Interest Check: Burning Wheel

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Jan 22, 2019 7:17 pm
All sounds reasonable to me.
Jan 23, 2019 2:11 pm
I meet those criteria and would be interested in playing if you ran.
Jan 23, 2019 4:34 pm
I'd be glad to try again.
Jan 27, 2019 12:24 am
That looks like a reasonable list and I'm down to play some Burning Wheel!
Jan 27, 2019 5:15 am
Wow. I’d say we have a game. I’ll start putting something together and post a game in the next couple of days. Give me 3-5 as I’m going to do some pre-work. I’ll send invites. Good edition plus codex seems agreeable, but let’s keep it very basic and almost stereotypical fantasy. Less character stuff to worry about when we finally get to start adding mechanics.

Jan 27, 2019 7:03 pm
Stereotypical fantasy, right!

Fie Tor, May Juh, Roe Guh, Claire Ik, Wee Zard meet in a tavern...
Jan 27, 2019 10:32 pm
Awesome. Thanks for giving this a shot.
Jan 27, 2019 11:16 pm
OK, I have it narrowed down to three different setting options along with a little bit more variety and flavor. I will be typing up a summary and posting here in the next day or two tops. I would like this to be a game that has some good momentum, but not one that requires everyone to be glued it to their computers and notifications. I will be on 5 to 7 days a week to check up on the posts, provide a new bits and pieces, etc. but I just want to make sure the pacing will be good for everyone. I’ve been in some games that the expectation is a one hour turnaround, and frankly I work and have two kids. That’s why I’m here LOL!
Jan 27, 2019 11:17 pm
To clarify, I will post it in a new game and send you the invite, where we will finalize world building together but with options narrow down by me. I want your input, but I have to make sure it’s something that I am familiar enough with that all we have to collectively worry about is mechanics and not setting.
Jan 28, 2019 3:46 am
Sounds like a plan! I am also not glued to Gamersplane. I think I make 3-4 posts a week in my games.
Jan 28, 2019 5:05 am
Great, I'm glad to hear that Shark_Bone. Life should come first, but I do enjoy a good game.
Jan 31, 2019 7:44 am
Count me as interested. Need to do some re-reading, but interested.

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