OOC and Setup

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Feb 13, 2022 10:38 am
the Savage Worlds (SWADE edition) base mechanics are quite simple (will add these to the Rules and Reference thread):
[ +- ] SWADE basic rules

I'll let you digest all this, and we can remind you ias the various rules come up in play. Fire any questions you might have!
Feb 13, 2022 10:44 am
Okay. That sounds simple enough.

So basically I start d6 at athletics and unskilled d4-2 at all other things.
Then I could spend one of the 10 points to learn, say, intimidation at d4, and one to raise athletics to d8??
Feb 13, 2022 10:46 am
The hunderances are moe RP instructions, right? Both do seem fitting.
Now on the character creation I see a few stats. And points to be allocated in the jock description?
The hindrances are RP prompts, as well as GM prompts to create complications. The Loyal hindrance might mean I stop you from running away from a monster because your friend has fallen behind you. Your hindrance would force you to stop and go back to help them, for instance.

We will now start filling a character sheet, where you can distribute 3 points on Attributes, and 10 points on skills, but I will guide you through that because there are rules.
So as I get it, all stats are d4. Agility is d6.
But I can upgrade a dice 3 times?
The cost for Attributes is 1 point (from your capital of 3 points) per die level. So you could spend all 3 on Athletics (d6 base) and get d8, d10, d12
This is different for buying skills though.
Feb 13, 2022 10:54 am
Oh, overloading a skill like that would not be my thing and not realistic.

My guess would be:

Agility D6 - > D8 for she has reflexes to act
Smarts D4 for books are boring
Spirit D4 -> D6 for she does have a bit to attitude
Strenght D4 she is just a kid still
Vigor D4 -> D6 for she has sports practice and work out
Last edited February 13, 2022 10:54 am
Feb 13, 2022 10:55 am
Please create a Character here: https://gamersplane.com/characters/my/

Select Custom as 'System':
Then select this template:
This will give you this fillable character sheet:
Feb 13, 2022 10:58 am
Once you're done, please Submit the character to the Game, and I can help you fill it up.

From this page: https://gamersplane.com/games/3285

You should find your new character in this pull down list:

Select it and click Submit please
Feb 13, 2022 11:00 am
Agility D6 - > D8 for she has reflexes to act
Smarts D4 for books are boring
Spirit D4 -> D6 for she does have a bit to attitude
Strenght D4 she is just a kid still
Vigor D4 -> D6 for she has sports practice and work out
These are a great fit to your concept, try to edit the template accordingly as a starting point.
Feb 13, 2022 11:10 am
Once the character is accepted, I can see it and edit it to help you. THere are things in that template that I need to remove, as they are not used (SWADE is a generic ruleset for multi-genre, so the template has many options that we don't need)
Feb 13, 2022 11:29 am
@SwanDerh @Squadfather44 @bowlofspinach we can start maybe brainstorming about a hook for Alice to join the game. She was in your year at school, and is in the soccer team.

The story so far:
-in the first adventure, Logan's sister's ex boyfriend Gary started going out with a strange girl called Linda. Anna, Logan's sister, got worried and asked Logan to look into it. They found Linda was a mail-order robot, and at a party she started going berserk. They managed to push Linda into a swimming pool and deactivate her.

-in the second adventure, the kids have gained a reputation as the Monster Hunters. A younger kid bullied by everyone, Davey, went to look for them to tell them something odd happened to him. However, Alana pushed him into the lake as a prank. It turned out Davey could not swim, and Logan had to rescue him. Davey got scared and went home all wet and hurt in his feelings. They went to visit him later to make peace.
His overprotective mom confronted them and insisted to get their names.
That night and in the night after, they started being visited by a strange ghost leaving small toys and singing lullabies. Investigating her they found out about the legend of Mother Ruth, forever searching for her lost child, a powerful spirit that is attuned to the distress of mothers and appear to protect them, attacking those that the mothers are perceiving as a threat.
The hunters managed to stage Davey's disappearance, appearing as his saviours. This pacified Davey's Mom and by consequence placated Mother Ruth (but not before her hauntings got really intense, including trying to kidnap Alana's little brother Bennie).
Feb 13, 2022 11:32 am
(Alice character creation now moved on Discord chat)
Feb 13, 2022 11:38 am
@SwanDerh @Squadfather44 @bowlofspinach we can start maybe brainstorming about a hook for Alice to join the game. She was in your year at school, and is in the soccer team.
Tough to say without knowing what the next hook will be. Maybe we go to the soccer practice for some reason and something happens there. A werewolf eats the coach maybe. For justification, maybe Benny (Al's annoying little brother) wants to join a team as well so they go to talk to the coach.

Alternatively, Chet (the school bully) could come and attack us for giving his name to the police and Alice could help us escape or something.

Maybe Alice got stuck at the same library job as Al and they see something there that they both get interested in...

(Are we writing Cody out of the story now, by the way, or does he stay on as an NPC?)
Feb 13, 2022 12:13 pm
Cody will be an NPC, at least initially, as he is so much part of the stories now. We can find a way to phase him out in time.

Good suggestions, let's see what the others come up with.
Feb 13, 2022 3:15 pm

Catherine, Alice's Mom

John, Alice's Dad

David, Alice's brother
Feb 13, 2022 3:16 pm
A small girl, with very dark blonde to brown hair, and brown eyes, walks into the room. She waves.
"Hello everyone!", she says while thinking these people seem quite okay. "I am Alice"
Formatting test
Feb 13, 2022 3:26 pm
Like bowl said...the possibilities are endless. Alice us already established at our s hool so Logan and Al have seen her around.

Alice could simply be in the right place at the right time. A clue in the case could lead us to her.. Alice could have seen something odd and heard about us. A npc character could bring us together.
Feb 13, 2022 3:26 pm
So, folks, Alice Evans' character is ready.

What I would like to explore is whether there are pre-existing links between your characters. If none, then I'll find a way to make you meet and work together at my end.
Feb 13, 2022 3:32 pm
It is interesting to consider. Alice is basically been spending a lot of time in the soccer team until the weirdness (to which she has been possibly oblivious) somehow finds her?
Last edited February 13, 2022 3:33 pm
Feb 13, 2022 3:38 pm
Al might not know Alice (Risk of mix-ups with those names there 😄) since she's new in town.

But I'm open to a connection existing...
Feb 13, 2022 3:53 pm
I'm open for a tie-in between Alice and Logan as well.
Feb 13, 2022 3:56 pm
@SvanDerh is Alice's soccer team all-female, or is it mixed?
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