Jake's Contacts

Nov 14, 2018 3:08 am
For noting Jake's contacts.
Nov 29, 2018 3:30 am
Roderick Torres-- An Aware in Montreal whose son Tulione tells me Ventrannia wants badly. This seems different than things they have had me do before. Roderick's boy is only 10. I am not sure I should hand him over, but Roderick owes me big for tugging on my heartstrings. He owes me two debts for protecting his son from Ventrannia.
Nov 29, 2018 3:45 am
Dax Hemphill (Fae)-- Member of the region's King's honor guard. I owe him a Debt and he owes me a Debt.
Dec 3, 2018 1:33 pm
grousemetal says:
Dax Hemphill (Fae)-- Member of the region's King's honor guard. I owe him a Debt and he owes me a Debt.
Okay, 2 things.
1) there are no King in Montreal, but a Queen of summer and a Queen of winter.
2) You owe each other a debt for what exactly? Remember that in game-when cashing in debts, you can't just say "I'm cashing in my debt with that guy", but rather say something along the line of "Hey, remember when I got this ingredient to help you with your ritual? Well, you owe me. Now tell me about Julian's plan."
Dec 3, 2018 9:19 pm
Ha, yeah, that was placeholder; I will definitely have actual debts written up. Good to know that there are two queens instead. I am thinking of him being involved more heavily with one of the queens, like as a courier or something where he is close enough to eavesdrop but not actually being influential, probably have him do some shady petty criminal things on the side.

EDIT: My debts are fleshed out in the debt tracking thread now. Let me know if there is anything I need to change about who Dax is or those debts, otherwise I will just update his info here and be good to go!
Last edited December 3, 2018 10:04 pm

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