Last Post and Subforums

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Oct 22, 2014 11:21 pm
I think that posts made in subforums should appear in the last post section of the parent forum and light up the new post icon for the parent forum. Sometimes I miss posts made in subforums because they are pushed off the latest posts list and the parent does not light up. I do not click on all of the forums everytime I come on. I do check in frequently but generally only briefly unless I am working on something like a long post or the FAQ or something more involved like game planning.
Oct 22, 2014 11:32 pm
YES! This was bugging me too!
Oct 23, 2014 2:00 am
Yah, that's a bug that's kept getting pushed to the side with new features coming in. I'm actually gonna hold off from new features a bit and fix up more persistent, nuisance bugs.

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