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May 20, 2015 6:03 pm
Running with 1)

Template: True Believer
High Concept: Maverick yoga teacher
Trouble: Sorry, what was that?

[name tbc] is an yoga teacher from India in his late 50s. He teaches some unorthodox mashup of different yoga styles which more purist practitioners look down on.

Sorry, what was that?: Because of his strong Indian accent and the fact he has not been in the US very long, he sometimes finds himself not understanding or being misunderstood, usually at the least convenient moments...
May 20, 2015 7:59 pm
I think one sounds really interesting -- let's run with it. And on Friday, let's try and set some time out for city creation!
May 21, 2015 1:49 pm
Great stuff. I've been reading the City Creation chapter in more detail, and digging around a bit into DC's occult past and present, so looking forward to it! By the way, I'm thinking more along the lines of "Kickass Yoga Teacher" now - still a maverick, but more exactly because he has honed his yoga into something of a martial art. Or does that go too far for everyone?
May 21, 2015 4:44 pm
I don't think that goes far - Dresden gets into that slightly zany zone every now and then :)
May 26, 2015 1:55 pm
What would you guys think about playing over email? I don't know about you, but I'm actually finding it a little hard to track this site
May 26, 2015 3:38 pm
To be honest I'm finding the site pretty good as a player, don't know what it looks like from a GM's perspective. In fact, so good that I've managed to get myself playing two other games in the time I haven't heard anything from this one.

Personally, I'd rather not play by email, and I've probably got myself too busy to play another game anyway. So I'm afraid I'm going to have to withdraw from the game.

Thanks for getting me on to DFRPG though - it's a great setting, and I've learned more about Fate by reading some of the book. Good luck with running your game, however you end up doing it! :-)
May 26, 2015 4:50 pm
Do you get email notifications to post replies?
May 27, 2015 12:37 am
I do for the DFRPG game that I'm running, though for the games I'm playing in I just check manually.
Jul 6, 2015 8:12 pm
I'm sorry I totally forgot about this game and haven't done squat for it. I will crack open my DF books tonight and come up with a character concept.

Have we done city creation yet?

If here doesn't work, we could try MythWeavers or Roll20.

In other games I've been party to, we communicated through Skype chat as well.

EDIT: Just noticed the last post was in May, is this still happening?
Last edited July 6, 2015 8:13 pm

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