Chronology Wardens [FAE] [ EDIT ]

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Time Goes on... And on.... And on... And you don't you go where your needed. are a team of Chronology Wardens, on a Timeship whose Job is to keep the Universal Timeline in tact. Togetherish you travel through time and do your best to prevent the Timeline from following a different path.

Time is like a river, some sections of the flow of time are naturally wide and if you throw a boulder in or take some water out it won't make to much difference but in other sections a boulder would completely divert the flow of the river.
- Darrod McPaul

Chronology Wardens Handbook
You are Unimportant to the "Universal Timeline" that is why you have been requited because removing you from the timeline won't effect anything.

The "Universal Timeline" as will often be referred to in the manual is considered the timeline of what would've happened if time travel never existed and is considered the correct timeline under the understanding that in all other timelines the world comes to an end sooner.

You're Job is to deal with timetravelers that mess with the Universal Timeline. These time travelers primarily coming from the "discovery period" the period of time before the universal timeline was understood and properly regulated in all timeships. Are you actually reading this?

Timeshisp are Impervious to alterations of the timeline as is the Temporal Headquarters as such you won't feel the effect of timeline alterations until after you leave the ship however the ship has an AI that is capable of pinpointing all Alterations, regardless of where the ship is on the timestream.
I'm not a historian, I don't claim to know alot about history I'm simply interested in a game surrounding the idea of time travel, if you know something about history and I don't you can probably use that against me, (assuming the timeline is mostly in tact).

The game is loosely inspired by DC's Legends of Tomorrow, Loki and, Quantum Leap as well as other time travel shows, but I'm also looking to run something that will catch the groups interest, are there people in the group who think they can make the timeline better? Or who joined the Chronology Wardens just to bring back their lost love?

{{details.status == 'open' ? 'Open for game applications' : 'Closed for game applications'}} [ {{details.status == 'open' ? 'Close for applications' : 'Open to applications'}} ]
{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
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I'd like each player to create 2 characters, (IN THE GAME NOT NOW) and each time we leave the ship play one of the two characters, additionally if anyone wants they can easily write one of their characters out for a valid reason and recruit someone else (though that does limit them to a time period we're in)


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