Chapter 6: Mantol-Derith

Aug 4, 2017 1:15 am
A couple days later, you are led to a tunnel leading to the Underdark. Well provisioned and with a sizable guard, you are sent off with a minimal amount of fanfare.

Accompanying you are: a Shield Guardian (under the command of Xeliss, five knights lent to you by Sir Strayl, a scout, a riding lizard for each of you, five guards and three rogues from the Lords' Alliance, as well as eight men from the Zhentarim, each of whom knows the way to Mantol-Derith.

Of special note among the group is a tiefling with a fine cloak and a lyre strapped to her back. She wears fine traveling clothes and wears a ring identifying her as a member of the Lords' Alliance.

Once the group is all gathered, Bruenor himself opens a well-guarded gate leading to the Underdark, "Good luck to ye," he says, reaching behind his shield as you pass, handing each of you a mug of ale as you pass, "Something to take the edge off," he says with a wink as you pass.

Once you are out and the gate is closed, you are in total darkness, but for the torches carried by some members of the group.
I'll give a moment here for Melpomene to introduce herself :)
Aug 4, 2017 10:10 am
Melpomene steps forward and curtsies gracefully to the group, "I am Lady Melpomene Eaglesford, but please, call me Poe. Lord Haund sent me to help you on your quest." As she straightens she looks at each member of the group guardedly, waiting for the inevitable disgust, hatred, or fear at the sight of her face within her hood. Her tail she keeps carefully wrapped around her body under her cloak.
Aug 4, 2017 12:20 pm
Mai'ngor's hand goes to his sword hilt. He nudges Elfog and hisses, his voice low, pitched for the dwarf's ears alone, "What's this, demonspawn among us? Are we to make friends with all our enemies? "
Aug 4, 2017 2:28 pm
Sarith raises an eyebrow and looks pointedly at Mai'ngor, "And where would you be now if you hadn't made friends with this enemy?" he asks, indicating himself.
Aug 4, 2017 2:29 pm
Naatkinson sent a note to Jabes.plays.rpg
Aug 4, 2017 5:31 pm
Hunter is busy draining the contents of the parting ale, her arcane staff leaning in the crook of her elbow and against her shoulder. She wipes the froth from her lips, then wonders about the king's shield that stores mugs for special occasions. She will need to research that.

Sitting side-saddle on one of the lizards, Hunter stuffs her empty mug into her bag. She reapplies the veil around her nose and mouth, and looks to the tiefling. "Introductions, then," says the half-elf, stifling a burp and pointing to each person she names. "Xeliss, there with the fancy servant (I am so jealous of that). Elfog, the dwarf with the nasty axe and nastier temper. Mai'ngor, the tikbalang with the long face and the bright sword. Sarith, the elf who has seen the stars and the silver moon.

"And I am Hunter,"
she finishes with a bow of her head.
Aug 4, 2017 7:49 pm
Following Mai'ngor's lead, Elfog's hand instinctively goes for a weapon, but his actions are cut short upon hearing Sarith speak.

"Damn" he curses under his breath, before taking a deep breath and motioning for his comrade to calm down.

"The man's got a point" he says. "And Bruenor wouldn't be sending someone along he don't trust" he adds, trying to convince himself as much as Mai'ngor.
How big is Beard at this point? Elfog riding sized yet? :-)
Aug 4, 2017 11:51 pm
At the rate he is growing, it seems that it will likely be just a few more weeks before you can ride him. He currently is too big to have on your shoulder, rising up to just over knee level
Aug 5, 2017 12:33 am
I'll have him tag along with us if that's ok.
Aug 5, 2017 12:47 am
"Ms Poe, what assistance have you been tasked with providing?" asks Hunter, conversationally ignoring the whispers going on amongst the others.
Aug 5, 2017 9:46 am
Poe looks down in shame and embarrassment as the inevitable whispering starts. She looks up as the half-elf speaks to her plainly, gratitude shining from her face.

"I am a bard, well studied in lore and with some small magics. My main purpose, thought, is translation. It is a pleasure to meet you," she looks at the others sadly, "...all of you."
Aug 5, 2017 10:01 am
Mai'ngor's equine eyes glow red in the gloom, staring fixedly at Sarith. "Who told you we were friends?" he asks softly. But the horse-headed fey's hand has left Sinag's hilt and his posture has relaxed somewhat.
Aug 5, 2017 1:18 pm
Sarith grins in response to Mai'ngor's words, but doesn't say anything to him.
Aug 5, 2017 4:52 pm
"Languages and lore! Good," says Hunter, inwardly wondering how one commands a riding lizard. "Perhaps now we won't fumble around without a clue. You know many of the tongues of the Underdark, then?"
Aug 6, 2017 11:17 am
"I was chosen for the less common tongues, actually. Because of this curse I was born with, I have done a lot of research trying to understand languages of denziens from the other planes. I am fluent in both Abyssal and Infernal, which may be quite useful given the evils we will face."
Aug 8, 2017 12:53 am
"So you're here to... talk to them, translate for us, or both?" I eye the newcomer warily. Trust is what got us almost killed last time, before Hunter got rid of that demon thing that attacked us. But we can't go around killing everyone that wants to help just because we don't trust them yet. I take a deep swig of the ale. You know, this does help!
Last edited August 8, 2017 1:00 am
Aug 8, 2017 1:01 am
As you make your way out of the well-known tunnels around Gauntlgrym, the group you are traveling with takes up defensive formations, knowing that to be caught off-guard in the Underdark is to die. Sarith moves away with a grin and a nod, becoming a shadow in the darkness, appearing only rarely to report on what he sees in the darkness.
I accepted the character. Since there appears to be some chatter going on, I will allow things to move along naturally.
Naatkinson sent a note to MoMo
Aug 8, 2017 1:14 am
Mai'ngor continues to brood in the darkness at first, though he longs to hold Sinag aloft to light the way. But eventually he relents and draws the sword, flooding the tunnel with daylight. That seems to lift the tikbalang's spirits somewhat.
Extending the light to maximum radius: 30ft bright + 30ft dim.
Last edited August 8, 2017 1:15 am
Aug 8, 2017 1:23 am
MoMo sent a note to Naatkinson
Aug 8, 2017 2:22 am
As they travel, Hunter asks one of their Zhentarim guides, "What sort of person is Ghazrim Du Loc?"
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