Star Wars: The Corellian Cell [ EDIT ]

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It is a desperate time. The Empire grows in power and sentients throughout the Galaxy struggle under Imperial oppression. As Imperial forces wage their endless wars of conquest in the Outer Rim and the Unknown Regions, money and resources are being drained from the Core Worlds. Non-human species are treated as slaves and crime is rife throughout the galaxy as corrupt governments look the other way. The Jedi, once a beacon of light in the Galaxy, are now extinct. It is a time of very little hope.

But a loose collection of individuals are choosing to resist the status quo. Pulling together whatever resources they can, the Alliance to Restore the Republic has been organising in the shadows.

You have chafed under the Imperials for too long. Whether you are idealistic and see the Empire as an evil to be fought, are a pragmatic trader who knows that free planets will offer better deals, or even if it is more personal for you and you desire revenge on the Empire, you have chosen to side with the Alliance. And they have obviously seen something in you, some spark of talent. They have invested valuable resources in training you, providing a cover story, and are committing to support you on your mission.

Now you are on a transport bound for one of the greatest systems in the Galaxy. Corellia. A place of legend, arguably as great as Coruscant itself. Home to one of the largest engineering companies in the Galaxy, and no less than five inhabited planets, the Corellia system will be your home for the foreseeable future. You can count on no allies other than the few travelling with you and those you can either turn or befriend yourself. Survival will require a quick mind, careful planning and nerves of durasteel.

Do you have what it takes to liberate the system form Imperial oppression?

This game will be played in the Star Wars RPG system with elements taken from both the Age of Rebellion and Edge of the Empire core books. Species, careers and specialisations can be chosen from any of the supplements except for Force and Destiny, because the Jedi have disappeared from the Galaxy at this point (4 years before the events depicted in Episode IV ? A New Hope).

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{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
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The Rebels will need to provide a cover for each character entering Corellia. If the character you choose is from Corellia (either Corellian Human, Drall or Selonian) they may not need a cover and may have resources already on the planet. Other alien species will need more elaborate and convincing covers because of Imperial bias, so they are not recommended (although an alien could pose as the slave of a human, as long as the human is of good standing with the Empire). Please think carefully about backstory; why does your character want to fight the Empire?

The initial team will have the following advantages because of their Rebel training;
1 free rank in Deception and Leadership
10XP in addition to that which their species would normally have
The Recruit specialisation from Age of Rebellion. This is an extra combat-focussed talent tree as well as Career Skills in Athletics, Discipline, Survival and Vigilance.

This should give these characters very big advantages as the game progresses, hopefully thereby keeping them core members of the team throughout the game.


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