*WARNING: US politics* GP's future

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Nov 9, 2016 4:11 pm
There is politics in this thread. I know it's against the rules I set up, but it's important to this site, so sorry. For this thread alone, I'll allow comments of a political nature, as long as there's no personal attacks, bashing, negativity. I don't care if you support me or not, if you don't show people decency, I will delete accounts.

I try to avoid mixing my personal and gaming life where they don't directly intersect, first because, they don't intersect, and second, gaming goes beyond my views, politics, opinions, etc. While those of you who follow me on Twitter have seen tweets about my views on mental health and my mental health in specific, I've generally avoided more divisive topics. Unfortunately, this one directly affects GP and it's future.

So the thing I was most fearing in recent times happened. Trump's rise to power will directly result in my losing rights in the US. For those of you who haven't met me, I'm of Indian decent, and I hold reasonably close to my heritage and culture. Having lived in the US for 25 of my 30 years, I've blended what it means to be American and Indian to be who I want. Unfortunately, due to mistakes not my own, I've also been in a precarious immigration situation from which there is little escape. After college, I was unable to work, drive, travel, etc, due to paperwork. Five years ago, thanks to Obama signing an executive order, I gained these rights, and it's no small part of what pushed me to finally launch Gamers' Plane, which you all have made special and unique.

Unfortunately, Trump has promised to cancel this same program immediately. This means I won't be able to work or drive. You may or may not know: I run this site purely for the love of gaming, because I believe people deserve a place to game the way they want to game, if they can't meet up with other gamers in real life, and because people need a place to come together. While a pipe dream has always been to make this my life, I spend way more in time and money on developing GP then I get back, and I don't mind in the least. Unfortunately, if I lose my ability to work, I won't be able to afford to pump money like I have been into the project, and if I lose my ability to drive, and I tell you from experience, my depression will be at sky-high levels.

This isn't a "you voted for Trump, you suck" post, but if you did, I'm sorry to say I find it very hard to respect you. This definitely isn't a "I need money" post; I don't want to see a sudden uptick in donations or anything, the future is still uncertain. This is a "I don't know what the future of GP is" post. I'll do what I can to find the most affordable services so that if I lose my ability to work, I can keep giving you the site. It does mean things like visual updates and a more mobile friendly site won't be possible; that will cost me thousands. I hope to keep the site running, in some form or another. I hope to keep giving you all a place to game.
Nov 9, 2016 4:18 pm
I'm Canadian, so I did not had a horse in that race, but can't you accept donation via paypal or a patreon to help continue funding your site? Or perhaps thinking of moving north of the border, eh?
Nov 9, 2016 4:28 pm
As mixed (white & native) man who's a member of the LGBT+ community, my home, the only place I've ever known. Has just become a very dangerous place to be. I'm sorry for all those everywhere who will have to feel the effects of this. Stay safe out there people.
Nov 9, 2016 4:33 pm
kalajel says:
I'm Canadian, so I did not had a horse in that race, but can't you accept donation via paypal or a patreon to help continue funding your site? Or perhaps thinking of moving north of the border, eh?
If it comes to it, I may have to request enough donations monthly to keep the site live. That's not yet though.

Unfortunately, because of the immigration quagmire I'm in, I can't leave the US without incurring a 10 year bar on returning, and even if I did leave, I'd first have to go to India, without a passport, get arrested, somehow deal with that, and however long after that, get a passport to go somewhere else.
Nov 9, 2016 4:57 pm
Push come to shove, Keleth, you know we have your back. I'll happily donate if it comes down to it.
Nov 9, 2016 4:59 pm
Is there any way for you to become an official US citizen? You're too nice a guy to get screwed like that :(
Nov 9, 2016 5:04 pm
If it's any consolation, what a politician says he will do and what he ends up doing ends up being two entirely different things... Also, he doesn't enter office until January 2017, so you still have time to get your shit in order...
Nov 9, 2016 5:29 pm
Hey Keleth. I'm sorry that you are under such dire threat. Also a Canadian, I can say only that many of us up north are also threatened by the potential actions against the vulnerable among our southern cousins. I only hope that these are among those election promises that are so often forgotten.

As to GP, as others have said, let us know as soon as your earnings get tenuous - we have more to give than we do to keep GP afloat.
Nov 9, 2016 5:29 pm
Naatkinson says:
Is there any way for you to become an official US citizen? You're too nice a guy to get screwed like that :(
The only 3 choices are

1) Immigration reform, which isn't going to happen
2) A senator/congressman writing me a personal bill, which also isn't going to happen
3) Marrying a US citizen, which given I'm 30 and have never even been on a date, with nothing even hedging a prospect, is also very unlikely right now
kalajel says:
If it's any consolation, what a politician says he will do and what he ends up doing ends up being two entirely different things... Also, he doesn't enter office until January 2017, so you still have time to get your shit in order...
Unfortunately, because it's an executive action thing, nothing I can do to get stuff in order, just hope for a miracle, which is also unlikely.
Nov 9, 2016 5:50 pm
Honestly, I doubt Trump will be as horrible as everyone says he will. Oh sure, he'll drive the US economy into the shitter, but I doubt he'll have enough authority to implement any of his anti-immigration laws. Remember, there is still congress and the senate in place to prevent the president to do as he pleases.
Well, look on the bright side, at least the US won't go to war with Russia now. As a Canadian (with Canada sandwiched between these two countries), I am relieved... Still, the better choice would have been a 3rd party candidate, or better yet, not have the Democratic party rig the primaries in favor of Hillary instead of Burnie... But that's none of my business...
Nov 9, 2016 6:57 pm
I'm going to rant. Thanks in advance for the outlet. I just need to blow off steam.

But to your point kalajel...we can't count on the other branches of government to curtail Trump's insanity.

The Supreme Court can't do anything until a federal case is brought before them. That usually takes years. If Trump's nominee gets in, he (no way will it be a woman. I'm almost willing to put money on it...I don't gamble though) will just send anything he doesn't want to rule on back to the regular courts, keeping any real change from happening.

As for Congress (The Senate and House of Representitives)...they went Republican as well. I forget which of them was already Republican, I think the Senate...but I'm not sure. The main problem that President Obama faced, in my opinion, was not having enough support from Congress because they are controlled by Republicans who think everything Democrats do is bad.

Now with a through and trough Republican government, they CAN do whatever they want. This is the party that butchered the Affordable Care Act so bad that premiums have doubled for my family. Literally from $600 a month to $1,200 in the last 5 years. And now instead of co-pays, that were a little bit out of pocket each visit until we met a deductible, now we have to meet a $5,000 deductible before we can get any kind of discount on doctors visits. This year, my partner lost sight in one eye (spontaneous retinal detachment...not a head injury). We paid $7,000 just to have insurance through my work (only March through October...new job, plan year starts in October). We paid paid $5,000 out-of-pocket trying to save the eye (it did not work). Only then did insurance kick in and start paying 80%. We hit our $9,000 yearly out-of-pocket maximum on September 30th. This would have meant any further medical bills we had were fully covered, we pay nothing...except notice the date? Right...the day BEFORE our plan year rest. So while my partner is still recovering and can no longer drive (the other "good" eye is legally visually impaired, seeing 20/80, so no driving), they can also not work again until they go through vocational rehabilitation and learn to function with the use of only one really bad eye. Oh, and if Trump and the Republicans have their way and repeal Obama Care, now my partner has a pre-existing condition that insurance could deny coverage over. But enough about my personal problems.

This is the Republican Party that left D.C. and shut down the government, nearly causing a financial collapse in the USA, because they didn't want to vote on some budget extension. This is the Republican party that refused to approve a nominee to the Supreme Court a year before the election, because they hoped to get their president in the office. This is the Republican party that called Democrats crybabies for staging a sit-in because the Democrats wanted to DO THEIR JOBS and vote on a bill. This is the Republican Party that will not denounce known white-supremacists when they endorse the party.

The people that voted for Trump are the people that refuse to learn the lessons History offers. Trump blames Obama for bailing out banks and the auto industry. (I agree it was a dumb idea) but it was the last Republican president that started that trend. Republicans cause the financial problems in this country because they want the "free market" to regulate things but don't acknowledge that the "free market" is set up to screw everybody but the one person who comes out on top. The Republican party members do not care about anything other than their own individual concerns.

The Republican Party is going to send us into ruin and wonder why we don't thank them for the privilege.

As for Third Party Candidates...I am/was a Bernie Sanders fan and was outraged by that little turn of events. However, our system is so screwed up, a third party is a wasted vote. There are several states that, had votes for other candidates gone to Clinton, she would have won. If I've done the math correct, it would have meant a loss of Electoral votes for Trump and an increase in Electoral votes in favor of Hillary Clinton so that she would have won by a slimmer, but still significant margin. I mean, she won the popular vote, but our f*#&ed up Electoral College takes the power away from the people and gives it back to lawmakers. The Electoral College doesn't even have to go with their state's popular opinion, they can just give the votes to whoever they want. The last report I saw only had one state splitting their votes. I think at least they should give them out according to percentage win in their state, but I'm just a nerd so what do I know.

In the end, I know that my ideas are not popular. I even admit they might not work. I believe the government should meet our basic needs. We should get a Universal Minimum Wage and Universal Health Care. I'll pay the taxes because if I don't need to worry about how to put food on the table or if I am going to get sick and lose my job, I will be happy. But my United Federation of Planets style of society can't exist until we can contain a matter/anti-matter reaction and obtain unlimited clean energy and break ourselves of the need to rely on monetary systems of trade.

So, yeah, Kaleth...I feel for you buddy. That sucks and I will hope that nothing happens to put your situation at risk. Maybe Trump will get to distracted by all the butt-kissing to remember to cancel those executive orders. Hope so anyway.
Nov 9, 2016 8:15 pm
I don't know what to say, Ro. :-(

I don't pretend to understand U.S. politics but I do have friends and family who are U.S. immigrants and I know these are dark days ahead. Plus, everything that happens over there affects us here in the Philippines too. On top of which we've been having a rough time here as well with that clown Duterte and now our Supreme Court deciding that thief/torturer/murderer Ferdinand Marcos deserves a hero's burial.

Through all this, GP has been a place I've gone to to help me cope. I'm extremely saddened that the crap that's happening in the real world could potentially harm the very place I go to escape it.

I do hope everything works out for you. As for the site, let us know how we can help. We've got your back.
Last edited November 9, 2016 9:13 pm
Nov 9, 2016 8:39 pm
Keleth mate I really feel for your situation, I'll echo what several others have said on here and say I'd be more than happy to throw a bit of money your way towards the upkeep of the site (would a patreon be something you'd be willing to do?). If there's an amount you need each month to keep the wheels spinning then having some kind of tracker on the site may be good so people can see how close you are to achieving the months "goal".

I know it can feel somewhat distasteful to ask for financial help and I appreciate this started as a labour of love but honestly this site delivers a fantastic service that I don't think is replicated anywhere else so you shouldn't feel bad about asking for help
Nov 9, 2016 8:49 pm
Why would the Supreme Court nominee have to be a woman? This weird trend lately of having a vagina being the only qualification which trumps (no pun intended) all other really irks me and is partially the reason of Trump's rise to power. The right is on the rise all over the globe, this is not a coincidence. We've had to endure nearly a decade of forced and enforced political correctness, do not be surprised at the backlash. You cannot impose this sort of thing on people and not expect them to resent it and push back.

As for a through and through Republican government allowing Trump to do whatever the hell he wants, bullshit. Obama had a through and through Democrat government and plenty of things he wanted to implement got blocked. There is a system of check and balances put in place in the US precisely for this reason.

Yes, I get that the Republicans are very anti-welfare state, but on the other hand extreme reforms of the welfare state are necessary because it's going bankrupt in the next 50 years anyways. This is why I'm sort of in a hurry of getting treated with my schizophrenia and get the hell off welfare as quickly as possible.

Like I said, Trump will be a horrible president, no doubt the worst so far, but he's far from the monster the left insisted on making him appear.

Edit: As far as learning from history, it is my life experience that very few people do.
Last edited November 9, 2016 9:07 pm
Nov 9, 2016 9:23 pm
In two years there will be mid-term elections, in which 33% of the Senate, 100% of the House, and 34 state governors will be reelected. If people are still unhappy with the government (which is how Trump got elected in the first place) then a whole new batch of representatives will be elected.

What this basically means is that Trump has two years to make people happy, or he'll lose the support he has in the states and in Congress. Two years isn't enough time to do a mass deportation (or pay for it), but he'll probably sign a few immigration reform laws. Trump will most likely focus on issuing tax cuts and increasing government spending on rebuilding infrastructure first. He'll also have to build that dumb wall before he deports anyone, which will take a long time.

And then in four years is the next general election, and we'll have another chance to put different people into power. Even if he somehow manages to act on the crazy stuff he's talked about, I doubt he'll get support from state governors, congress, or the supreme court to do exactly what he wants.

I know it all seems horrible, but there are limits to what a president can do. Don't get pulled into the fear hype-train, there are plenty of rational people from both parties that don't want to see his crazy ideas come to life.

That's my optimistic view on it all, anyway.

Nov 9, 2016 9:30 pm
Prayers to you Keleth. You have made a wonderful site, and I'd hate to see it go. None of us will think less of you if you put up a means for us to help financially. For what its worth, we all love this project of yours too.
Nov 9, 2016 9:31 pm
Handle's absolutely right. Also, concerning that stupid wall, perhaps someone should inform Trump that there is already a wall on the US/Mexico border? :P
Nov 9, 2016 10:49 pm
I feel for you Keleth, man. As a Northern Irishman, I won't claim to be involved much in American politics and the implications of Trump's election; I'm quite far removed from it all. But I sympathise. I hope and I know you can get through this - it just takes guts. Guts that I know you have simply because you took the jump of investing so much into your labour of love, this site. No one will think less of you or judge you for asking for donations. We all love this site so much, it gives a place to escape from all this noise. Don't let the shitstorm get you down!
Last edited November 9, 2016 10:49 pm
Nov 9, 2016 11:04 pm
I will not get involved in any type of political discussion here other than to say that I'm very disappointed in the outcome of the election.

As for you, Ro, like the others have stated I would be more than happy to help in any way that I can. You've given us a great site here and I'll do whatever I can to help it and its creator.
Last edited November 10, 2016 3:27 am
Nov 9, 2016 11:07 pm
Keleth. I'm Scottish so I don't know much about US politics but I do know that I can't think of a single person here who thought that Trump would be worth voting for. The man is an abomination on every level. Vulgar and disrespectful. Right now I feel lucky to live in Scotland, still one of the remaining progressive nations.

This site gives me great pleasure. Correction, your work directly gives me great pleasure. Keep doing it and we'll have your back by donating to keep the lights on.
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