Character generation details, part 7 (last)

Sep 18, 2015 7:03 pm
So far you've done the following:
Generated your characteristics
Selected your race
Picked an occupation
Calculated your derived statistics
Determined skills
Collected money and equipment

All that remains is your background. These are a bunch of questions to answer about your character, a few of which have an effect on your character's stats. Parents grant you additional skill points, and the GM may grant additional skill and/or characteristic points for accounts of your previous adventures. Once you've done your background, your character is complete and ready to go to the Hall of Drenn (citizens) to receive another assignment from a patron for another mark on your challisk (citizenship tally badge).

Origin: Where and in what conditions were you raised? Did you grow up in a city, a village, or the wild? Did you move a lot as a kid?

Upbringing: Did you know your parents? What were your parents' occupations? You get two additional skill points for skills that would have applied to a parent or adults who raised you. These could be applied to a new skill, or could increase existing skills that you have - it's what you picked up from them as a child.

Why did you leave home, or why did you stay? You can come up with an answer for this yourself, or you can roll randomly (1d100, and I'll tell you the results).

Siblings: Roll to determine who many siblings you have. 1d6 for woffen and crugar PCs, (1d6)-2 for all other PC races.

Friends: Earlier (in your derived statistics), you determined a number of non-PC friends that you have. Describe who/where they are, and how you know them. If you want to determine what sort of people they are randomly, roll 1d100 for each friend (I'll tell you the results).

Closeness and terms: For each person - parent, guardian, sibling and friend - determine how close you have been to them in your relationship, and on what terms you are with them at the moment. If you want to do it randomly, roll 1d100 for closeness and 1d100 for terms for each person.

* Closeness (1d100):
1 - 15: Not close
16 - 50: You enjoy seeing the person in social engagements, but don't seek him/her out otherwise
51 - 70: You seek to make time to spend with this person
71 - 80: You are close to this person and value time spent with him/her
81 - 90: You are very close to this person; their opinions and company are very important to you.
91 - 100: You are inseparable from this person; a key presence in your life

* Terms (1d100):
1 - 5: You are fighting with this person with active enmity
6 - 15: You are on bad terms and are avoiding this person because of a serious issue between you
16 - 30: Something bad happened between you and you are avoiding contact with this person
31 - 100: Everything's fine between you.

Fascination: There's something that draws you to adventure, an interest, passion, or motivation that fuels your willingness to brave danger and explore the unknown. What is it? Here's some ideas:
- Love/sex
- Earth-tec
- Bio tec
- Exotic creatures
- Information/Learning
- Power
- Uncovering the past
- Isho and dyshas
- Isho storms
- Trade, negotiation, doing deals
- War/combat
- Skyrealms
- Warps
- Danger
- Entertainment
- Teaching/instruction
- Social justice

Adventures: At this point in your life, you've been adventuring for some time. Describe some adventures that you've had; the GM will also provide some detail about one or more adventures you've had while in the quest for citizenship (tothis).

Racial Attitudes: How do you feel about the various races you've contacted, or even just heard about, on Jorune? Decide for yourself if your character has dislike, favor, or prejudice for/prejudice against particular races. Are you attempting to be open-minded about individuals ("they can't all be the same"), optimistic about races you haven't met, were you raised to despise those things, or has personal experience influenced your perceptions?

Knowing each other: You know and get along well with at least one other PC. Describe how you met and what your attitudes are about that player character.

Having done that (and assuming you've also completed the previous steps), your character needs only a name. Name your character, put that information into a character sheet, post it to your character creation thread (so that the other players know about your character), and submit that character to the Skyrealms of Jorune game.

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