Episode 1c - Case HQ

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Jun 14, 2016 7:18 pm
Related to my father?!?! Holy crap!
Fenn goes back to reviewing the cover story reason he was here. His boss was pretty freaked out plus Locke might make him hurry anyway since she probably didn't want to work late.
Does it look like I have much longer in the data call or do I need to just review the results and write the analysis.
Jun 14, 2016 7:33 pm
The sergeant comes back into the room,

I've talked to my super, and we've come up with a plan, she says putting a datacard down on the table, this will get you into this room, the fresher down the hall and the break room. To get out you'll need to call the front desk and wait for an escort. Work for you?
Jun 14, 2016 7:45 pm
Fenn's upper body pops up and he snaps to looking at Sergeant Locke when she comes back and starts talking as he taps away on the terminal and looks down at the datacard then back at the screen real quick before stopping and giving her his full attention.

"Sounds good. My apologizes since I didn't state in advance how long this was estimated to take. I didn't even bother to think whoever was assisting me would probably have a social life... do you have a date or a b-boyfriend?" he begins with a nod before he voices gets a bit quitter and his face a bit flushed. He apologizes stated it was unprofessional to comment or ask about people's personal life in this kind of situation. He makes an excuse of probably being out of touch socially with what people do besides work and apologizes again.
Jun 14, 2016 7:50 pm
Sergeant Locke smiles at Fenn's bashfulness,

I have a gig tonight. If you weren't working so much you could come and see us, we're playing at the Underdome.
Jun 14, 2016 8:17 pm
"Oh yes, yes. The Underdome right. Yep love that place. Love the really bright lights and the other things there, what kind of uh 'gig'?" he continues, it's probably apparent he has no idea where the Underdome is or what he's talking about.
Jun 14, 2016 8:45 pm
Sergeant Locke smiles,

You're cute, for a politician. I'm in a Dongan Vocal Quartet. We use our voices to weave melodies that paint pictures, uh, images of Dongan legends I suppose. The music reaches into your brain and takes you back to that time. Or, at least, that's how it's supposed to work. My friends say we're pretty good, but they have to say that, right?
Jun 14, 2016 9:18 pm
Fenn cheeks burn a darker red. "I'm sure you and your friends are pretty good I like listening to your voice."
he states.

"Speaking. Pretty." he corrects himself twice still getting it wrong.

"I meant I would like to here you sing since I've heard you speak!" states quickly finally getting it right somewhat realizing he's fully turned towards her he sits in the awkward silence and the chair slowly fidgets.

"Oh hey is the terminal done? No... Um... I'm really bad at this kind of thing." he states turning to the terminal and then back again admitting something that seemed pretty obvious before he started to laugh silently at his own awkwardness in the situation and he bits his lip, "Um maybe I can get a rain check?" he offers. "I could bring flowers for after you're done with your performance."
Jun 14, 2016 9:49 pm
Flowers? You are bad at this, aren't you? You're moving pretty fast there, just come and see me in the 'dome and we can talk. We can see how things go from there.

Sergeant Locke turns to go out the door, flashing Fenn a dazzling smile as she goes.
Jun 14, 2016 10:04 pm
Fenn accepts it with a nod since it was pretty obvious and he waves goodbye. Once the door is closed and she's out of sight he spins back around and focuses on the computer.

She seems nice...I should look into Dongan Vocal Quartet technology to see how it works... that might be useful even in combat if I can get the right tech behind it... he thinks to himself as he gets back to work.

With the query running the batch job to pull results he'll skim the 67 files for a glimpse at what his query is looking at. Also that would be the best way to see if his boss or the dead man were involved. He'd also be looking to see if Tretho Gilbputt had a play in any of these.
Last edited June 14, 2016 10:04 pm
Jun 14, 2016 10:45 pm
Sorry, drawing a blank. Who was Tretho Gilbputt again?
Jun 14, 2016 10:51 pm
The lawyer who lead to my father being executed.
Jun 15, 2016 7:38 pm
Fenn finds no mention of Hoan or Jallo in any of the cases. Tretho, however, seems to have made a career out of this kind of thing. He has prosecuted 32 of the 67 cases, and the frequency has been higher in more recent years.
Jun 15, 2016 7:48 pm
Fenn leans back in the chair shifting to one side his index and middle finger go to his temple as he thinks his other arm going limp behind the chair as he stares at the screen.

I could use his paranoia although properly placed to focus on Tretho and gauge how Tretho is involved now adays in all of this... he'll definitely want to find out dirt on the guy to counter anything coming at him as an insurance plan if he's smart... if not I can always use another for my own collection. he thinks before taking a different route.

He'll see if he can get a listing of those prosecuted and see how many were still alive (incarcerated or not) or meet the fate at his own father.
Jun 16, 2016 3:43 pm
Breakdown by sentence:
Total trials: 67
Total found guilty: 45
Sentences with no jail time, or time-served: 31
Jailed (but subsequently released): 6
Jailed (still imprisoned):4
Death sentences (carried out):3
Death sentences (awaiting completion):1
Jun 16, 2016 4:02 pm
Fenn will take notes on listed names since it might be useful after some research into the cases. He'll also look to see where evidence for the cases were stored as well and if any contacts for next of kin were listed. Also the inmate on death row's date of execution.

He figured his work here for now was mostly done besides possibly looking into how the ventilation worked, the refresher would probably be the best of places he secured the data he needed and the report data collection was done for the cover. He'd look into the key for entry to see if he could get an understanding of what brand it was and model in case someone knowing a bit about tech needed to bypass such things.
So, Fenn is writing an actual statistical analysis report on government corruption as it's been portrayed and established in Media as a cover to mask looking into if his Boss or Orum were already in an open investigation which is also a cover so the team can bypass security to steal back tech, he's also grabbed a list from the corruption cases prosecuted by his friendly lawyer to dig for possible other layers of corruption or cover ups/frame jobs plus grabbing files related to an older case... and needs to learn about a Cop/Singer's group and get a little awkward goofy flirting going on possibly.
Jun 16, 2016 4:13 pm
You don't have access to building schematics to find out where the evidence locker is, but you are able to get docket numbers for each case (they're in the files).

You could try scanning the keycard that Sergeant Locke gave you in your datapad. You would need to succeed on a Daunting Computers check (4 purple).

To check the ventilation you would need to succeed on an Average Mechanics check.
Jun 16, 2016 4:34 pm
Yep just looking for the locations in the file. I think I'll hold off the datacard hacking. I foresee Fenn getting his foot stuck in a toilet on that roll for mechanics so I think I'm good. Goofy and slightly awkward is easier to work with than guy who gets foot stuck in toilet (we both know she'll find out somehow). Mini Mission accomplished, +5 to revenge scheming skill!
Fenn bundles the files he's downloaded and encrypts them and realizes the rest of his time in the office until the report data is complete and he has enough to write his analysis. Once done he'll make sure he tidies up a bit if things got messy and he'll head out the way he needs to turn in the key.

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