Against the Cult: Party at the Mill (1.1)

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Nov 29, 2015 6:43 pm
Klak looks out the door at the body and shrugs, humans are strange. He continues to glower at the people down the stairs, waiting for Quest or some other more-in-charge person to start sorting these ones out.
Nov 30, 2015 3:52 pm
Thacogygax can’t stop glancing at the basement stairs. He both yearns and dreads to descend and investigate. He approaches Xana and points out the gibbering man. "Something below, I sensed. Something terrible, dark, hungry. Glimpse it, this man did. Mortal eyes were not meant to see such things. Know of this, do you?"
Last edited November 30, 2015 3:56 pm
Nov 30, 2015 4:37 pm
Morgran returns to Keb to finally offer some aid.

"Healing isn't so fast when you go' gristle in yer teeth. Bu' now...I'm feeling generous. Iaomai!

Now le's see to the nonsense downstairs."


Healing Word - Keb - (1d4+4)

(1) + 4 = 5

Nov 30, 2015 4:50 pm
I turn towards Thacogygax and shrug. "Beats the hell outta me. I didn't see much down there and I almost died myself. Bet you woulda missed me." I give him a wink, then return to my task of searching for valuables.
Last edited November 30, 2015 4:52 pm
Nov 30, 2015 10:05 pm
Thacogygax nods though Xana has already turned her attention from him. He heads down the basement stairs past the cowering thugs.
Dec 1, 2015 8:54 am
Durren pops up the ladder, does a double-take at seeing the ranger already in the attic, and then slides down the ladder again, runs through the various people and pipes to the stairs and down again to the ground floor.

Sara uses the blade of her rapier to saw the ropes tying the human girl, who relaxes only gradually, as it becomes clear that the ranger does not have murderous intent. Sara's inspection of the young woman is efficient, from long practice of observing wounds, though a bit brusque. The young woman is brown: brown-skinned, brown-haired, brown-eyed, as most people in South Keoland are. She has some bruises on her face and arms and rope burns on her wrists and ankles, but is otherwise unhurt. Sara's pretty sure that she hasn't been beaten, just knocked around as she was being bound. There's no blood and her clothes are rumpled but not torn from being tossed on the floor in the dusty attic.

Quest climbs the creaky ladder, curious to see what caused Durren to run like that, and does a double-take to see Sara already there. When he sees the ranger tending to a young woman, he climbs in and mentally communicates with her. The young woman is very alarmed at his arrival, and even more so when she hears his voice in her mind and shudders with revulsion. He quickly riffles through her surface thoughts and recent memories as she reacts to his mental questions. A name: Shalla. Various people working at the mill, including her husband and her father. At home with her husband. Men bursting into their home and grabbing her. Her husband leaving her. Men stuffing her into a sack and slinging her on an animal. The terrible smell of the sack: rotten turnips. Her calling for help, the men hitting the sack in response. Being removed from the sack at the mill. Her husband, crying. Strange men in the mill. The cold prick of a dagger at her throat. Terror. Being bound in the attic. Calling out to her husband from time to time, assuring him she was alive.
Dec 1, 2015 9:16 am
With no hesitation, Xana begins methodically searching the crushed bodies on the second floor. As she finishes searching each one, she rolls the unblinking corpses up against the wall so they are out of her way. The wounded thug in the bedroom watches her dully for a few moments, and then vomits on to the floor boards. They are not in uniform dress, but rather are in the motley dress of thugs or street gangs, with worn leather jerkins, worn leather breeches, and new leather boots. Judging by the size, most of the bodies on the second floor are human, though it's not as easy to tell with the person Ogbar chopped in half. Some have belt pouches, others have pouches on thongs around their necks, and one had a pouch concealed in his new boot (right foot). Each pouch has a collection of a handful of lions (the local copper coin) and a few seals (silver coin), as one would expect a normal villager to have. Interestingly, each person had one shiny eagle (gold coin) as well. She retrieves a dagger from each corpse, along with short bows and clubs. There is a barrel, half full of flour, in which arrows had been stuck, ready for each person in the group to draw a handful at a time. There is nothing noteworthy about any of the gear, though Xana admits that someone more familiar with bows and fletching might get more out of it than she. As she descends the stairs with armloads of weapons, the dragonman Thacogygax speaks to her about the basement and she replies.

The defeated thugs cringe away from the hulking scaled form of Thacogygax as he turns away from the laden gnome and moves past Klak and Ogbar to creep down the stairs. The gibbering is louder down here, as well as the groaning of wood and metal as the mill wheel inexorably turns in the Realstream's current, and its axle drives the machinery down here. There is another door down here, through which light streams, illuminating the many moving parts of the machinery. So at first Thacogygax doesn't see the insane man, hunkered down in the midst of the various dessicated bodies in the shadows. It's the white of his eyes that Thacogygax sees first, and then the spittle frothing at the corners of his mouth as he rocks back and forth, alternately sobbing and cackling.
Dec 1, 2015 9:30 am
Morgran heals Keb, and a bit more color returns to his brown skin and he smiles hesitantly through his beard. Keb continues to narrate to Aanbo:
"Thank you. ...they told me that they'd kill Shalla if I didn't do what they asked. Shalla's safe now? They showed me they were serious and...they stuffed her in a sack." He hangs his head. "...I'm no hero; I'm just a miller. They had me lead them here, and introduce them to...Hale...They told me to kill him, that it was the only way they'd keep Shalla alive...I don't know about killing; I've never used a knife for anything other than to cut my meat and bread, but I tried...I tried to cut him so he wouldn't die... but then he fell down with that awful sound, and the men attacked all the others. I don't know what happened to them - are they dead? Jep, Frass, Kelo? Did you find any of them? Oh, I should've fought them, but I'd just murdered Hale. He's Shalla's father...! They took the knife right out of my hand and laughed."

Tears stream down his face as he continues. "At some point they must have moved Hale's body, because he was gone from where I...where he fell after...after I stabbed him. Then they brought Shalla and they took her into the attic. They weren't done with me yet, no. They wanted to keep selling flour, and they needed me to grind it and keep the mill running. More and more of them kept showing up, and those awful things..."

He takes a shuddering breath. "I think I would've jumped under the wheel, except for Shalla. She's safe now? She's safe?"
Dec 1, 2015 9:35 am
Durren arrives outside and inspects the snapped and broken remains of the thug who jumped out of the attic window two and half stories above him. Blood is still flowing; it looks like both his legs and some part of his spine are broken. In the distance, from the direction of Hochoch (northwest), Durren sees a mob of villagers approaching the mill with various improvised weapons: chair legs, broom handles, picks, saws, the occasional sword. Their angry murmur reaches his ears a moment later.
Dec 1, 2015 9:49 am
I offer my hand to help the woman to her feet, "It's ok, you're safe now. Stand, if you can. We should get down from the attic and maybe get you some food and water. Are you hungry?"
Dec 1, 2015 2:09 pm
Durren's face falls as he sees the broken body of the thug. The man made his choice - and paid the price. We'll learn nothing from this one, he thought. Bending over, Durren inspects the body for anything of value, but mostly to determine if there is any way to determine who the "Black" figure the Kobold had spoken about was.
As the villagers come stomping down the hill, Durren stands and turns to meet them. "Greetings, friends! How may I assist you?"
Last edited December 1, 2015 2:10 pm


Perception - (1d20+4)

(9) + 4 = 13

Dec 1, 2015 3:26 pm
Ogbar, seeing that the men on the stairs are sufficiently cowed, seeks out Morgran for healing. His wounded state is coming more into his mind as the rage completely recedes. "Got any more of that healing to go around?" he grunts at Morgran.
Last edited December 1, 2015 3:26 pm
Dec 1, 2015 3:42 pm
Aanbo's hand never leaves Keb's shoulder, serving not only as a gesture of comfort, but also a symbol of guardianship. "Hale is being cared for. He managed to escape and make it into town, where he was attended to. I believe he has survived.

"As for Shalla, I trust in my companions," continues Aanbo, and tilts his head at the lack of combat. "It sounds as though... negotiations... have ended. Given the mood, I think it's safe to say that she is in good care. Er... you mentioned things?"
Dec 1, 2015 4:14 pm
Thacogygax pauses by the broken man. Another familiar sight. One among many the dragonman had hoped never to see again. His old masters had turned entire armies of foes into gibbering husks in an instant. Similarly, whenever one of Thacogygax's fellow soldier slaves strained to vigorously against his mind-shackles they ran the risk of breaking their minds.

Thacogygax turns to the open doorway and moves cautiously towards it, seeking cover among the pipes and machinery. He brings out his foe gem. The slave-soldiers had each been given one to detect the presence of the enemy's githyanki minions. He looks down at the gem...


Perception - (1d20+3)

(1) + 3 = 4

Stealth - (1d20+2)

(6) + 2 = 8

Dec 1, 2015 4:48 pm
Quest helps Sarah bring Shalla down from the attic. Getting her to the kitchen he quickly gets her some clean water, then leaves to get a situations report from the rest of the party, specifically looking for Keb to hear his story. Once he has heard what Keb has to agree that it sounds plausible. He promises that he will advise Hale to listen to his daughter, if she confirms Keb's version of events then Keb should not be punished. He is about to press about the things Keb spoke of when he hears the crowd approach. He goes out to aid Durren in dealing with them.

::Hope that wasn't to much, but I don't need Keb to repeat what he said and the mob seems like the most immediate issue that needs to be dealt with.::
Dec 1, 2015 4:50 pm
As the concentration of battle wears off and he waits for the villagers to come within speaking range, Durren is left with a head full of questions. Why did a group of thugs who obviously had this planned want a mill? Why would they go to so much trouble to hold it? What value did it have for them? They had spent 10+ men and probably some Kobolds to hold a mill. An inconsequential mill. Why would they do that?
Last edited December 1, 2015 5:46 pm
Dec 1, 2015 5:28 pm
Klak, stolidly continues to stand guard. He has spent years waiting in the dark for some dwarf-or-the-other to relieve him of duty. Or, at least days. Or maybe hours. Whichever, it seemed like a long time, and he's pretty good at narrowing his eyes and staying focused. Unsurprisingly, very little actually passes through his mind other than, "These humans had better stay where they are or I will bellow at them."
Dec 2, 2015 8:55 pm
Keb is reassured tremendously by the solid presence of the dwarven monk, and the healing he's received. Relaxing, he continues to talk to Aanbo and Morgran, though he blanches a little as Ogbar totters up, bleeding from the neck. As he talks, he watches the group of villagers approach.

"Things...things like walking lizards. My grandpa told me about different monsters like those...troglodytes? No, they're too small. Same for lizardmen. Kobolds, probably, I dunno. Never seen them before, and I hope I never do again. You know how a lizard can sun itself and then skitter under a rock so fast? These things move just like that; still one moment, then stee-kow! they're gone. They showed up with picks and shovels, and went down into the basement. Haven't seen them since."
Dec 2, 2015 9:01 pm
Aanbo nods. "Can you walk?" he asks Keb. "Let us adjourn inside and see to Shalla." He guides the miller into the building without really waiting for a response, hands grasped upon the man's arm and at the small of the man's back. Aanbo leads Keb to the stairs for the second floor.
Dec 2, 2015 9:01 pm
Meanwhile, in the basement...

Thacogygax leaves the darkness to the muttering, cackling man rocking back and forth amidst the corpses, and goes through the door into a larger storage room filled with crates and boxes, as well as a row of cots to one side. Sunlight is glinting off of the Realstream River and coming in through a large double-door (like you'd see in a barn) in the east wall. There is a small dock there, with a flat-bottomed barge tied up on it.

The alien lets out a sigh of relief to see no githyanki or their minions revealed in the gem.
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