Character Creation

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Oct 31, 2017 6:01 pm
I've been thinking I'll be starting things off in Stilben for those more familiar with the setting.

For those not here's the blurb:

Small City • Population: 9,015 (70% Human, 10% Elf, 10% Halfling, 5% Half-elf, 5% Other)
Stilben stinks to high heaven. Also known as the "Rotted Lot" by the countless sailors and merchants who pass through it, Stilben is the largest port city on this coast of Tal'Dorei, and is the focal point of all imports and exports to the East. The city is nestled in the sticky depths of the K'Tawl Swamp, and the lingering stink of marsh water and sulfur mingles with the humidity and the ever-present buzz of insects to produce an air of misery around Stilben's outer districts. Pushed out of the cozy heart of Stilben, the city's poor and disenfranchised citizens—disparagingly nicknamed "muckdwellers"—struggle to eke out a living in the K'Tawl's murky waters. Central Stilben houses most of the city's businesses, residences, and attractions. As a fairly sizable trade hub, those living in the heart of the city like to present a clean, "civilized" view of their city. The cross-continental Silvercut Roadway leads from Stilben all the way to Emon, and its robust trade of rare goods, textiles, and spices has given rise to a formidable merchant ruling class. Though Margrave Wendle Truss is Stilben's ruler in name, it is the guilds that hold true power. Their vast wealth and sizable "protection" force has forced the bombastic-yet-ineffectual Margrave to acquiesce to the will of guilds in order to maintain peace, as well as to preserve own station, within the city. Order is kept by the the Waterwatch, Stilben's official constabulary, but corruption is becoming more and more common within their ranks. The Clasp has learned that a flash of coin forgives many faults, and the famous ring of criminals has been allowed to flourish within Stilben for decades, sometimes working with the guilds to protect mutual interests, such as smuggling contraband goods and narcotics along the Silvercut Roadway. The Clasp's foreign rivals, the Myriad, have recently established a lair within Stilben as well, and are undercutting the Clasp's operations. The Myriad is less scrupulous than the Clasp, and has introduced a growing slave trade between eastern Tal'Dorei and Wildemount.

The place has a nice multi-cultural vibe to it and has plenty of trouble hinted at just below the surface.
Oct 31, 2017 6:13 pm
GaztheDm says:
I updated my idea but that also takes place after the arc.... hmmmmm well i am up for anything, if you think that having another gunslinger might take to much time/weird things in the story, i am also willing to play a bloodhunter (matts classes are just really cool) :P
I'm fine with Gunslinger, Percy has been running around with firearms for long enough now that other scholarly types would have been able to at least figure out the principles of how his guns work and also the fact that black powder seems to be fairly common in some areas means that he's not going to be able to stop the march of progress (plus he's got bigger things on his plate at the moment in the setting).

The only thing I wanted to get straight was how a goblin became one and how they also didn't instantly become a target as soon as they step foot anywhere 'civilised' - I was thinking to make it so there are a small group of goblins operate out of Stilben and are largly tolerated and are slowly being accepted as a part of society round these parts. Would give me a reason that your guy could be walking about in the city and not slaughtered out of hand by anyone who takes a disliking to them
Oct 31, 2017 6:46 pm
mcneils5 says:
GaztheDm says:
I updated my idea but that also takes place after the arc.... hmmmmm well i am up for anything, if you think that having another gunslinger might take to much time/weird things in the story, i am also willing to play a bloodhunter (matts classes are just really cool) :P
I'm fine with Gunslinger, Percy has been running around with firearms for long enough now that other scholarly types would have been able to at least figure out the principles of how his guns work and also the fact that black powder seems to be fairly common in some areas means that he's not going to be able to stop the march of progress (plus he's got bigger things on his plate at the moment in the setting).

The only thing I wanted to get straight was how a goblin became one and how they also didn't instantly become a target as soon as they step foot anywhere 'civilised' - I was thinking to make it so there are a small group of goblins operate out of Stilben and are largly tolerated and are slowly being accepted as a part of society round these parts. Would give me a reason that your guy could be walking about in the city and not slaughtered out of hand by anyone who takes a disliking to them
Sounds good, local stilben goblin kind who cam in after the terrors of the conclave wrecked their home and natural living area's and when the whole world goes to shit, weird aliances are made :)
Oct 31, 2017 7:40 pm
I'd like to roll up a ranger. May I use the UA Revised Ranger rules instead of the PHB?
Oct 31, 2017 7:50 pm
CancerMan says:
I'd like to roll up a ranger. May I use the UA Revised Ranger rules instead of the PHB?
Yeah that's fine
Oct 31, 2017 8:58 pm
OK i have the a suggestion for the goblin population in stilben.

How about this.

During the Conclave attack, magic users tried to apease the dragon rulers by experimenting on local wildlife/populations to create interesting gifts for the dragons, or secretly oppose them and finding ways to combat the dragons.

After the conclave was defeated a goblin tribe was released however they were not the normal vermin anymore, they were different, docile somethimes started random daydreaming standing still just looking at the sku.

Even through they were weird, goblins know how to survive and well form functioning socityies, so they were allowed to stay in Stilben becoming part of the socity there but still under watch, some goblins showed effects of magicl abilities, wild sometimes weird but not extremly dangerouse.

One of the goblins is the one i will be playing, he was experimented on with black poweder and other chemical agents, however he stole a weapon from his captives, he doenst know how to use it, or what is its funtion, but it damm well wont stop him from finding out and helping the goblin tribe sucseed
Oct 31, 2017 9:03 pm
GaztheDm says:
OK i have the a suggestion for the goblin population in stilben.

How about this.

During the Conclave attack, magic users tried to apease the dragon rulers by experimenting on local wildlife/populations to create interesting gifts for the dragons, or secretly oppose them and finding ways to combat the dragons.

After the conclave was defeated a goblin tribe was released however they were not the normal vermin anymore, they were different, docile somethimes started random daydreaming standing still just looking at the sku.

Even through they were weird, goblins know how to survive and well form functioning socityies, so they were allowed to stay in Stilben becoming part of the socity there but still under watch, some goblins showed effects of magicl abilities, wild sometimes weird but not extremly dangerouse.

One of the goblins is the one i will be playing, he was experimented on with black poweder and other chemical agents, however he stole a weapon from his captives, he doenst know how to use it, or what is its funtion, but it damm well wont stop him from finding out and helping the goblin tribe sucseed
That's great! Don't have to have it all fully fleshed out right now. If you want to add some more meat to it later or even leverage the background for assistance or contacts as we go that's fine by me.
Nov 1, 2017 12:25 am
Char gen: Druid
I would also like to waive the "no metal armor" portion of this beautiful concoction. Is that alright?


Char gen - (4d6, 4d6, 4d6, 4d6, 4d6, 4d6)

4d6 : (1533) = 12

4d6 : (5331) = 12

4d6 : (1266) = 15

4d6 : (2664) = 18

4d6 : (2441) = 11

4d6 : (1151) = 8

Nov 1, 2017 12:46 am
Can I be an Air Genasi from Zephrah? It says only halfelf, human, halfling amd tiefling live there but I was thinking of being a new genasi that just entered the rift to Tal'dorei. I maybe spent a few years learning with the Air Ashari about this world.
DM_Apexwolf sent a note to mcneils5
Nov 1, 2017 2:07 am
You know what? I'm gonna keep it simple and go Rogue instead and maybe go Arcane Trickster or multiclass Wizard down the line.
Last edited November 1, 2017 2:25 am
Nov 1, 2017 3:03 am
I've submitted my Elven Rogue.
Nov 1, 2017 7:04 am
jkl123 says:
Char gen: Druid
I would also like to waive the "no metal armor" portion of this beautiful concoction. Is that alright?
Afraid I'm going to have to say no as I really don't want to start messing with class balance by changing things like that.
DM_Apexwolf says:
Can I be an Air Genasi from Zephrah? It says only halfelf, human, halfling amd tiefling live there but I was thinking of being a new genasi that just entered the rift to Tal'dorei. I maybe spent a few years learning with the Air Ashari about this world.
Yeah that's fine, the Genesai section says the following:

While such people are rare within Tal'Dorei, they are most common among the Ashari due to their elemental destiny

I think the assumption is that as they can be born from any parents who are 'plane touched' in this setting so they aren't listed as a separate race in the settlement info.

mcneils5 sent a note to DM_Apexwolf
Nov 1, 2017 11:20 am
mcneils5 says:
jkl123 says:
Char gen: Druid
I would also like to waive the "no metal armor" portion of this beautiful concoction. Is that alright?
Afraid I'm going to have to say no as I really don't want to start messing with class balance by changing things like that.
Noted. Thank you. How about your experience with Tides of Chaos from the Wild Magic Sorcerer?
Nov 1, 2017 12:48 pm
question for my starting equipment, can i replace the longbow for a short bow (since im a small character) since it wouldnt make sence for a small char to have a longbow
Nov 1, 2017 1:09 pm
jkl123 says:
How about your experience with Tides of Chaos from the Wild Magic Sorcerer?
In what respect?
GaztheDm says:
question for my starting equipment, can i replace the longbow for a short bow (since im a small character) since it wouldnt make sence for a small char to have a longbow
Yeah that's fine
Nov 1, 2017 2:13 pm
My apologies. I meant to ask how was your experience with the feature, not about. The feature (and the subclass, to a point) relies heavily on fiat and I am considering trying it out.
Nov 1, 2017 2:18 pm
GOing with the outlander background, fits with the theme of a wilderness thing.
So YipYap of clan YopYop, brother of YipYip the second, is about to be made :)
Nov 1, 2017 2:38 pm
jkl123 says:
My apologies. I meant to ask how was your experience with the feature, not about. The feature (and the subclass, to a point) relies heavily on fiat and I am considering trying it out.
Erm, I've not had a massive amount of experience with it to be honest....I can't see too many issues with it but once you've used the feature it's really your call as to whether you want to risk casting anymore spells or not. Basically I see it as the price you pay for using that ability.
Nov 1, 2017 4:29 pm
So what do we have so far? Has anyone finalized their characters?
Nov 1, 2017 4:32 pm
We've got a Forest Gnome Ranger and a High Elf Rogue submitted and approved and there's a Goblin Fighter in the works I believe.
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