Character Creation

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Sep 1, 2018 7:40 am
I like to roll.


Dice gods I pray to thee - (1d6+1)

(6) + 1 = 7

Sep 1, 2018 7:40 am
What, yes.
Feb 14, 2019 3:23 am
Rolling up a new character! Results: 14, 13, 9, 12, 14, 9.

I'm thinking of a draconian fighter with the soldier background. He's wandered far from the ruins of Draconia, searching for salvation and redemption from his abiding of the Ravenite oppression. It'd make sense that he's come to a remote place like Dunghill, at least.

STR 16, DEX 13, CON 14, INT 9, WIS 9, CHA 13.

What level should I start at?
Last edited February 14, 2019 3:42 am


Attributes - (4d6, 4d6, 4d6, 4d6, 4d6, 4d6)

4d6 : (2545) = 16

4d6 : (6152) = 14

4d6 : (4123) = 10

4d6 : (3236) = 14

4d6 : (4643) = 17

4d6 : (3331) = 10

Feb 14, 2019 3:33 pm
CancerMan says:
Rolling up a new character! Results: 14, 13, 9, 12, 14, 9.

I'm thinking of a draconian fighter with the soldier background. He's wandered far from the ruins of Draconia, searching for salvation and redemption from his abiding of the Ravenite oppression. It'd make sense that he's come to a remote place like Dunghill, at least.

STR 16, DEX 13, CON 14, INT 9, WIS 9, CHA 13.

What level should I start at?
Sounds good, starting at 4th level mate as I've just leveled up the others
Feb 14, 2019 4:55 pm
I've submitted Layandawei, 4th-level blue dragonborn fighter with the champion archetype.

Background: Soldier
Feature: Military Rank
Personality Trait: I'm haunted by the atrocities the draconians inflicted upon the ravenites. I can't get the images of violence and oppression out of my head.
Personality Trait: I've lost too many friends, and I'm slow to make new ones.
Ideal: Independence. When people follow orders blindly, they embrace a kind of tyranny.
Bond: I fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.
Flaw: I have little respect for anyone who is not a proven warrior.
Flaw: The monstrous deeds we committed cost many lives, and still leave me haunted and ashamed.

Layandawei is a former soldier from Draconia, tasked with the defense of her realm and ensuring the safety and security of her people. The blue dragonborn was also responsible for keeping the Ravenites in check, applying muscle and force when necessary, or more often than not, when ordered.

Layandawei always felt conflicted when tasked with suppressing Ravenite independence. He never understood why the tailess ones were considered a lesser caste, for did they not share the same draconic blood? However, life within the military was one of strict discipline, and Layandawei did not shirk from his duties.

When Draconia was destroyed by the Chroma Conclave, the oppressors also fell from power. Layandawei felt it was time he left the military and cast himself into exile to meditate on his participation of what he felt were horrible atrocities. He made his own pact that he would right these wrongs whenever he could.
Feb 19, 2019 7:01 am
Taking average for level hp 4.
Taking 4th level in wizard
2 more spells to learn - Mage Armor, Misty Step
1 cantrip - Chill Touch
And still deciding on a feat or ASI - Feat: Fade Away(XGtE)
Last edited February 19, 2019 8:27 am
Feb 19, 2019 1:21 pm
Layandawei is approved, will introduce the character at the next suitable opportunity.
Mar 1, 2019 4:39 am
Leveling (finally).
Increasing DEX
Adding Color Spray to my spell list
Last edited March 1, 2019 4:46 am


Level 4 HP - (1d8+1)

(6) + 1 = 7

Mar 1, 2019 8:41 pm
Welcome HypCo, Arina and Kadeton. Please post your character idea's in here, will be a few days before I'm looking to introduce the new characters so no massive rush on getting things sorted
Mar 1, 2019 11:05 pm
Hey, everyone! I'm not really sure of any solid ideas for characters yet so 'no massive rush' is a blessing. At least I can get rolls out of the way, those don't require an idea.


Stat barf - (4d6, 4d6, 4d6, 4d6, 4d6, 4d6)

4d6 : (1136) = 11

4d6 : (2636) = 17

4d6 : (2233) = 10

4d6 : (2432) = 11

4d6 : (1415) = 11

4d6 : (6525) = 18

Also, dolla dolla. - (5d4)

(34114) = 13

Mar 2, 2019 12:12 am
I'm not too sure either. Maybe a cleric because despite having played for a fair number of years, I've never played one before.



(4254) = 15


(5344) = 16


(3515) = 14


(1633) = 13


(6664) = 22


(1525) = 13

Mar 2, 2019 12:17 am
Let's see how those rolls go...

So 8, 10, 15, 15, 16, 16. Damn, that's a solid statblock.

From a build perspective, I'm leaning towards a Wood Elf Paladin, a sort of agile, stealthy Forest Avenger. I'm not sure how well that will actually work (compared to, say, the more "obvious" choice of Ranger) but I like the idea of the character having found a true Calling. I'll work up a character sheet and write a proper backstory soon!

Edit: @mcneils5, would you be okay with me taking the Outlander background, but switching out the Athletics proficiency for Stealth? I see the character having a background as a hunter, but focusing more on the elven techniques of silent ambush than the human hunter's approach of relentless pursuit.

I'd also like her to learn the Sylvan language for her choice, is that okay? (It's Exotic, so needs DM permission, but I think it makes sense for her - the connection with nature makes contact with fey more likely than anything else.)
Last edited March 2, 2019 7:32 am


Stats - (4d6, 4d6, 4d6, 4d6, 4d6, 4d6)

4d6 : (2214) = 9

4d6 : (4365) = 18

4d6 : (6212) = 11

4d6 : (5642) = 17

4d6 : (5654) = 20

4d6 : (4556) = 20

Starting wealth - (5d4)

(14433) = 15

Hit points - (3d10)

(1101) = 12

Mar 2, 2019 12:22 am
Wow my first 18. Any problems if I make my cleric a Firbolg?
Mar 2, 2019 3:25 am
Well Frazzles is going to start reading into religion, specifically looking into reincarnation and those magics. Might take magic initiate at 8 for some cleric spells, not sure yet.
Mar 3, 2019 8:47 pm
kadeton says:
Edit: @mcneils5, would you be okay with me taking the Outlander background, but switching out the Athletics proficiency for Stealth? I see the character having a background as a hunter, but focusing more on the elven techniques of silent ambush than the human hunter's approach of relentless pursuit.

I'd also like her to learn the Sylvan language for her choice, is that okay? (It's Exotic, so needs DM permission, but I think it makes sense for her - the connection with nature makes contact with fey more likely than anything else.)
Yeah I'm fine with both of those changes.
Mar 4, 2019 4:19 am
Here's where I'm at with my character's backstory:

Tarasynora Liavaris grew up among the wild elves of Lyrengorn, and became a proficient hunter in the mountain forests. She adored the beauty of the icy wilderness, the majesty of its glaciers and ancient pines, and especially the wonder of the northern lights, and the skillful aerobatic displays of the wyvern riders who played amongst the dazzling colours.

Tara was proud of her skills as a hunter, but always felt as though there was something missing from her life, some essential purpose or meaning. Her work was important, for sure - it kept the people of Lyrengorn fed, and the forests safe from supernatural threats. It kept nature in balance, and ensured that everything continued as it always had.

It was only when a group of humans came to the city, begging for the elves’ aid to save their village from violent creatures of the Feywild, that Tara was able to understand what she was missing. The city’s leaders welcomed the humans as they did all peaceful travelers, and gave them all the comforts of elven hospitality, but they refused to help them. Tara demanded to know why.

"Their troubles are not our troubles," she was told. And in that moment, she understood - she could not ignore the suffering of others, no matter who they were; the presence of darkness and evil in the world was everyone’s problem, and she would never be content to maintain the state of things as they were. She had to try to make the world a better place.

When the humans left, she left with them, against the protestations of her family and friends. The humans told her of the fey spirits that attacked their farmers, hunters and woodcutters, starving the village of supplies. The people were afraid to leave their houses, and they feared the spirits would soon attack the village itself.

Tara went out into the woods near the village alone, and called upon the forest spirits to speak with her. The dryads came forth from the trees, in their aspects of war and anger. They told Tara that the humans were wounding the land and the forest with their greed and ignorance. Tara did not try to argue, but simply listened.

For over a year, Tara went back and forth between the humans and the dryads, asking for patience and understanding. She taught the humans how to gather wood and hunt game without upsetting the balance of the forest. She convinced the dryads to give over some of the forest for farmland, so the humans could grow enough crops to survive. In turn, the humans agreed to protect and honour the dryad’s sacred groves, the surrounding forest and its creatures. She built an agreement between them, such that each was better for it - without the conflict from their mutual misunderstandings, they could grow and flourish to mutual benefit.

When she first began to see humans and dryads starting to work in harmony without her intervention, Tara felt joy and sadness in equal measure. The results confirmed her deepest feelings - that she could make a difference in the world, and that the light of compassion was truly able to banish the darkness of ignorance and hatred. On the other hand, these people no longer needed her help, and it was time to move on.
Mar 5, 2019 12:19 pm
Hey, McNeils, sorry for the lack of progression; work has been a son-of-a. Anyway, I think I finally landed on something that I enjoy. Just need to fill out a character sheet, shouldn't be more than a day or two.
Mar 5, 2019 3:27 pm
kadeton - looks great :)

HypCo - Don't worry mate, I'd rather you take a bit longer and end up with a character you're really happy with than rush it and not be feeling them when you're playing.
Mar 6, 2019 3:55 am
Think yer've got problems? Wish yer had never been born? Sit down, shut up and thank yer lucky stars that yer not me. I was born into the Mossflower Tribe, a bunch of tree hugging hippies, the lot of them. Used to be one myself once, but that's not important. Every year at harvest time we gathered together with the other Firbolg tribes of Wildmount, and the shamans read the future. Sometimes we had good signs, sometimes bad. In a good year we'd drink, make merry and celebrate, in a bad year we'd work hard, disperse, and conserve what we had. It's all balance, yer see? This one year the signs were the worst the shamans had ever seen. Hard work wouldn't cut it. Somethin bad was commin. And the Wildmother would need some serious help to fight it. To get that help, she'd need a trustworthy soul. A really nice guy. A good honest worker... You can see where this is going right? So I was selected. The chosen one. Lucky me. The bastards never told me that they were gonna send me to her direct like. I was hanged from the corpse of the great tree, while all of my friends and family watched and threw lillies at my feet. Fuck em. I died that day. But my spirit didn't go up, or down. Instead it was sucked into the tree where I met Death herself. See, people think that nature is all lovely roses, the birds and the bees, yer know? That is nature. But nature is also the cruelist thing you can imagine. A whole bunch of plants and animals struggling to survive, eating each other. Torturing each other. And I have met her. If she doesn't scare yer then yer ain't right in the head. She fucking terrifies me and I'm on her good side! Sorta. Anyway, we meet and she takes one look at me and I could feel her stripping away my soul as if she were about to eat it. After a long while she says Change is coming. I need all the strength I can get. You have a choice, serve me. Be my Reaper of Souls. Harvest for me and all of your kills will feed me. If you refuse I will eat your soul. Choose. Well, as yer can see I'm still here, so guess what I chose? I woke up with this scar running along me neck, and my body was covered with flowers. How nice of them, aye? And all of my people had scattered like the wind. You know the first thing I did? Rip off my bloody tribal tattoo. Fuck Mossflower, Fuck the Firbolg. To hell with the lot of them. Oh I'll serve the Wildmother. I'll send her evil souls, while I see if I can figure out why she needs em and if there's any way to get outta this curse. So whatdya think? Did yer like my touchin story?
Jul 7, 2021 1:20 am
Survey says? .... wow

18, 17, 14, 12, 12, 11
Last edited July 7, 2021 1:21 am


Stats? - (4d6, 4d6, 4d6, 4d6, 4d6, 4d6)

4d6 : (6636) = 21

4d6 : (5466) = 21

4d6 : (1563) = 15

4d6 : (4144) = 13

4d6 : (2641) = 13

4d6 : (5151) = 12

Hp rolls for 2-5 - (4d8)

(1764) = 18

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