag.
Mar 25, 2021 3:13 am
"Did you not want to put it back in the envelope?" Charlie asked, turning it over in his hands, "Does this seal mean anything to you?" He handed the envelope to Savant. Charlie was curious what manner of people would willingly decide to break into this mansion.
Mar 25, 2021 3:18 am
Aira took the envelope from Charlie. It was tinged with mold after residing in the flower vase for an unidentifiable amount of time and smelled faintly like a wet dog. Despite the rotten smell, the seal on the envelope was undeniable.
"The inscription in the wax is Japanese kanji. My guess is it's from one of the feudal shogunate eras. Twelfth to nineteenth century. Unfortunately, I do not speak Japanese." Aira pushed her nails under the wax and nonchalantly snapped the seal from the paper, placing it in her bag. Then she turned to the candelabra and lit the edge of the envelope on fire, turning it in her fingers until there was nothing left but a few specks of ash.
Last edited March 25, 2021 3:32 am


History - do I recognize the seal? - (1d20+3)

(17) + 3 = 20

Mar 25, 2021 6:55 am
"Alrighty lassies, lad; Shall we? I could go in the front, as I happen to have been officially trained in both combat and investigation." Gharn said but begun hesitating.

"But before we go, I think some honesty is needed from all of us. If anyone wants to say something to get it out of the way, now's a good chance." he looks around and lowers his head a little " I am Inquisitor, nice to make your acquaintance" he said and took off the hat, revealing his face and straightening his posture " ex Inquisitor by profession and a Half-orc by ancestry."
Mar 25, 2021 7:11 am
"Ha." Charlie let out a laugh, only there was no humor in his voice, "Honesty? What kind of things are you fishing for? Worried about who you'll be working with?" Charlie raised an eyebrow, "By all means, Inquisitor, feel free to take the lead through that door when we're ready, but I do wonder. Ex-inquisitor? What made you leave the profession?"
Last edited March 26, 2021 10:27 pm
Mar 25, 2021 7:28 am
"I was more concerned about your reaction than being worried myself. I expected a stronger reaction to be honest... How's that you don't even flinch? Do you think we have the time for telling stories? Let's just say that a failure got under my skin and I gave my work up eventually."
Last edited March 25, 2021 7:31 am
Mar 25, 2021 7:38 am
"I've just been spoken to by a house that's trying to kill me. If I try to leave, I cease to exist. No disrespect was meant by my lack of surprise, I simply figured you didn't want me to dwell on your heritage. That, and since you don't seem to wish me immediate harm, I'm more focused on the house."
Mar 25, 2021 4:30 pm
"Boys, please." Aira placed her hands on the two men's shoulders. "We don't have time for this childish bickering, no matter how cute or quirky you think it makes you." She focused her next words, only slightly tinged with sarcasm, towards Inquisitor. "By all means, if it suits you, lead the way," she said, gesturing towards the freshly unlocked door.
Mar 25, 2021 5:32 pm
"Oi lass, it has nothing to do with being cute or childish. You lot either miss my point by chance or simply avoid to reveal anything just yet... But so be it... Brace yourselves and let me know when you're good to get going." said Gharn getting grumpier by the minute.
Mar 25, 2021 6:54 pm
"Stop arguing, you idiots!" Elena yelled, "It never does anyone good." She looked at the floor and said quietly with sadness edging into her voice, "You never know what you'll live to regret."
Elena raised her gaze back to the group, the sadness in her voice leaving as abruptly as it arrived, "Now, I suggest we get moving, and stay quiet. Whatever made those wretched noises earlier could be anywhere by now."
Mar 25, 2021 7:38 pm
Aira was startled by Trigger's outburst, but had lived among young women long enough to know now was not the time to push the issue. She made a mental note to try and befriend the woman and ask about her past.
"I agree with Trigger," Aira said, turning her attention back to the conversation. "I didn't unlock this door for nothing, lets find out what's on the other side."
Mar 25, 2021 7:58 pm
Gharn reached at his back, underneath the collar of his leather trenchcoat and with a swift move took out his broadsword. He pressed the hilt of his sword on a metal vambrace that remained hidden under his sleeve until then and a series of metal plates sprang and formed a shield.

"Brace yourselves and stay vigilant. Have any weapons you might have at the ready."

A light push and the door was now open. So he marched into the unknown.
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