LegionChimera7 enters the fray!

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Nov 21, 2018 4:12 am
Hiya! Handle's LegionChimera7 and I'm essentially a transplant over from Myth-Weavers, of where I'm known as ChaosChimera(in case anyone else uses both as well.)

I heard about GP while listening to the Dungeon Master's Block in their episode about pbp gaming. Now, I had my start over on the weave, and while it isn't horrible over there, it does feel a little stagnant. Especially when games, players, and GMs just drop off without a word. So I figured I might as well branch out to see what other places are like.

I consider myself a novice GM seeing as how plenty of games, y'know, drop. I'm mostly familiar with 3.5e/Pathfinder, so these are what I'll likely run most often. However, I am interested in expanding out towards 5e, got plenty of ideas for that, 4e(kinda the first system I was introduced to), Starfinder, Savage Worlds, VtM(just need to learn how to actually write a chronicle), CoC, and a few others. Although, I can only run so many games, so I will be on the lookout for games of those systems to join.

Looking forward to playing!
Nov 21, 2018 4:19 am
Hi and welcome LegionChimera7. Great list of games you're interested in.

Games don't always last here, but I'm in a few that are more than a year old. I would say that most games I'm in run their course. It's really up to the DM willing to recruit replacements if a player has to drop out.

Anyway, good luck on finding some great games!
Nov 21, 2018 12:26 pm
Welcome, LegionChimera7! Good to have you here! Like Qralloq said we do sometimes suffer from attrition as well (probably the nature of PbP anywhere) but stick around long enough and you'll learn which GM's and players you can rely on to stay the course. I am in several games that are coming up on their 3rd anniversary!

You might find the new member guide helpful. Watch the Games Tavern, and I'm sure you'll find a game soon! Til then, join us on the GP Discord server! See you around. :-)
Nov 21, 2018 3:18 pm
Hello and welcome!
Dec 4, 2018 5:01 pm
Catching up on some introductions, welcome LegionChimera7! As I've seen you on the Discord, I'm guessing you're enjoying your time here! Coming from myth weavers, I'd love your feedback on the site!

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