Chapter 1.0 - Rio Grande City

May 18, 2015 1:11 pm
The town of Rio Grande City is part town and part military base being hastily constructed. All around you hear the sounds of industry, sawing, hammering, yelling, and the complaints of horses. You smell grease, sawdust, horse manure, and human sweat. People bustle about their own tasks, carrying building materials, tending to equipment, loading and unloading wagons, soldiers marching down the street, or standing about smoking. The assault on your senses nearly overwhelms you, and you probably pause like a podunk lout on the city’s edge before stepping into the chaos. Still, for all the busy-ness, you can tell now, that these people are almost all sleepers, maybe just like you used to be, and because of that, this town will never be built, never change from how it is.

There are a number of bawdy houses, little more than temporary sheds or bathhouses, and two newly built, two-story hotels with lower level saloons. Stores, barbers, carpenters, stables and unmarked offices fill the downtown area. Surrounding it, sawmills, tanneries, livestock corrals, and residential homes crowd the area. Off to the south, you can see the Rio Grande, and beyond that Mexico. To the east, you can see the burgeoning Fort Ringgold, the center of activity of the soldiers.

You were asked to meet Louis Garderose here on June 4, 1851. Arriving, you are unsure of whether or not he has a home here, resides at a hotel, or maybe even Fort Ringgold.
Describe how you made your way to Rio Grande City, when you arrived, and how you tracked Louis Garderose to the Blue Bell Hotel.
May 18, 2015 10:30 pm
Quickfeet Buckholtz was on his way to Rio Grande anyway, having to bring in an escaped prisoner back to this city. Travelling by horse, he dropped off his charge at the Sheriff's and asks a few questions about Louis. It didn't take Quickfeet long to figure out which hotel he was staying at; one look at the name Blue Bell, he knew it would be where Louis would be.
May 19, 2015 12:22 am
Diego tries to shake the water from his hair as he reaches down and picks up his sombrero. "Señor Garderose, what would drive a man such as yourself to hire someone like me? And who the hell slid that card into my pocket?" he mumbles to himself as he mounts up. Straining to recall the events of the previous night Diego seems to remember it as a series of repeating events, images flash through his head, but nothing is clear. Shaking his head once more he jingles Diablo's reins and spurs his companion onward.

After a long and dusty trip, Diego finds himself on the outskirts of Rio Grande City. Pulling his sombrero low, hoping to hide his face, he trots into town and takes in his surroundings. Spotting what appears to a be a saloon Diego lets his urge for drink overtake good reason as he whispers to Diablo, "I think I could use a drink!" Keeping his sombrero low as he enters the saloon, he walks up to the bar and orders a whiskey. But before the bar keep can even turn around, the sound of a gun cocking directly behind his ear grabs Diego's full attention.

"Now, you wouldn't happen to be that bandito Rey we've all been hearing so much about, would ya?"

"Easy, Gringo. I'm here for honest work at the request of Señor Garderose. Check my coat pocket and you'll find my invitation."

The man reaches into Diego's coat pocket and retrieves the card. As he examines it another man joins him and as Diego drinks his whiskey he can hear a hushed conversation behind him. Apparently convinced that Diego is telling the truth about his intentions he returns his card to him and says, "Ol' Louis is up to something. You're not the only questionable hire he's sent for. You can find him over at the Blue Bell."

Pausing the man gets up nice and close and whispers, "Once you're done helping the old man, we're coming for you, Rey!"

Getting up from the stool Diego tips his hat towards the man, "I look forward to it, Amigo. Use the extra time to gather a couple more friends." Laughing he spins on his heels and walks out the door. "Come, Diablo, let's find this Blue Bell place and talk with Señor Garderose."

OOC: I love the interwebz: Mexican Horse Names
May 19, 2015 7:34 am
The colonel arrives by train. He steps off the wagon and stands still on the platform, scanning the area with squinting eyes taking every detail in. After minutes he walks over to the counter of the station manager/telegraph office and checks all the wanted posters.
He asks the clerk about the facilities and layout of the town letting the man talk wihile he stares at him. After a while he slips the intimidatedly babbeling man a bank note and walks off without another word.

He takes a walk around town, visits the sheriff's office exchanging a few more friendly words and learning about the situation in town and also stating his business and checking for more wanted posters.

Then he gets offers from at least two rental stables in case he needs a horse later, takes a look into every saloon in town, checking out the clientel and getting some rumors from the barkeeps. He carefully drops the name of the strange old man in the conversation here and there not to make it obvious that he is looking fo the stranger. Also he now has three street urchins in his employment to get the latest news. After half an hour he should be aware of any notable strangers and important people in town.

He memorizes the most important shops in town and finally ends his tour of the town at the reception desk of the Blue Bell. He gets a room, pays three days in advance and for a generous tip also the room number of his "business partner" while his stare strongly suggests not to ask questions. The Colonel makes very few words but always displays the very best manners.
He slips the card he recieved under the door of the old man's room to announce himself.

He gets to the room, has a bath prepared and relaxes in the water with a pipe. Then takes out a clothes brush and meticulously cleans the dust of the road off his black clothes and cleans both his pistol and rifle although they are already blinking in the sunlight. The equipment always has to be in perfect condition.

Later he sits on the balcony spanning around the upper floor of the hotel in front of his room and watches the streets until the sun sinks. He sleeps as always with his derringer under the pillow and a chair propped under the room and balcony door and awaits the 4th of june.

OOC: I'll subtract $5 for various tips around town and the hotel room. And hopefully I have an idea of the other new arrivals asking questions about Mr. Garderose. I just spent at least half a day on information gathering :)
May 19, 2015 1:32 pm
Before going into the Blue Bell, he goes to the nearest barber for a nice clean shave (no touching the moustache though!). Eli then goes over to the Blue Bell, ordering a drink and a warm meal. If Louis is there, he will join him; otherwise he will sit in a corner of the room to watch all those in the room and those who enter.
May 19, 2015 11:50 pm
"Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither thou be dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest..." The whispers of the faithful echoed back to Clancy as he repeated this phrase from Joshua chapter one. Parsing a familiar verse was the least a man could do to ease his troubles in such an unforgiving and confusing world. Of course, that wasn't the particular issue today. Clancy simply hated trains.

The clergyman's eyes darted around the cabin, noting few worthy of his interest. A large woman draped in miscellaneous cloth, a fidgety man showing less composure than even Clancy could muster, these were the souls that would die with him were this abomination of nature to fail it's purpose. He almost missed a third individual: a gruff looking older gentleman, who seemed to be very clean and organized despite the dusty demons that surrounded this wasteland. There was a yell throughout the train alerting everyone aboard that they were approaching Rio Grande City. Thank you, Lord, Clancy thought to himself, motioning a cross over his chest before reaching into his pocket to check the letter once more. As the box of metal death came to a slow, grindy halt, Clancy watched the gentleman stand and leave the platform, and Clancy was not far behind him.

Getting into the city was no problem for a man of the church. Everyone greeted Clancy with a smile and a "welcome, Reverend!" before passing him through to the next checkpoint. Before he knew it, the bustling industrial city was expanding before his eyes. The farther he stepped into the town, the more his fist clenched around the letter in his pocket. Memories-- were they truly his?-- appeared before his mind's eyes, bringing forward the familiar pain and torment of his past life. Approaching the temple he had contacted weeks before, he stilled his anger, and entered.

Immediately Clancy was greeted by a younger man, dressed in the cloth. "Welcome, Reverend! We've been expecting you!" This gentleman seemed very excited to meet him, though Clancy thought of several reasons for him not to be.

"Thank you, son. I'd love to stay and get the story on your wonderful city, but I'm afraid I am here for a higher calling. Tell me, where can I find a..." Clancy looked down at the letter once more, though he already knew the name he was looking for. "A mister Louis Garderose?"

The boyish man dropped in gladness, his smile all but vanishing. "Ah, mister Garderose. He'd be at the Blue Bell Hotel, sir." His hands met, fingers fumbling together nervously. "But, Reverand, why would you be meeting with such a..." Another nervous pause, finished with hardly a whisper: "Such a man of questionable intentions?"

Clancy reached into his front coat pocket, retrieving a handkerchief to cough into. "Child, the Lord does not favor the wise over the wicked. We must reach out to all corners of the earth to deliver God's grace." He smiled politely and put a hand on the young man's shoulder, comforting him. "God bless you, son. Take care," he finished, walking away from the lad. Deliver God's grace... he thought as he kicked up more dust in the desert town, If this man is deserving of such a blessing. It wouldn't take him very long before he was face to face with the entrance of the Blue Bell. A quaint name for a place of such importance this day. He gathered his thoughts once more, before entering.

A common hymn entered into Clancy's mind and he conjured it into being in an almost sinister whisper of a hum. "He put a new song in my mouth... many shall see, and trust... and fear the Lord thy God..."
May 20, 2015 1:59 am
The walk to Rio Grande City was just like the old man described, just a walk over a hill. The young man repeated "Louis Garderose Rio Grande City. June 4th." like a mantra in his mind. Puzzled by the strangeness of it all, his entrance into the city was without fanfare. AJ politely returned the greetings he got from from strangers as he made his way deeper into town. The old man hadn't set a meeting place. Maybe ... AJ thought of the whiskey he had shared with the man. Maybe I'll just go get a drink. AJ caught the attention of the nearest man, "Excuse me, sir. Where might a fella get a good drink around here?" Still just a boy by some men's standards, AJ was accustomed to people being kindly enough. Often times, it was the sight of his rifle that convinced others that AJ was really a man. The way he carried it, it was like the rifle was an extension of himself, rather than a firearm or a tool.
After only a cursory glance, the man pointed down the street. "I'd say the Blue Bell Hotel should suit you fine, son."
Tipping his hat as thanks, AJ made his way down the street, looking for a sign. The word "hotel" made AJ think of Garderose. Spotting the establishment, AJ walked into the hotel lobby and made his way to the desk. Greeted by a beaming concierge, AJ couldn't help but smile back. "Hello there. I wondered if there might be a Mister Louis Garderose staying here?"
"One moment, sir." The cheery woman searched the desk and quickly found a note. "Says here you're to meet him in the bar." Looking away from the note, she flashes him at the young man. "Looks like you're right on time."
"Thank you very much, ma'am." AJ nods and heads into the bar of the Blue Bell Hotel.
May 20, 2015 2:48 am
On the night of June 4, 1851, the five of you have arrived at Rio Grande City. The evening sun has passed and night’s chill has settled on the blossoming desert. The townsfolk have mostly returned to their homes, and the days end crowd has begun to drift away from the saloons back to their bunks. A comfortable calm has embraced Rio Grande City, settling like a blanket of peace.

In the corner, a woman plays a languid flowery tune on the piano, while an elderly cowpoke leans against the side, a half-drunk glass of beer ignored in his hands, his eyes closed and swaying gently with the song. The saloon’s barkeep is taking stock of his liquor and making tallies in his ledger. A trio of young soldiers play faro at a side table near the stairs to the upper level, their money piles small enough to dissuade more seasoned gamblers from wasting their talents bucking the tiger.

Suddenly, a gunshot rings out from upstairs. An old man is flung down the hallway, and topples over the railing, landing on the faro table. Louis Garderose, covered in blood, rolls to his feet, a tiger backed playing card stuck to his bloody cheek. A hairy, humanoid creature with a canine-like face but wearing female attire, places both of its clawed hands on the railing, and snarls down at the room, before eyeing Louis Garderose cruelly, and tensing to leap over the rail and into the saloon.
{Here we’re going to roll initiative. If you character is trained or specialized in initiative, indicate so in the description of the roll. Initiative, like all rolls in The Strange, is a 1d20 without modifiers. Initiative is a speed roll, if you are looking to spend effort. If your initiative roll is greater than or equal to 12 (or 9 if trained, or 6 if specialized), then you will get to go before the creature, so describe your action. If you are unsure of the roll, simply describe what you intend to do and roll a 1d20.}
May 20, 2015 6:18 am
The Colonel had been monitoring the lower floor from the upstairs landing. His pistol at his side and his two shot derringer up his sleeve. So man and beast come crashing just by him.

Instinctively he bends his elbow and lets the Derringer slide into his hand, ready to fire. "Halt! Stand down!"

OOC: The Colonel is both trained in tactics and in initiative.
I'd like to roll tactics, too and what is find the flaw for? Can I analyze the enemy?
Last edited May 20, 2015 6:30 am


Initiatizing - (1d20)

(6) = 6

May 20, 2015 6:34 am
Mortimer is a bit slow today... Maybe more startled than he would admit. Or just waiting for the creature to react to his call?
May 20, 2015 10:15 am
AJ hadn't been able to completely relax. Anxious to meet Mr. Garderose, the young sharpshooter kept his rifle ready on his shoulder as he sat at the bar with his back to the corner.
The commotion startled AJ into readying his rifle, aiming up at the strange creature at the railing. Only seeing a dangerous animal, AJ took the shot.


Initiative - (1d20)

(12) = 12

Attack roll - (1d20)

(18) = 18

May 20, 2015 12:27 pm
"Son of a ...!", Eli mutters aloud, as this dog-beast in a dress leers downwards at Louis, drenched in the blood of the man now laying dead on the table below. Quick as anything, Eli leaps up from his chair, and in one motion dashes over to where Louis stands, turns, draws his gun and fires his heavy pistol at the beast, striking it squarely in the chest.
(OOC: Rolled 11 for initiative, but Trained. Rolled a 3 for Fleet of Foot roll, but trained in Running, so able to do a short move and an action. Rolled a 15 to hit with his gun, doing 5 points of damage – 4 for medium weapon, 1 for piercing).
EDIT OOC - forgot that I have 'find the flaw': if the enemy has a weakness, please send it to me via private message
EDIT again - not used to PBeM (been many years) and not used to Gamers Plane (never used) - didn't notice there was a dice roll function! Will use for future rolls...
Last edited May 20, 2015 5:28 pm
May 20, 2015 1:39 pm
Strange ones around these parts... Clancy hung his head low, looking into the bottom of a glass. It wasn't whiskey, to his dismay, but simply tap water. He would have liked a sip of cold milk, but in the west, that sort of luxury was a miracle to acquire. Why, he could remember like it wa--

A gunshot rang through the air as well as Clancy's mind, alerting him of danger. Not long following the unwelcome noise was a thud and thump as an older gentleman, likely the one he was here to meet, fumbled down the stairway. It was clear he had been injured some how, and after another glance at the scene Clancy could determine who the culprit might be. The elderly man, Louis, slowly came to his feet as the cat-like creature revealed itself, menacingly pouncing about. Before his mind could catch up, Clancy was already rushing towards Louis; partly to see if he was in need of medical attention and partly to defend against anything that might be threatening. "I'm a priest! Do you need treatment?!" He screamed, his hearing still not adjusted from the chaos the gunfire had caused.

OOC: Clancy has an inability regarding initiative, he rolls at an additional level higher than normal, so to him the number to beat is 15. Also, he will be taking his action moving towards Louis. If he answers "Yes," he'll roll a healing check. If he answers anything other than "Yes," Clancy will defend against whatever may come at Louis. Not sure how to do that, but I'll roll a d20 just in case. If I can't wait for Louis to respond, Clancy will simply defend.

EDIT: Oh Lord, why hast thou forsaken me? ;-;
Last edited May 20, 2015 1:40 pm


Initiative - (1d20)

(5) = 5

Heal Check - (1d20)

(5) = 5

Defense Roll? - (1d20)

(1) = 1

May 20, 2015 9:51 pm
Diego quickly turns on his bar stool as he hears the commotion behind him and sees a bloody old man struggle to his feet. "Nothing like a good fight!" he thinks as he starts to lean back to enjoy the show before noticing the beast above.

"Dios mío! That's one hairy gringa!"

Looking about the room he sees several others prepared to take action as he draws both of his blades.

"Let's see what I can do to help" he mumbles as he starts yelling out inspirational encouragement to those who will attack the creature.
Diego will not attack, but will take an action (in whatever order it turns out) to Spin Encouragement, enabling those who are attacking to do so at one step benefit. Cost is 1 intellect for the Twist, but he has an intellect edge of 1, so it's a freebie.


Initiative [Trained] - (1d20)

(7) = 7

May 20, 2015 11:35 pm
As the half-wolf, half-woman leaps over the top railing, AJ and Quickfeet open fire, and she takes 12 points of damage from two hits. [NOTE: unique_exemplar didn't specifically declare using Pierce. As he as a Speed Edge of 1, this would be a free extra point of damage. I'll add it in this time, but next time you'll need to specify it. 12 = 4+1 dmg from Eli, 6+1 from AJ.]

She lands beside Louis, but as Clancy Winwood clumsily got in the way, she attacks him, ferociously biting him on the collar bone. [Clancy takes 6 might damage, and you get 2 xp for the GM intrusion. You must give one of the xp to another player, and state why you chose him.]

Clancy slaps a bandage on Louis Garderose, ignoring the pain in his own shoulder. [NOTE: Healing works by choosing a number of points to heal, and making an Intellect check against that number times 3. You can only attempt this once per day per target. In this case, I'll give you a 2 point heal on Louis as that is the most that your 5 would heal - because your trained in healing, the difficulty is one step down. In the future, you'll need to specify the heal points your attempting in advance.]

He who wields the sombrero begins calling encouragement to the others, and giving advice [decreasing the difficulty of your attacks by one step].

Louis staggers backwards from the wreckage of the faro table, and holds his hands up defensively to fend off the she-wolf.

It is the colonel's turn, followed by AJ and Quickfeet. The werewolf is badly wounded and has three health remaining. No, four now, did you see that? [Perception checks with your next actions please.]
May 21, 2015 2:02 am
Never taking his sights off the strange creature, AJ takes careful aim before taking his next shot. Even if the creature drops, AJ will keep his sights on the creature until he's sure it's completely dead.
Using Pierce ability for additional damage plus spending a level of Effort on attack roll. Total Speed points spent: 3


Attack - (1d20)

(5) = 5

Perception - (1d20)

(12) = 12

May 21, 2015 6:51 am
The colonel whirls around as the creature jumps over the railing and shoots his Derringer.

"A skinwalker! Use silver!" he shouts.


Shoot light weapon (trained) - (1d20)

(3) = 3

May 21, 2015 11:22 am
"Who the heck carries silver bullets?", Eli yells. (Ooc: I assume no one would).

He fires off another round into the she-beast.


perception (trained) - (1d20)

(9) = 9

attack (handgun) - add pierce dmg - (1d20)

(16) = 16

defense if necessary - (1d20)

(20) = 20

May 21, 2015 1:31 pm
The sharp dressed man hanging out on the balcony draws and fires a small gun, but it strikes the pillar behind the faro table. AJ sights his rifle on the creature, but stumbles into the piano girl who is running for the door and he shoots high, into the ceiling. Eli draws a good bead on the creature and shoots it square in the chest, and the creature falls to the ground, convulsing.

AJ and Eli both notice that the first wounds that it took appear to be healing. Also, you both hear snarls from upstairs, from at least two sources. Louis Garderose says "Stay back from her men, she won't be down for long. And there were at least two more holding me." He points up the stairs, and you both notice that his wrist is bloodied as if from struggling while being tied up, and hobbles over towards the bar.

A haze of gunsmoke palls the saloon. The door to the kitchen closes behind the bartender, the three faro-playing soldiers are extracting themselves from beneath their splintered table. They appear to be unarmed except for large bowie knives, which they have not yet drawn. Curiously, the old man that was listening to the piano is still there, quietly rocking to himself, listening to music that no longer plays.

Lastly, Clancy's shoulder wound is bleeding badly, but you can see that it is flecked with foamy spittle and hair from the she-wolf.
Clancy and Diego are up. If you roll perception at 6 or higher (3 if trained), you will hear the commotion upstairs over the reverberations of enclosed gunfire. If you roll a 12 or higher (9 if trained) then you will also notice the rope burns on Louis and see the wounds closing on the twitching wolf-woman. Clancy has an asset on the perception for Louis for getting up close and personal; an asset decreases the difficulty one step.
May 21, 2015 3:13 pm
The colonel darts into his room, grabs his bag and gun and then runs down the stairs.

"Get moving, we are outpowered! Everybody out!" he barks in commanding tone. "Reverent, take Grandpa! Everyone invited by him with me! We need to regroup and a plan! Quickfeet, Diego cover our retreat!"

OOC: Did I find a shop selling silverware while scoping out the city? I'd like to direct the group there. Yes, I know some names already :-)

Edit: I did percieve the commotion right next to me :-)
Last edited May 21, 2015 3:20 pm


Perception (trained) - (1d20)

(3) = 3

load next

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