Manor of Origin (REDUX)

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Aug 12, 2021 4:42 pm
Under the hood is a rather beautiful woman, perhaps somewhere in her 30’s. Her lavender hair obscuring her eyes and falling to floor after being released from the hood. Her ears are a bit pointed, possibly making her a half-elf. Dried blood is caked at one corner of her mouth.

Archie walks up, takes a look and sighs. " That’s one of ours, never seen her face but the robes are a dead give away."
His mouth becomes a thin line for a moment before he continues."Three down 4 to go. Though my hopes ain’t high after this."

Archie glances back at Lance. "Any reason ya didn’t mention this?"
Aug 12, 2021 4:45 pm
The large man furrows his brow, looking quite frustrated. He opens his mouth but it takes a bit for the words to form." Can’t…. Remember…."
He might have been spared the worst of it, but it appears even minor brain damage is still severe.
Aug 13, 2021 9:32 pm
Gharn looks at the sleeping girl and then around, nervously.
"We need to find someplace safe-ish to rest for a while. I don't think it's wise going around this place with a sleeping child and the state those two are in." he points at Lance and Archie; "You two seem to be longer around here than us, got any ideas for a safe spot? Or at least one that can easily be guarded?"
Aug 13, 2021 9:55 pm
Archie crosses his arms and huffs. " Nowhere is really safe here, but this particular section just sucks. Despite how it may sound, nothing ever seems to happen in the foyer. If ya don't mind sleeping on hard tile that is. Otherwise we could barricade one of those bedrooms with one entrance on the upper floor. We can't reach any other part of the house without carving a path through this spooky ass hellscape."

Lance just scratches the back of his head with his remaining arm, seemingly having nothing else to add to the conversation.
Aug 13, 2021 10:22 pm
"I agree with the Inquisitor, we should get some rest." Luc says carefully not to wake the child.
Aug 13, 2021 10:25 pm
"A bedroom is best, except we would be trapped if anything comes upon us. Still, much more defensible."
Aug 13, 2021 10:44 pm
"Alright then, let's head back to that room with the fireplace. It should be warm enough and probably defensible as Banshee said. Let's get there first with the least amount of ruckus; not that noise is what ticks off this bloody Voice, but still... Better safe than sorry."
Aug 13, 2021 10:53 pm
With careful haste, the group makes their way out of condemned section of the manor and back to the 2nd floor library. If anything happened along the way, nobody noticed.

The group once again finds themselves in the rather spacious library, stack of books, comfy looking chairs, and the odd loose page scattered around the room. The fire still roaring, and the atmosphere still calm considering it's location. Lance drops his weapon to the floor with a thud that knocks over several piles of books, and Archie slumps into a chair looking quiet pale. The child breathes steadily in Faux's arms.
Aug 13, 2021 11:05 pm
Banshee closes the door behind them, and stacks a few books in front. Thick ones, she can sit on.

"I don't sleep so I'll watch the door."
Aug 14, 2021 12:16 am
Luc puts the child in one of the comfy chairs and covers the girl with his cloak. He sits on the floor beside the chair. "I'll stay up a little too, maybe read something. I can keep watch too if you want to take turns at some point" Luc says to Banshee while looking for something to read in his bag.
Aug 14, 2021 1:04 am
While looking for something to read, Luc sees the book he found at the nursery. "Refinement of Magical Circuitry by Makiri Zolgen" he reads in his mind. He was curious when he found it, but he didn't have time to read it at the moment.

At first, he thinks this is just another boring book about magic that would help him fall asleep. But as he goes deeper into the book, his expression of curiosity begins to slowly change to one of discomfort and horror. Every word he reads hurts like he's being stabbed. Anger, disgust and sadness fill his heart. "How could anyone do something like that?" He wonders as he tries to remember if he's ever heard of such experiments in his time at the University. He closes the book while looking thoughtfully at the sleeping child. "Hé... G-Guys!" His voice cracks. "Maybe you're interested in seeing what is written here, it's about... It's about the girl." Luc tells whoever is still awake.


(History) Did I ever hear something like that when I was at University? - (1d20+3)

(7) + 3 = 10

Aug 14, 2021 1:14 am
Archie has already fallen asleep, his breathing a bit labored and his face pale and sweaty, but sleeping none the less. Lance also doesn’t seem to be paying attention, he’s staring off into space, if he heard Faux he certainly isn’t showing it.

Faux’s recollection of mages doesn’t discount the possibility of this research being conducted, or even endorsed. The ethics of magical research is limited at best, and the use of human test subjects is not uncommon. For the most part, as long as the public at large doesn’t notice, mages are free to experiment as they please. Though certain Magic or behaviors will earn you a sealing designation ( has to be a threat to humanity at large, ie Cataclysms) this is not one of those things.

However, this isn’t something that was even mentioned at the University. Faux would certainly have heard at least whispers about it, he did pay attention in class, anything for the dream.
Aug 14, 2021 6:02 pm
"What's the fuss about Faux? You'll wake the girl up! And the others, well... You'll disturb the girl's sleep!" said Gharn in a hushed voice and went near Faux; he begun to read through the book and the look of confusion on his face soon turned to pure anger.
"This is... Monstrous... Vile... What kind of person would do that to another being?!" he exclaimed, his voice trembling with anger; "And you think this little girl has gone through this... procedure? How can we be certain?"
Aug 14, 2021 6:28 pm
To Banshee, this is sounding like a very bad book. But if it's a playbook for the villains or perpetrators, maybe they should all familiarize themselves to it. Knowing what they might do, or might do next could prepare them to avoid or shield themselves from such a fate.

"I'd like to read it when I can. It sounds important, if it's about what is going on here."
Aug 14, 2021 7:13 pm
Luc gives the book to Banshee. "Pardon friends! I didn't mean to be loud." Luc says quietly. "I assumed this is the child because of the different look she has, the blood soaked bandages and the way she behaves. It might not be her, but with the information we have at the moment it seems to be."
Aug 15, 2021 12:46 am
The girl continues to sleep despite all the shouting. Though she does wriggle under her makeshift blanket, and whimper.
A nightmare perhaps.
Archie is out for the count it seems as he also ignores the uproar.
Lance continues to stare blankly.
Aug 15, 2021 11:04 pm
"Well, that little bedtime reading might be a little bit more than we could've handled at the moment. Let's try to get some rest; we all need it."
He turns around to make way for a spot near the fireplace to doze off.
"Banshee, let me know when you want to switch places."
Without a word, Gharn took off his trenchcoat, rolled it into a makeshift pillow and curled across the fireplace, his back turned to the others.
Antiproduct sent a note to Tenrec


Secret Roll

Aug 16, 2021 3:05 am
She reads the material quickly, them more slowly a second time. It's staggering what is described much less to imagine the girl, or anytime was tested with this.

She hugs the book you her and stares into space. She gets up, gives it back to Faux. She shakes her head grimly and returns to her perch by the door to meditate and keep watch.
Aug 16, 2021 3:37 am
"Oui... we should rest" Luc says.

He finds a corner near the child and lies down to rest. After a few minutes staring at the ceiling thoughtfully, he puts the book in his backpack and finally goes to sleep.
Aug 16, 2021 10:30 pm
As the Party settles down to sleep Banshee takes watch at the door.
During the first few hours of her shift, nothing noteworthy happens. The fire crackles, the child wriggles in her sleep.
During the third hour however, faint noises can be heard from just outside the door.
The movements are careful, the noise deliberately muffled, just barely registering in the ears of Banshee.
This continues for about ten minutes, the door itself is never disturbed. Then the noise disappears and does not reappear.
Banshee's shift ends, it is time to wake either Faux or Inquisitor.


Secret Roll

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