OOC and Setup

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Dec 9, 2022 9:08 am
Snake eyes tracker!

Bev: 1 (her high beams gadget misfires in the root cave)
Alana: 3 (fallen keys at Gary's, tries to throw a rope attracting a giant bee, gets busted by Librarian hiding in bathroom after closing times)
Logan: 4 (misses an attack and gets grabbed by Mother Ruth, falls downhill getting spotted by bullies, hit by two falling giant bolts, trespasses in the water tower, and is recognized by a nosey neighbour who knows his mom!)
Johnny: 5 (rips an old map in the Library, in front of the Librarian - accidentally pours flour in kitchen while fighting water monster, making the floor a slippery mess for all fighters, gets noticed by bullies in Eddard's shop window while trying to be stealthy, loses his skateboard with which was defending himself vs the bullies - propping skateboard and bike on waterlogged gazebo structure causes it to collapse!)
Cody: 6 (smashed vase on stairs at Logan's, swimming pool fall at Debbie's, involuntary middle finger at Davey's Mom, falls in the sticky goo in giant kitchen, falls trying to press a giant switch and is left hanging by some ripped wallpaper, causes a shower of giant bolts and screws to rain on all four miniaturised heroes)
Alice: 3 (bumps into Logan while chased by dogs, both fall - falls from giant bedside cabinet - gets covered in paint in basement)
Dec 10, 2022 4:18 am
The dice really hate us currently 😅

Poor Ripper
Dec 11, 2022 11:05 am
Was re-reading this and the previous chapter. This is gripping stuff, better than anything on Netflix! 😁
Dec 11, 2022 11:17 am
They really should make this into a netflix show. It has everything. Fun characters, silly moments, serious moments, scary monsters, even scarier bullies...
Dec 11, 2022 2:54 pm
maybe Bev could look at fixing it later
She'll be thrilled to hear that 🤣
Dec 12, 2022 8:39 pm
Okay, that dice roll was not what I was hoping for but it is kind of perfect.

And it made me laugh
Dec 12, 2022 9:31 pm
Dec 13, 2022 12:23 am
Snake eyes tracker!

Bev: 1 (her high beams gadget misfires in the root cave)
Alana: 4 (fallen keys at Gary's, tries to throw a rope attracting a giant bee, gets busted by Librarian hiding in bathroom after closing times, tries to cast a spell and almost sets herself on fire)
Logan: 4 (misses an attack and gets grabbed by Mother Ruth, falls downhill getting spotted by bullies, hit by two falling giant bolts, trespasses in the water tower, and is recognized by a nosey neighbour who knows his mom!)
Johnny: 5 (rips an old map in the Library, in front of the Librarian - accidentally pours flour in kitchen while fighting water monster, making the floor a slippery mess for all fighters, gets noticed by bullies in Eddard's shop window while trying to be stealthy, loses his skateboard with which was defending himself vs the bullies - propping skateboard and bike on waterlogged gazebo structure causes it to collapse!)
Cody: 6 (smashed vase on stairs at Logan's, swimming pool fall at Debbie's, involuntary middle finger at Davey's Mom, falls in the sticky goo in giant kitchen, falls trying to press a giant switch and is left hanging by some ripped wallpaper, causes a shower of giant bolts and screws to rain on all four miniaturised heroes)
Alice: 3 (bumps into Logan while chased by dogs, both fall - falls from giant bedside cabinet - gets covered in paint in basement)
Dec 13, 2022 2:28 am
I had a feeling that would happen 🤣
Dec 13, 2022 2:31 am
It was either this or a double exploded 18 or something
Dec 13, 2022 6:38 am
We would've involuntarily summoned Solomon Black right to Alana's bedroom 🤣
Dec 13, 2022 6:40 am
Honestly, I kind of expected that to happen with the Snake Eyes. Instead of revealing him to us, we reveal us to him so he can come and just fetch his fulcrum
Dec 13, 2022 9:31 am
oh, Solomon does know where you are... maybe he cannot fetch the fulcrum directly, but his bully-goons might. They just have to keep a low profile, after the very public antics at Eddard's shop...

Now the hunters have about a day and a half before the proposed exchange, to decide what to do.
Dec 13, 2022 10:02 am
I won't be able to post for a bit, but no way Al waits that long.

Just debating whether she sets the police on Chet or storms his home herself
Dec 13, 2022 10:08 am
reminder, this happened after the Eddard Shop attack:
Dec 13, 2022 11:02 am
That makes things more difficult.

Dec 13, 2022 12:01 pm
I have a plan. Let me know if that could work.

Step 1, we drop Benny off with Johnny's family

Step 2, we all do an action to try and figure out where Chet is hiding. Ideas:
- Bev knows Chet and the town the best, maybe she can try to remember if Chet has known hideouts
- Johnny could try to maybe magically draw a map of where Chet or Solomon are
- Al could ride her bike around and see if she finds any spots that are especially populated by birds

And maybe all that together could give us an idea of where to go. Or something similar.
Dec 13, 2022 1:38 pm
I bet Brian would know Chet and his goons go. He's probably even beat Chet up a couple times for Bev.
Dec 13, 2022 1:43 pm
Wait, we have someone on our side who can beat up Chet? 😮
Dec 13, 2022 1:49 pm
Woah! That'd be impressive!
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