OOC and Setup

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Feb 12, 2022 2:01 pm
Feb 12, 2022 3:50 pm
I wanted to do those skill increases this time, but I think next time I'll get myself a dog 😄

Maybe Al will have to behave during this adventure so she can convince her parents to buy her one
Feb 12, 2022 6:07 pm
Hey! Someone posted interest in our recruitment thread.
Feb 12, 2022 6:11 pm
Yes, apparently Dr_B posted on reddit for this 😁 I need to search for that post!
Feb 12, 2022 6:13 pm
Found it
Feb 12, 2022 6:22 pm
yes, we have an applicant!
Feb 12, 2022 6:39 pm
Remember....don't scare him....lol
Feb 12, 2022 6:41 pm
😅 I just want him (her?) to take a look at our gaming style. That's helpful so they can judge if it's for them or not... try before you buy!
Feb 12, 2022 6:41 pm

Although judging from the post. They did express a keen interest.
Last edited February 12, 2022 6:44 pm



Feb 12, 2022 7:24 pm
Welcome aboard, @SvanDerh !

We can discuss here your inclusion in our game. If you want to start playing straight away, there is a ready character that is already an important part of the campaign, you can see his character sheet here. Cody Brewster is already part of the Monster Hunters and has faced two adventures with them.

Alternatively, if you prefer to develop your own character we will help you in the generation process and brainstorm here a hook to get him in the story.
Feb 12, 2022 9:54 pm
Thanks! :)

I would like to play a character of my own creation.

My basic character idea is the following.

Alice Evans is completely obsessed with only one thing in her life. Soccer. She plays in a local team as the team's goalie.
She is very competitive and she absolutely HATES to lose at anything. Where some girls in the team just see it as having fun with friends, Alice wants to win. Somehow she is a little annoyed that her best talent is catching incoming shots, instead of actually making goals.

She quite a tomboy and quite though. She is not afraid of anything... or rather... that is the reputation she likes to have. She is claustrophobic and afraid of dogs, after she was bitten by one as a toddler, but if she finds out anyone sharing this secret, she'll slap them.

She comes from an average family. Her dad works as a high school teacher in history (boring!) and her mom doesn't work at all (it is the 80's afterall). She has a 15-year-old brother, David. But he generally locks himself in his room to listen to rock music.

At school she is doing at just passable with a lot of hard work. She certainly isn't the smartest kid in class.

She is probably a kid at school and has been oblivious so far to any weird things happening in town. That might change when weird stuff somehow finds her and she gets involved with the group.



Feb 12, 2022 10:45 pm
Right, nice concept.
This game helps us define the character by using some archetypes that cover a wide range of kids types often encountered in movies and books of this genre. Here is a list:
[ +- ] List of Archetypes
From your description, I think the closest archetype would be the Jock (but shout if any of the others in this list catch your eye, or if you want info on any of them):
[ +- ] Jock Archetype
How does that look?
(some terminology in the above will be unfamiliar, but we can get there step by step, don't worry)

If you had a look at the Cody Brewster character sheet, he is modeled on the Delinquent archetype.

@bowlofspinach @Squadfather44 maybe you want to chime in, giving Svan a short description of your own characters? Bowl plays a New Kid, Squad plays a Wilderness Scout (that for some reason is missing from the list above!).
Feb 12, 2022 10:51 pm
Al (Alana Patterson) is pretty new in town. She's wild, has trouble focusing and does whatever seems the most fun in the moment. She also has crazy hair and an annoying little brother that she claims to hate but that she secretly loves a whole lot
Feb 13, 2022 5:02 am
Logan is indeed in the Wilderness Scouts. He's heavy into Monsters and has even set up a "Monster HQ" at his house. He tries to do the right thing, but sometimes that gray area between right & wrong pops up.

He sees himself as the unofficial leader 9f the Monster Hunters, but doesn't really advertise it.
Feb 13, 2022 7:04 am
He sees himself as the unofficial leader 9f the Monster Hunters
Al would say the same thing about herself 😁
Feb 13, 2022 8:38 am
I love the idea they see themselves as self appointed leaders :) What does 9f mean though?

As for the jock trope; yes, that is very much what I had in mind, based on agility.
I have some guesses where those edges and hinderances go, and I think those would fit in perfectly.
When I first saw Jock on the list I was kinda scared that it was all strenght, but the agility version sounds perfect.
Feb 13, 2022 9:41 am
What does 9f mean though?
It just means "of"

Squad's o and 9 are very close on the keyboard 😄
Feb 13, 2022 10:07 am
OK, great. So let's look at the Edges and Hindrances that an Agility-based Jock brings into play.
[ +- ] Jock: Agility background
Feb 13, 2022 10:29 am
Those edges are easy enough to understand.

The hunderances are moe RP instructions, right? Both do seem fitting.

Now on the character creation I see a few stats. And points to be allocated in the jock description?
Feb 13, 2022 10:35 am
So as I get it, all stats are d4. Agility is d6.
But I can upgrade a dice 3 times?

Not to sure yet what the points in skills mean.
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