The party enters the first room on the right. The little side door is afforded scant attention compared to the grand double doors further down, and one look beyond tells you why. This room is a small servants' quarters with two beds, each with a footlocker. In the wall to the west (behind you) is a dumbwaiter, and to the north is a tiny closet. At the back of the room, the wall bulges as if allowing a stovepipe to pass through.
Assuming you want to move on to the double doors. Don't worry,
Taniwha can tell you that there are no traps. EDIT: This is just an attempt to speed things up on my end. Feel free to spend as long as you like in the servants' room, and to go anywhere else as well.
These double doors are dusty and rough; it's clear they haven't been oiled in centuries. They swing open to reveal a large, opulent library. The place would be pitch black without the party's lamps and torches, since red velvet drapes cover the many windows that line the north wall. Against that wall and opposite the party is an exquisite mahogany desk and a matching high-back chair. There is another black marble fireplace here, and above it is a framed picture of a windmill perched atop a rocky crag. Situated in corners of the room are two overstuffed chairs. Floor-to-ceiling bookshelves line the south wall, forming a small aisle, with a rolling ladder to allow one to more easily reach the high shelves.