Exigency interest (2nd playtest of SF homebrew)

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Apr 4, 2017 9:23 pm
Hi again GP! My first playtest of the Exigency rules has just wrapped up: shoutout to whipstache, KennyGardnerIII and Albionest for all their help and patience with both the system and setting!

So, I want to put the lessons learned into action. I've updated the rules, and I've got a couple of friends lined up for the next playtest campaign but I thought I'd check-in here and see if there'd be any interest from three or four other players, for a max party size of 5 or 6.

Exigency's setting is sci-fi, with the odd chunk of science-fantasy nonsense thrown in for the hell of it. You can check out the prior campaign, "The Old Guard", for an example of what came before.

The updated version 4.0 rules are available here as a Google Document

And a vague campaign outline:
It all started on a Worldcarrier sitting in orbit around Camblyr: not quite a city-planet, but densely populated all the same. Positioned on an important trade route, Camblyr is one of the central worlds, formerly part of Ploror territories but independent as of the Conglomerate's collapse. Torn between the syndicates and supercorporations, Camblyr nevertheless enjoys a fairly peaceful and prosperous existence.

Until unknown forces assault the Worldcarrier and damn near blow it up.

A simple hit-and-run. Then the mission went sour and your "allies" try to kill you… this was no heist, it was a hijacking. The prize was the Worldcarrier itself, far more valuable than even its millions of tons of cargo. You were there to take the fall.

Except you killed all the hijackers. In self-defence, obviously. And you're all pushed into the spotlight. The crippling of such a massive and rare craft is very newsworthy… two interplanetary syndicates degenerate into infighting (and outfighting) and the corps responsible for the carrier's security are subjected to a PR supernova. You're stuck in the middle. Are you heroes, villains, or something else entirely? The media can't make up their minds but they're damn sure you make for great ratings.
As one of my friends put it after reading: you're going to end up as a kind of celebrity pirate. Not evil, no, but you're definitely not squeaky-clean either. You'll likely all start out as part of a team already: you know each other and have worked together in the past.

Would anyone be interested? And I'd be happy to help with character creation etc, I appreciate that it's new to everyone!
Apr 5, 2017 7:36 pm
I'm one of the ones who have already expressed interest, but just to give people an idea here's what I was hoping to play, a not-so-bad guy who is probably in over his head:

Nasaius "Nerves" Fritzitch - Inventor, Tech Savant, Cowardly Opportunist

Nerves is a do-it-yourself wizard when it comes to technology, though he prefers to work in data systems rather than with physical hardware if at all possible. Heavy lifting really isn't his thing. Neither is danger. He's good to his word, but rarely trusts people farther than he can kick them when loot is involved - which means that rather than operating remotely where his nervous disposition would be less of a hindrance, he prefers to be close to the action (but not too close) to see things through. To this end, he's invented a Hard Light Projection (HALP) system that allows him to craft armor and weapons on the fly - but he's much more comfortable using his recon drone and hacking skills to just avoid danger altogether.
Apr 6, 2017 10:57 am
I'm tempted to jump back in but wont really know if I'm available for another week or so sorry. Looks lot more fleshed out then it was before though! Would this be Act II of the Old Guard or something totally new to that?
Apr 7, 2017 9:34 pm
It'd be great to have you back but no worries if it's not practical to join. As for the story, no, The Old Guard doesn't really have any relation to this new campaign, at least not beyond the fact they both share a setting and a time period.

Anyway, made a page for it all and I'll add an IC/OOC etc once a couple of characters have been submitted: http://gamersplane.com/games/633/
Apr 8, 2017 12:04 am
Is this a mechanics heavy game? I'm interested but running two pathfinder games at the moment, so don't have time to rigorously study new systems. Wouldn't want to lag daily posts because I'm not certain of how combat works or something. Still, extremely interested if I'd be a fit. Reviewing system doc and will check out the previous forum as well. As far as character, I'd be interested in maybe playing a clone (it's kind of a thing lol) that was originally designed to function as part of an advanced think-tank but escaped after discovering some dark back story trope blah blah lol. Would this maybe fit?

-Edit - I'd be interested in playing a mastermind. One of the arrays has 4,3,etc. With talent a+2 (I'd choose psionics) and talent b +1 (I'd choose bio). Willpower 4 focus 3 mind 2 bit 1 agi 1 str 0. Just to show I'm interested. This would blend with my back story if it's approved.
Last edited April 8, 2017 1:25 am
Apr 8, 2017 6:09 pm
Okay great, accepted both of you and created an OOC thread in the forum. I wouldn't call this a rules-light game but if you're used to all the in-depth combat afforded by 3.5/Pathfinder it'll probably be a breeze! Tracking status effects is important but usually the core mechanic applies regardless of the action.

And yeah "runaway clone" sounds like it would fit quite snugly in the universe. Cloning a full, functional human is ostensibly illegal in the setting but it definitely happens all the damn time. In fact come to think of it the prior campaign actually had some clone shenanigans of its own in the finale...
Apr 13, 2017 12:51 am
Still in need of players, I think

Come on in and get your Sci-Fi fix!
May 4, 2017 8:34 pm
Hi again GP! Unfortunately two players have had to drop out so we're back down to three, if one or two people would still be interested in joining we'd love to hear from you!

(Forum, game details, the party's characters so far)

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