1: What a strange view

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Jun 12, 2021 3:54 pm
I know the list had to have been communicated but I can't find it nor remember all of it. I believe it had a lucky stone and some spell storage device. Please feel free to pick something for me.
Jun 12, 2021 5:41 pm
CherokeeWind says:
I know the list had to have been communicated but I can't find it nor remember all of it. I believe it had a lucky stone and some spell storage device. Please feel free to pick something for me.
Ring of spellstoring is a Rare item. But I'll give you this one

Orb of Spell Storing
Orb, uncommon (requires attunement)
This orb stores spells cast into it, holding them until the attuned wearer uses them. The ring can store up to 2 levels worth of spells at a time.

Any creature can cast a spell of 1st or 2nd level into the orb by touching the orb as the spell is cast. The spell has no effect, other than to be stored in the orb. If the orbcan't hold the spell, the spell is expended without effect. The level of the slot used to cast the spell determines how much space it uses.

While holding this orb, you can cast any spell stored in it. The spell uses the slot level, spell save DC, spell attack bonus, and spellcasting ability of the original caster, but is otherwise treated as if you cast the spell. The spell cast from the orb is no longer stored in it, freeing up space.

The orb can be used as a spellcasting focus.
And your beloved luck stone was also found in the artificers workshop.
Jun 13, 2021 5:16 am
Nice! I really wanted that lucky stone but was playing it cool! Well maybe I wasn't as mysterious as I like to think as it was the only thing I could definitely remember. Thanks!
Jun 13, 2021 4:11 pm
Happy to have gotten almost all his items back, Tonik stands aside on the deck and starts emptying is bag of holding on the ground before putting everything back in it, making a mental list of what he has. Then proceeds to remove his clothing's to put his robe of useful items, that looks like artisan's work clothes patched all over, before adding a scale mail over it. He straps his shield on his back and hooks his new all-purpose tool to his belt. Adding a pair of daggers in his boots and half a dozen darts on his person, he looks at the final results, Ok, I'm ready now.
Writing everything back on my character sheet right now.
Now I saw that they manage to weaponize a bag of holding with a portable hole, that's a nasty thing to do, if it goes off, it'll probably suck everything 10ft of it somewhere in the astral plane, send that on another ship and you just put a 20ft dent in it's hull, I know you probably thought of just moving it outside and detonating it, which I'll admit is the safest thing to do, but I could also try to dismantle it to savage the hole and the bag, those are two very useful items, its more dangerous that way but I think my chances are.... Tonik actually stops speaking for almost 2 complete seconds while he stretches his head and looks and the contraption...
I'm basing my calculation on the fact I'll be using Intelligence with my tinker tools since it's more important to know the order in which you'll remove each pieces to make sure it doesn't collapse on itself. Also, do ewe start with inspiration ? Cause I'm pretty sure I'm gonna need it here lol!
.... 35% chances of success, those could be improved to 40% to 55% with some guidance and probably more than that if someone proficient with tinker tools was assisting me, we could also secure it in place until we have better chances of taking it apart, I'm actually far enough in my studies that I'm almost considered a specialist using tools, but of course we are a group here and I don't want to make the decision for anybody, my opinion is that we keep it for now and dismantle it later and maybe if an emergency comes we could always use it to defend ourselves.

Tonik finally stops talking, looking at the others for their opinion...
Last edited June 13, 2021 4:12 pm
Jun 13, 2021 5:24 pm
Apparently her introduction made no impression. It had been years since Turner had been ignored by the academic visitors of Wizard Harper's and she found reliving the experience as distasteful as she remembered. However, no longer was she the young skinny legged apprentice that gave a wide eyed owlish impression as the teen blinked behind rounded spectacles scribbling notes and running errands but generally looking awkward.

No. Her credentials as a scholar were well established including published papers. No longer merely dabbling in the arcane, the wizard submitted reality to the weave and created her own truth. Stomping after this cheeky newcomer, Turner was about to inform him that she would tolerate no disrespect when he began to disrobe. Angry words choked in her throat as the young woman's face instantly flamed red before whipping around returning to the artificer's workshop. Who is that guy?

Turner looked like she was about to have more to say when her eyes skimmed the table top. Hey! That's my lucky stone! Tears sprang to the corner of her eyes that her scarf quickly dabbed away. I thought it was gone.... someone very special gave me this stone after we hunted a brutish white dragon together that had been terrorizing a whole mountain community. The Paladin said I should have the stone as he couldn't have been any luckier than the day he met me. Turner scooped up the rock bringing it to her lips before slipping it into her pouch.

Having not previously been in the room Turner straightens her glasses before slowly revolving taking inventory of the room. Oh, I think that's my orb, too! I wonder if my spells are still stored in there or if they drained it too. Turner stood on the tips of her toes to reach a clear orb resting on a bookshelf. I'm still missing a few things. Did the rest of you recover all your belongings?"
Jun 13, 2021 5:33 pm
Realizing that "guy" being referred to was him, Tonic counted those around him to find one more was here... I'm sorry, I'm Tosslestand Faerebasomnik, but most people just call me Tonik, I'm a ship doctor by trade, taking care of the ships and their crew, I come from a family of artificers but unlike them I've specialized in alchemy to learn more about healing, as for my belongings, I cannot speak for the rest of you but it seems that most of my equipment has been recovered.
Last edited June 13, 2021 5:33 pm
Jun 13, 2021 9:21 pm
I'm Nirion, nice to meet you...I think....you have quite a bit of energy....and my bag is the one he's trying to deactivate Miss Turner
Jun 14, 2021 1:36 am
Turner found that rarely did anyone provide three names when two usually did fine but this man seemed to be a bit more. Not unlike Turner herself after reading the thin volume of the rules of etiquette tucked in the back of Wizard Harper's library the child had thought the more names one introduced themselves not only made one more polite but contributed to the gravis tas one had. As an adult, Turner found that assumption tended to be true. Not that she was counting but a title with three names still beat this guy with two and a nickname. Turner briefly wondered if this Tonik was also familiar with that work. I, myself, go by Turner. A doctor of medicine is most welcomed. Having served on previous ships, are you familiar with several different physiologies as you can see we have a diverse crowd. Hopefully, your services won't be needed but good to know the level of care we can expect.

As Nirion spoke of his bag suddenly the discussion on percentages made sense. You dabble in a wide range of disciplines, Tonik and I mean no disrespect but 40 to at most 55% success? Those odds are too low to bet my life on without a compelling reason. Sorry, Nirion. I do understand desiring your property but luck hasn't exactly be on our side lately.
Last edited June 14, 2021 1:39 am
Jun 14, 2021 3:03 am
Khezzik's eyes brighten when Tonik suggests keeping the bomb for practical use. "This one would be happy to assist in disassembly, but..." He shows an unnerving quantity of small, sharp teeth. "Would also very much like to see what it does to an enemy."
Jun 14, 2021 7:44 am
CherokeeWind says:

Having not previously been in the room Turner straightens her glasses before slowly revolving taking inventory of the room. Oh, I think that's my orb, too! I wonder if my spells are still stored in there or if they drained it too. Turner stood on the tips of her toes to reach a clear orb resting on a bookshelf. I'm still missing a few things. Did the rest of you recover all your belongings?"
The spell Suggestion have been stored in the orb
Jun 16, 2021 12:12 am
Turning to Kessik, ignoring completely the small sharp teeth (after all it's not as impressive as that time he had to remove a bad tooth from an angry lizardman that hadn't eaten in days...), I have to admit it should be a sight to behold but I'm not sure the effect would be that flashy, the damaged left behind, that would be something I'd really like to evaluate, I have heard of the theory of what it would do but have never heard of anyone managing to produce it, maybe because the components of the weapon itself are costly or to rare to destroy like that, that makes me think you offered me your help to dismantle it, does that mean your are also proficient with tinker's tools because if you're not maybe I could teach you if we have enough time on our hands...
Jun 16, 2021 2:18 am
Khezzik shakes his head. "This one could not understand the tinkerings or how the tools were used. Does not seem to entirely obey normal laws of physics. But if you will teach, this one will learn."
Jun 16, 2021 5:35 am
I am very much interested in what order you are going things. Do you start your journey for the orange/gray dot in the sky? Do you try to disarm the arcane warhead. Both at the same time?
Jun 16, 2021 10:06 am
Nirion is happy to follow the group. He needs answers to so many questions, but has never been a take charge or leader type
Jun 16, 2021 2:20 pm
Khezzik will eagerly support any course of action. Making the decisions is the prerogative of the biggest in the group, and he is the smallest.
Jun 16, 2021 4:01 pm
The aged elf let the conversations devolve and develop. He considered the paths ahead. He then remarked, "Let's divest our energies into the vessel, leaving the arcane warhead for now. We should set the ship into motion toward the celestial sphere in view, establishing a cruise speed. I recommend eating the dried rations in the hold before draining mana to generate food. This will preserve our necessary daily investments."
If we burn our spell slots for the day, we can recharge most of the engine. Then the daily recharge rate in my chart should cover transit costs without overly burdening any one spellcaster in our group.

We can work on the warhead as we travel.
Jun 16, 2021 6:40 pm
Takeshi pores mana into the channels marked as the main population left and right engine. The expected result was for the ship to move forward towards the object in the sky. What happened is that the ship spins counterclockwise and everyone is pushed to the side by the g-forces. Takeshi stops the engines, only to find that only half the energy had been used as the mana only reached one engine.
Had you been working on the warhead it would have been bad
You spent some time cleaning up and brewing a small batch of mana paint. There were several dead bugs in the common room, and you had found the instructions to make the pain, so it is a rather trivial task of repairing the severed mana channel.

Within 4-5 hours you are ready to try again. This time Takeshi eases the flow into the engines and the ship picks up speed. It is hard to tell how fast you are moving unless you are at the helm.

Khezzik ventured into the crows nest and found a spyglass there. With it he gets a closer look at their destination
[ +- ] in the spyglass

Unless they change speed, you would be there within a day.
We need to get you underway
Jun 16, 2021 8:27 pm
If needed Nirion will also put energy in to help charge the engine
Jun 17, 2021 11:27 pm
"This whole warhead thing is quite the sticky situation. I don't think we want that thing just sitting there waiting for its moment to shine. I think we should either disarm it, I'll be happy to offer guidance, or we should chuck the thing overboard and forget it even existed."

Leo aids in any way he can as well with getting the engine fixed up and ready to go, which mostly just consists of him watching from the back and helping to lift things or act as a portable tool rack.

Whenever the rest of the party does not need him, Leo spends his time studying and memorizing the map, theorizing about how far they might be from home, and how much time it will take to get back there. As he studies the map, he can't help but think of the irony that for all his life, this is exactly what he has wanted to do. He has wanted to travel stars and explore whatever may be out here, but now that he is, he can't help but miss home a little bit. Perhaps he just needs it to be his decision to go exploring the stars, and not be forced into it by creepy space pirates.
Jun 18, 2021 12:28 am
I'm assuming here that by now Tonic as been told of everything the party found so far...
For the warhead I could probably easily find a way to secure it so that it is safer to keep until we make a decision but what is bothering me for now is that this dwarven citadel Khezzik has spotted is maybe where the dwarven coffin his from and if it is, it probably has been stolen and that means that the pirate ship that stole it is returning with nothing saying that we are not the original thieves and we may be targeted before we could even explain ourselves, so I think it could be a good idea to find a way to at least remove the pirate symbols of this ship to have a chance at parley with anyone without them thinking we are trying to steal and kill them and who knows if we return the dwarven coffin with its content the inhabitants of this dwarven citadel would be willing to help us...
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