Manor of Origin (REDUX)

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Sep 1, 2021 11:54 pm
Standing in the middle of the foyer is a rather alarmed-looking centaur. He has curly black hair and a grey-and-white speckled hide and is wearing a holster strapped across his back, just behind his forelegs, where a saddle might go on an ordinary horse. His hands immediately fly to his holstered pistol as everyone rushes into the room. "Who are all of you and what the hell is going on?" he demands, taking a wary half-step back. "What is this place?"
Sep 2, 2021 1:08 am
Holding her hammer choked up, the 'gypsy' looking woman holds a hand to her mouth looking around. barely loud enough to hear, she says, "We beg your indulgence, you're in great danger here, we all are, but we can give you what feeble answers we have. Just don't make much noise, sir centaur."
Sep 2, 2021 10:31 am
"Fine. I can do quiet". A pale man barely in his thirties, dressed in a plain shirt, suspenders, and a newsboy cap, jumps up from the floor. He has a short, wiry frame and looks as if about three quarters of his body is made of sinews and tense ligaments.
His grey eyes dart twitchily around the room as he looks for exits.
"Where am I? Why did you bring me here?" he whispers.
Last edited September 2, 2021 1:35 pm
Sep 2, 2021 11:22 am
Louis shuts his mouth and nods, willing to hear this woman out, but does not take his hand off his pistol.
Sep 2, 2021 5:26 pm
"We are not the one who brought you here. In fact, hours ago, we were in the same situation as you." Luc says calmly.

"That voice you heard, with a creepy laugh, whatever that thing is, it's responsible for all of this. We were all kidnapped by that thing, and we were thrown here in this mansion. As far as we know, the Voice wants us to gather five orbs that are scattered around this mansion. If we can, in theory, the Voice will set us free. Meanwhile, the mansion is full of hideous flesh-hungry creatures that will hunt us down."

"Yeah, I know, it's a lot to take." Luc straightens up for a moment. "Please, allow me to introduce myself. Or at least partially introduce myself... You see, none of us remember our real names, and I imagine this is also happening to you two, Oui? Apparently this is also part of the entity's plans to hold us hostage, we can't leave this place until we retrieve our names, or something like that, anyway, you can call me Faux."
Sep 3, 2021 12:32 am
The child slowly approaches Faux while he’s talking and grabs the tail of his coat.

Archie smirks at Faux’s speech. "You forgot about the thing that is currently stalking us and trying to eat us. So in other words welcome to hell you poor bastards."

He turns a half lidded glare at the centaur."Could ya holster that already? I already have one bullet in me, I don’t need another one."
Sep 3, 2021 1:57 am
Louis’ eyes narrow as he listens to Faux explain the situation. He returns Archie’s glare but holsters his pistol with a small sigh and raises his hands to show that he means no harm. "In that case, you can call me… Chariot. My apologies if I was a little quick to draw my weapon. I’m not normally so easily spooked."
Sep 3, 2021 3:47 am
"So before we came in did you happen to see a psychopathic cannibal murderer armed with at least twenty knives and all of the quiet moves of an actual ghost come past?"
Last edited September 3, 2021 3:48 am
Sep 3, 2021 6:34 am
"Wasn’t going to give you my name anyway" thinks Gregory. "You call me Danzig then" offers quietly. "I don’t know about him" and he points at the centaur, still a bit wary at the sight of such a clearly non-human being "but I haven’t seen much of anything. No murderer, no ghost. In fact, you are the first things I’m seeing in here". As he speaks softly, his eyes keep looking for exits, and trying to recognize anything out of the windows.


Perception (exits, doors, familiar sights out of the windows) - (1d20+4)

(19) + 4 = 23

Sep 3, 2021 10:35 am
Gharn nods at the two newcomers.

"Chariot, Danzig; a pleasure to meet you under different circumstances undoubtedly. You may call me Inquisitor."

He turns to Chariot;

"Pardon me for my rudeness, but I couldn't help noticing your non-human nature. Please don't be alarmed, you're among allies. But I can't help wonder, how do you manage to blend in; I myself restrict my mouth movement as much as possible and blame malnourishment for my skin colour."

Said Gharn giving them a broad smile, exposing his larger than normal and protruding canines/tusks.
Sep 3, 2021 2:11 pm
"Sweet mother of death take me now!" Banshee feigns at Inquistor's fel display. She twists her mouth into what may pass for a grin. "I'm Banshee, a Death priest."
Sep 3, 2021 6:02 pm
Danzig scans the foyer, looking for some kind of exit. The double front door is directly behind him, but it shimmers with odd light. There are no windows in the foyer, and the doors the others came from remain open. However, as Danzig returns his focus to the group, he sees someone who wasn’t there before. Standing a bit farther off from the newly gathered group, near the door to the condemned hallway is a fairly tall man. His long dark hair hangs about his head in a stringy, greasy mess. He wears what could have once be considered a gentleman’s outfit, though in its current state it’s not much more than rags, a formerly white coat hangs loosely on his painfully thin body, speckled in blood. In his hands is a rather large serrated knife, seemingly comprised of two different metals, he absently runs his fingers across it.
The two lock eyes for but a moment.
The man gives a wide feral smile that is all teeth. He lifts one of his fingers to his mouth, miming the sign for quite.
Without a sound, and far faster than Danzig expected, the man slips back into the condemned hallway.
Sep 3, 2021 7:50 pm
"So that's either the murderer or the ghost" think Gregory to himself. He keeps his eyes in constant movement around the room, coming back every few seconds to the hallway where the creepy figure disappeared. His hand hovers near the cut in his jacket through which he can draw his gun.
"Good. Now we all have name." as wary as he is, he can't dissimulate a bit of wonder at the sight of the centaur and the tusked man in front of him. Not only there's magic in the world then, but folklore creatures as well. This house could be a good resource.
"I understand then it is very hard to leave, yes?" he asks "Stupid to try the door?"
I still don't say anything but I ready an action to shout a warning and draw pistol if I see movement again in the doorway.
Sep 4, 2021 12:59 am
"I have my tricks," says Louis, in answer to the Inquisitor’s question. He angles his right hand so that the Inquisitor can see the silver ring that he wears on his index finger. "It’s a relatively weak enchantment—only strong enough to hide my shape from the most ignorant of mortals—but it does the job. Still, I try to avoid crowds and small spaces where I can." He shrugs.
Sep 6, 2021 7:13 pm
"I think we're good as far as introductions go, don't cha think lads? This whole place is a death trap, a vicious monster; I'm not planning to be it's plaything nor it's snack."

The scene he became witness to at the hallway last night still vivid in his memory. He looked wearily at his comrades, old and new.
He straightened his posture and with renewed vigor in his voice he said:

"We better get back to check the rooms we have already visited. The sooner we clear them the better. It's about time we press onwards and show this bastard that it took a bigger bite than it can chew."
Sep 6, 2021 8:14 pm
"I agree, we should go! We can talk more later when the situation is calmer, oui?." Luc rolls up his sleeves, preparing for what he can find in the next rooms.
Sep 6, 2021 8:42 pm
Banshee thinks that she should make some comradery comments, welcoming the new folk into their group of survivors, but words fail her. "This way," is all she can say, and follows where Inquisitor and Faux have indicated.
Sep 6, 2021 11:04 pm
After a short bout of introductions, the party once again enters the condemned section of the house. Upon entering the door the mysterious man disappeared behind, they are once again greeted by the destroyed floors and walls. To the left a short hallway with a door at the end. To the right a short hallway with an intersection towards the north and a door at the end. The north hallway has several doors on either wall ( including the tree ravaged room) and ends in another intersection leading either way ( east, west).
Sep 7, 2021 8:10 am
"So that everyone knows this" whispers Gregory as he joins the group "the ghost or the cannibal, don’t know… tall, gaunt fella with blade. Saw him slip this way." and points towards the direction he saw the creepy man disappear. "What are trouble in this house? We are locked in, yes? Are there monsters?" he is getting nervous about the lack of information coming from those that claim to have been inside for long.
Sep 7, 2021 2:35 pm
Louis follows the rest of the group into the condemned hallway, surprisingly quiet for a creature of his size. Not yet certain if he trusts the group, he sticks close to the other newcomer, Danzig, and frowns when Danzig speaks up. "You saw this cannibal they were talking about? When?"
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