Chapter 1 - The LostHollow

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Oct 17, 2016 8:47 pm
You both eat until your bellies are full. And then, you eat some more. You are full to the gills with eggs and you both think to pocket a few handfuls of cured meats.

You lean back in your chair enjoying the feeling of fullness. You close your eyes just for a moment when you hear the gruff sound of someone shouting. You turn to see a dwarf, holding a clipboard in one hand and an axe in the other.
"Listen up ye maggots! I be about ta read off some names. If ye hear yer name make yer way over ta me presently. Sharia!.......Bo!.........Vyndiri! Git yer arse over here now."
Oct 17, 2016 9:30 pm
I grab a few extra chunks of meat just in case and walk over to the dwarf "We better be killing something soon, I'm getting bored."
Oct 17, 2016 10:40 pm
A young quiet elven woman stands from a table in the corner and slides across the room, gracefully approaching the gruff dwarf. She appears to be wearing fine clothing, albeit dirty and worn from her time in the prisons and wherever she had been before. She had a regal bearing to her stance and a look of concern in her silver eyes. "Might I ask when our personal effects will be returned to us? There are several important personal items beyond my own equipment included among them that I would like returned."
Oct 17, 2016 11:05 pm
Bo stood and tucked some meat in his rags then made his way to the dwarf. He looked at the other two. He attemped to take a peak at the clipboard.
Oct 17, 2016 11:30 pm
Squeeks1337 says:
A young quiet elven woman stands from a table in the corner and slides across the room, gracefully approaching the gruff dwarf. She appears to be wearing fine clothing, albeit dirty and worn from her time in the prisons and wherever she had been before. She had a regal bearing to her stance and a look of concern in her silver eyes. "Might I ask when our personal effects will be returned to us? There are several important personal items beyond my own equipment included among them that I would like returned."
"Ye were transferred here from Fallkirk. I dinna think that yer personal effects wou' have been transferred with ye. However, if ye make a list of items, I'll see what I ken dig up for ye."

The dwarf then rips a blank piece of paper off of his clipboard and hands it to you.
Oct 17, 2016 11:33 pm
Lord_Oney says:
Bo stood and tucked some meat in his rags then made his way to the dwarf. He looked at the other two. He attemped to take a peak at the clipboard.
Make a stealth check to try to stealth-fully peek at the clipboard.
Oct 17, 2016 11:38 pm
Aritanya says:
I grab a few extra chunks of meat just in case and walk over to the dwarf "We better be killing something soon, I'm getting bored."
The dwarf grunts and nods at you approvingly.

"Aye! Ole Rend Splitter here hasn't seen any blood in practically a week. She's thirsty and needs a drink.

The dwarf raises his axe and kisses it gingerly across the blade."

Did you go to the weapons master on the third floor? We cant get going until you've armored up. Unless of course you plan on fighting in your skivvy's.
Oct 17, 2016 11:40 pm
stealth check


Stealth check - (1d20+1)

(3) + 1 = 4

Oct 17, 2016 11:44 pm
Lord_Oney says:
stealth check
The dwarf sees you trying to peer at his clipboard. He snatches it close to his chest and fusses at you saying:

"Ye report ta me prisoner and I dinna take kindly ta me subordinates tryin' ta stick their fat noses where they dinna belong. Now, if you have filled your gullet, get up stairs and get your equipment on. We have work to do."
Oct 17, 2016 11:52 pm
Bo bowed his head. " will you be providing anything other then a budget? Or will you issue me armour?"
Oct 18, 2016 12:52 am
Lord_Oney says:
Bo bowed his head. " will you be providing anything other then a budget? Or will you issue me armour?"
"The weapons master up on 3 will issue each person 100g worth of armor and 50g of petty currency. I'd suggest getting up there before all the equipment is gone."

He points at the stairs, looks down at his clipboard, and walks off.
Oct 18, 2016 1:22 am
Bo goes to the third floor to see the weapons master.
Oct 18, 2016 2:07 am
Lord_Oney says:
Bo goes to the third floor to see the weapons master.
You walk up stairs to the 3rd floor, wander around the halls for a few minutes looking for any signage of the armory. However, you see none. What you do find in the first few rooms your peek into are barracks. All are unoccupied. The items within are covered in a fine layer of dust and cobwebs are thick in the corners and dark places. It looks like there hasn't been much action in the keep in several weeks. However, after some navigation you peek into one last room and see:
Oct 18, 2016 2:23 am
"Hello? " Bo considers what he may be worth stealing.
Oct 18, 2016 2:38 am
Lord_Oney says:
"Hello? " Bo considers what he may be worth stealing.
Back from the corner of the room you hear a man with a gruff voice shout:

"Yeah, what do you want?!"

You look up and see a man with a long red beard that matches his receding red hair. He is donned a smiting smock and is attending a small forge in the corner of the room that illuminates him in a faint red glow. You can smell the perfume of the wood from the fire and the room is much hotter than the hallway you just came from.

"Suppose you're hear for gear. Name's Quinton. Look around. Bring everything you want to the counter when you are done.
Oct 18, 2016 2:45 am
does he just have whatever? Or do you have a menu? I'm just New to this
Oct 18, 2016 3:28 am
Lord_Oney says:
does he just have whatever? Or do you have a menu? I'm just New to this
He would have this:


along with general goods.

Basically anything normally available to you at character creation he has (even things like bard instruments or arcane focuses).

Also any packs (eg adventure pack, thieves tool kit, etc.) that your character normally gets he will give to you free.

Also... if you don't have the 5E PHB... Googling 5E PHB will give illegal pdf copies so please DON'T do that. I cannot stress enough. Don't do that...
Oct 18, 2016 3:59 am
I take a long time inspecting each blade and piece of equipment, testing the balance of individual blades and the sharpness of their edges, looking over the various bits of armor and clothing. I then cal over towards the smith.
"Do you make all this yourself?"

Not even waiting for an answer I pick up two longswords, a set of chainmail, an adventurer's backpack, and a spear
Oct 18, 2016 4:49 am
Vyndri stares at the paper for a few moments before reluctantly filling in the objects from her effects. The signet ring and scroll of pedigree which identified her as the daughter of a noble of elvish lands. Clearly this title meant little to those that ruled Fallkirk but it was still important to her, even if she was not on the best of terms with her father. If they could not get them to her, she would simply have to get them back herself when she got out of this situation. As she filled out the paper, she knew she would also need to send a message to Fallkirk. Vris and her other retainers would certainly still be waiting for her though they might not know she had been transferred and nearly starved to death.

Following the others in her little band, she entered the armory and set about looking for appropriate equipment. A collection of daggers, a shortsword and shortbow with a quiver of arrows. She found a set of leather armor, a bit lacking in much of the protective bits but based on her size compared to others it would suffice. She was also surprised to find a decent set of thieves' tools, likely confiscated from another prisoner and left to collect dust. "These will do nicely."

She brought her requests to Quinton, additionally requesting the contents of a standard burglar's pack. She gave a sly smile to the quartermaster at her request, winking at his questioning look. "We all have our talents."
Last edited October 19, 2016 1:22 pm
Oct 18, 2016 10:38 am
Aritanya says:
I take a long time inspecting each blade and piece of equipment, testing the balance of individual blades and the sharpness of their edges, looking over the various bits of armor and clothing. I then cal over towards the smith.
"Do you make all this yourself?"

Not even waiting for an answer I pick up two longswords, a set of chainmail, an adventurer's backpack, and a spear
He takes a moment, inspects the equipment, and gives you a nod. He writes a hand written receipt.

"Some I made, not all. But I care for all the weapons here. They are oiled regularly and sharper than a surgeon's steel. Now, will this be all for ya? Rope? Rations? Torches?"
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