System: skills

Sep 22, 2015 1:21 am
For each skill, your character has a RANK and a LEVEL.

The LEVEL of a skill is one of four degrees of aptitude your character has:
* Unfamiliar - the character is likely to fail, having only the most rudimentary ability in this area
* Familiar - the character is skilled in the task and will usually succeed
* Experienced - the character is very skilled in the task and will nearly always succeed
* Seasoned - the character is a paragon at doing this particular type of task, almost without peer

The level of the skill will most often be referenced in game to determine whether your character will succeed at a task. Dice are rolled in a skill check only when there is a significant chance of failure, such as when the character is Unfamiliar or has some significant impediments to performing the task (active opposition, serious peril, is wounded, etc).

The level also indicates what degree of success the character has: barely succeeding up through do the task astoundingly well.

When a roll is needed, we refer to the RANK.

To check a skill, roll 1d20. You succeed if you roll equal to or less than your skill's rank.

A roll of 1 or 20 requires a second roll. A second success after a 1 indicates a "great success," indicating that you performed the task at a higher level of skill. A second failure after a 20 indicates an abysmal failure, much like a crit fail in other games: your character doesn't succeed, and some other bad thing happens as a result.

No matter the result of the second roll, a 1 always succeeds and a 20 always fails.

Every skill has a difficulty rating, which determines at which ranks a skill moves to the next level. The GM will keep track of this for you, but it is provided for your reference here, and is primarily of interest in knowing how close you are to advancing to the next level.

Melee skills and Easy skills have a number for Unfamiliar skills, which means that even characters who have no ranks in the skill will still have a chance to succeed in performing the skill.

The difficulties are:

Melee skills: Unfamiliar: 4, Familiar: 10, Experienced: 13, Seasoned: 16
Easy skills: Unfamiliar: 1, Familiar: 6, Experienced: 12, Seasoned: 18
Moderate skills: Familiar: 5, Experienced: 10, Seasoned: 15
Hard skills: Familiar: 4, Experienced: 8, Seasoned: 12
Very hard skills: Familiar: 3, Experienced: 6, Seasoned: 9

Complete Skill List
The skills list is presented in step five of character generation, but they're listed here, too:

Practical Skills (all these skills are Easy difficulty)
- Arithmetic (6) - ability to solve math problems
- Bio-tec (6) - various living tools were seeded across Jorune by the original colonists. Many of the species remain: bio-tec is your ability to recognize/identify them.
- Current Events (6) - knowing political realities
- Earth-tec (6) - recognizing/identifying ancient artifacts
- Fauna Recognition (6) - identifying creatures
- Flora recognition (6) - identifying plants
- Geography (6) - knowing your way around the countryside
- Geology (6) - identifying topography, locating water, identifying minerals
- History (6) - knowledge of important events in history
- Lore (6) - knowledge of fable, myth, old wives' tales, folk wisdom, etc.
- Traveler (6) - how much you know about a particular place
- Weather (6) - reading the signs for changes in the weather, ability to predict weather in the short term

Common Skills (All these skills are Easy difficulty)
- Bargain (6) - haggling, getting a deal
- Bribe (6) - greasing palms, using money to influence people in authority
- Bureaucracy (6) - how well you navigate bureaucratic procedures/interactions
- Conceal self (6) - ability to hide in the wild/outdoors
- Contacts (6) - calling on acquaintances to get information
- Cooking (6) - preparing meals, using forage
- Fast Talk (6) - ability to quickly convince or bewilder people verbally
- First Aid (6) - triage, applying bandages, staunching wounds, apply limilates
- Foraging (6) - scavenging/locating food and drink from the environment
- Gaming (6) - gambling, playing games of chance
- Getting Around (6) - navigating your home turf, knowing shortcuts, etc.
- Hide in City (6) - ability to hide in an urban environment
- Information Search (6) - getting information from inanimate sources like books, archives, or libraries
- Search (6) - finding hidden things (SPOT and LISTEN are for detection)
- Silent Movement (6) - sneaking silently
- Tail (6) - following someone without being detected in a city or town
- Teach (6) - general ability to instruct others
- Tracking (6) - ability to detect traces of another's presence/passage
- Wilderness Travel (6) - finding the best route through the wild

Agility Skills (Easy skills, but note that they are purchased differently at character generation)
- Jump
- Climb
- Swim

Moon Skills (all Hard difficulty)
- Moon skill: Desti (1) - The red moon of Jorune, associated with violence
- Moon skill: Du (1) - The amber moon of Jorune, associated with light and heat
- Moon skill: Ebba (1) - The yellow moon of Jorune, associated with force
- Moon skill: Gobey (1) - The black moon of Jorune, associated with barriers
- Moon skill: Launtra (1) - The green moon of Jorune, associated with health and the body
- Moon skill: Shal (1) - The blue moon of Jorune, associated with the mind and nerves
- Moon skill: Tra (1) - The white moon of Jorune, associated with space and place

Melee combat skills (all Melee difficulty)
- Advance (10) MELEE - move closer to an opponent while in combat, and/or force an opponent back
- Axe (10) MELEE - wielding a single-bladed axe (like a woodaxe or hatchet) in combat
- Battleaxe (10) MELEE - wielding a double-bladed axe in combat
- Club (10) MELEE
- Defend without weapon (10) MELEE - blocking and parrying with your bare hands
- Entangle (10) MELEE - tripping, tangling, or ensnaring an opponent in combat with a rope, whip, net or something similar
- Fist (10) MELEE - punching, slapping, gouging, twisting, clawing, and any other attacks with your hands
- Halberd (10) MELEE - using any sort of axe on a pole in combat
- Kick (10) MELEE - kicking, tripping, shoving, raking, any any other attacks with your feet
- Knife (10) MELEE - using a short blade in hand to hand combat
- Mace (10) MELEE - using any sort of bashing weapon with a heavy head in combat
- Morning Star (10) MELEE - using any sort of weapon with a haft and a head on a chain in combat
- Pike (10) MELEE - using very long spears (more than 3 m long) in combat, usually against cavalry charges
- Shield (10) MELEE - using a shield in combat, for defense or offense
- Spear (10) MELEE - using a stabbing weapon like a javelin or spear (2 m or less) in combat
- Staff (10) MELEE - using a 2-handed blunt weapon like long stick, staff, or pole (2 m or less) in combat
- Sword (10) MELEE - using any kind of 1-handed sword in combat
- Tackle (10) MELEE - using your body, leverage and mass to take down an opponent in combat
- Thikes (10) MELEE - using a gladiator's strap-on blades in combat
- Two-handed sword (10) MELEE - using particularly long or massive swords that require two hands in combat
- Withdraw (10) MELEE - move away from an opponent while engaged in combat

Ranged weapon skills
- Bola (4) HARD - ability to throw a weighted rope, chain, or bola to wrap around something
- Bow (4) HARD - using a short recurve bow to fire arrows
- Crossbow (5) MODERATE - loading and firing bolts from a crossbow
- Dysha (5) MODERATE - aiming a blast or orb isho projectile
- Knife (4) HARD - aiming and throwing a knife
- Long bow (4) HARD - using a large recurve bow to fire arrows
- Pistol (5) MODERATE - aiming and firing a handgun
- Rifle (5) MODERATE - aiming and firing a long gun
- Rock (4) HARD - picking up a hard object and throwing it in combat
- Sling (4) HARD - using a sling to throw projectiles in combat

Dysha Skills
- Dysha: Blinding (5) MODERATE - Shal 8, Launtra 6, Desti 3 - temporarily blind creatures with eyes
- Dysha: Body Freeze (4) HARD - Shal 16, Desti 10 - remove voluntary muscle control from a creature of a certain type (Earth-descended, native Jorune, etc)
- Dysha: Body Shield (5) MODERATE - Gobey 12, Launtra 6, Tra 2 - create a layer of isho armor on your body
- Dysha: Brain Blast (4) HARD - Shal 16, Desti 10 - blast the nervous system of a creature, reducing advantage and causing them to drop carried items
- Dysha: Bubble (5) MODERATE - Gobey 12, Ebba 2, Tra 1 - create a physical dome of isho to cage a target
- Dysha: Cage (3) VERY HARD - Lightning blast, Gobey 12, Desti 8, Ebba 6, Tra 1 - create a physical dome of isho to cage a target, which is then blasted with lightning when the dome fails
- Dysha: Calm Animal (6) EASY - Shal 5, Tra 1 - improve the reaction of creatures of a certain type (Earth-descended, native Jorune, etc)
- Dysha: Cast Energy (4) HARD - Du 10, Desti 4 - shoot one or more orbs of searing heat at a target
- Dysha: Constrictor (3) VERY HARD - Ebba 15, Gobey 12 - grab a target with a ring of isho, then contract the ring closed
- Dysha: Crater (3) VERY HARD - Du 15, Desti 8 - shoot an orb that explodes at its target
- Dysha: Craze (3) VERY HARD - Shal 16, Desti 4, Tra 4 - provoke an epileptic seizure in an opponent
- Dysha: Create Warp (3) VERY HARD - Tra 16 - create a warp portal connecting two locations
- Dysha: Deflector (6) EASY - Tra 4 - redirect incoming orbs and bolts around you
- Dysha: Drain (3) VERY HARD - Shal 18, Tra 8, Desti 4, Du 3 - evaporate the isho out of a target
- Dysha: Faint (6) EASY - Shal 8, Tra 2 - cause a creature to pass out
- Dysha: Faint Touch (5) MODERATE - Shal 8, Launtra 4, Tra 2 - Knock out a target for an extended period
- Dysha: Fire Touch (6) EASY - Du 5, Launtra 5 - emit an arc of intense heat, doing damage and igniting flammable objects
- Dysha: Flingers (6) EASY - Du 3, Ebba 1 - shoot five pellets of isho to deal damage
- Dysha: Frost Bolt (5) MODERATE - Desti 10, Du 4, Gobey 2 - blast a target with intense cold
- Dysha: Healer (5) MODERATE - Launtra 5, Shal 3, Desti 1, Tra 1 - eliminates superficial wounds and restores stamina
- Dysha: Inner Ear (5) MODERATE - Tra 6, Launtra 4 - Enable yourself to hear through solid objects
- Dysha: Inner Eye (4) HARD - Tra 8, Launtra 6 - Enable yourself to see through solid objects
- Dysha: Levitate (5) MODERATE - Ebba 8, Tra 3 - rise into the air for 10 seconds
- Dysha: Lightning Blast (6) EASY - Desti 3 - blast a target with a bolt of plasma
- Dysha: Lightning Strike (4) HARD - Desti 14, Ebba 10, Shal 4 - blast a target with a bolt of plasma and knock it back a few yards
- Dysha: Light Orb (6) EASY - Du 1 - Form a ball of light
- Dysha: Night Eyes (5) MODERATE - Launtra 8, Tra 2 - see in the dark
- Dysha: Penetration Bolt (3) VERY HARD - Desti 16, Tra 10 - Shoot a bolt that ignores all armor
- Dysha: Ping (4) HARD - Ebba 7 - a tiny orb used to smack objects with a few pounds of force
- Dysha: Power Hold (5) MODERATE - Ebba 10, Gobey 3 - bind a creature in place with fat bands of isho
- Dysha: Power Orb (5) MODERATE - Ebba 5 - a fist-sized orb that impacts objects with heavy force
- Dysha: Push (6) EASY - Ebba 3 - a large orb that exerts a gentle shove on a target
- Dysha: Quantum (5) MODERATE - Du 7 - shoot a single orb of searing energy at a target
- Dysha: Reflect (4) HARD - Tra 10 - redirect incoming orbs and bolts in a chosen direction
- Dysha: Scramble (4) HARD - Shal 14, Desti 4 - briefly muddle the isho of a target so that it can’t form most dyshas
- Dysha: Shield (6) EASY - Gobey 5, Launtra 4, Tra 1 - create force that reduces damage of a physical attack that would hit you
- Dysha: Shield Implosion (3) VERY HARD - Gobey 12, Ebba 10, Desti 2 - create a shower of energy that destroys a shield AND damages the shielded target
- Dysha: Shield Shatter (4) HARD - Gobey 14 - create an ongoing shower of energy to destroy a shield
- Dysha: Spectral Stun (3) VERY HARD - Du 10, Launtra 8 - shock someone with a blast of blinding light
- Dysha: Spider Grip (5) MODERATE - Launtra 12, Ebba 6, Gobey 3 - enable yourself to climb nearly any surface
- Dysha: Spinner (3) VERY HARD - Ebba 15, Gobey 9, Tra 2, Du 1 - pick up and wildly spin a creature
- Dysha: Stiff (6) EASY - Desti 7, Shal 2 - jolt a target’s limbs into full extension (like a jumping jack)
- Dysha: Suspension Orb (4) HARD - Ebba 12, Gobey 9, Tra 4 - enclose a target in a sphere of isho, which levitates off of the ground
- Dysha: Tumble (6) EASY - Ebba 6, Launtra 3, Tra 1 - reduce damage taken from a fall
- Dysha: Wall (4) HARD - Gobey 14, Ebba 8, Tra 1 - create a persistent wall of force out of isho

Other/Occupation skills
- Acting (4) HARD
- Animal Handling, Bochigon (3) VERY HARD - riding and caring for your gargantuan horned riding creature ("bochigon")
- Animal Handling, Horse (5) MODERATE - riding and caring for your horse mount
- Animal Handling, Pibber (5) MODERATE - caring for, herding and soothing small fluffy puffball creatures that occasionally go berserk and extrude vicious spikes ("pibber")
- Animal Handling, Talmaron (4) HARD - riding and caring for your sightless native flying mount ("talmaron")
- Animal Handling, Tarro (3) VERY HARD - caring for and soothing the sightless native monkey-like creature ("tarro")
- Animal Handling, Thombo (5) MODERATE - riding and caring for your thombo mount
- Astronomy (3) VERY HARD - study of celestial bodies, particularly Jorune's seven moons and their orbits
- Caji Entropy (4) HARD - Caji only - trying to absorb isho from the environment, beyond normal limits
- Caji Etiquette (4) HARD - how to properly greet and honor an esteemed teacher of isho
- Carpentry (5) MODERATE
- Carving (4) HARD - craft artwork from carved wood, or other soft organic materials
- Creature Care (4) HARD
- Crystal Cutting (4) HARD
- Dancing (4) HARD
- Estimate Isho (4) HARD - (Caji only) - discern how much isho a creature or thing has currently
- False Signature (4) HARD - (humans and boccord only) - disguise your isho signature to fool creatures that use tra-sense
- Farming (5) MODERATE
- Fishing (5) MODERATE
- Iscin: Astronomy (3) VERY HARD - particularly the study of Jorune's seven moons
- Iscin: Biology (4) HARD - detailed study of different life forms on Jorune
- Iscin: Bio-tec (3) VERY HARD - creation and use of bio-tec using ancient lore/technology
- Iscin: Earth-tec (4) HARD - engineering with ancient artifacts and technologies
- Iscin: Geography (4) HARD - deep knowledge of the world's geography; both atlas and almanac
- Iscin: Geology (4) HARD - science of inorganic materials
- Iscin: History (3) VERY HARD - analysis and organization of written and digital history records
- Iscin: Isho Weather (4) HARD - analysis and prediction of the ebb and flow of crystal energy on Jorune and its seven moons ("isho")
- Iscin: Linguistics (4) HARD - study of the evolution of languages
- Iscin: Literature (3) VERY HARD - analysis and knowledge of classical literature and lore
- Iscin: Mathematics (3) VERY HARD - abstract mathematics
- Iscin: Philosophy (3) VERY HARD - ruminations on the nature of things
- Iscin: Physics (3) VERY HARD - science of matter and how it interacts with other matter
- Juggling (4) HARD
- Language, Acubon (3) VERY HARD - speak with amphibious humanoids native to freshwater lakes
- Language, Blount (3) VERY HARD - speak Abahth, the language of the frog people
- Language, Bronth (4) HARD - speak Boru, the language of the bear people
- Language, Cleash (3) VERY HARD - speak with the terrifying insect-like sentient race
- Language, Corastin (5) MODERATE - speak with giant, troll-like humanoids
- Langauge, Croid (3) VERY HARD - speak with large, umber-hulk-like creatures
- Langauge, Crugar (4) HARD - speak Chaun-tse, the native language of the mountain lion people
- Language, Entren (4) HARD - skill for non-natives to speak the common human language
- Language, Ramian (3) VERY HARD - speak Rorch-ko, the native language of the alien ramian people
- Language, Salu (5) MODERATE - speak with the amphibious humanoids of the ocean; a variant of Entren
- Language, Scarmis (3) VERY HARD - speak with the mantis people
- Language, Shantha (3) VERY HARD - speak with the native sentients of Jorune, the shantha
- Language, Thriddle (3) VERY HARD - speak Triddis, the language of the studious, eye-stalked thriddle
- Language, Thivin (4) HARD - speak with the horned, noseless aliens called thivin
- Language, Trarch (5) MODERATE - speak Troffa, the verbal and somatic language of the ogre-like Trarch
- Language, Woffen (5) MODERATE - speak Thowtis, the language of the wolf people
- Limilate finding (5) MODERATE - identifying/finding herbs, roots and leaves for making limilates
- Limilate preparation (4) HARD - preparing limilates with the proper ingredients
- Mask Signature (4) HARD - (humans and boccord only) - become invisible to Tra-sense
- Medicine (3) VERY HARD - diagnosis, surgery, disease care
- Military etiquette (4) HARD - conforming to military protocols of conduct
- Musical Instrument (4) HARD
- Oratory (4) HARD - ability to communicate and influence people through public speech
- Painting (4) HARD - ability to create portraiture and artwork with paints
- Pick Locks (4) HARD
- Pick Pockets (3) VERY HARD
- Prestidigitation (4) HARD - sleight of hand, illusions/magic tricks/showmanship
- Race of Signature (4) HARD - humans and boccord only - used after signature spectrum to correctly identify the species of a creature
- Sailing (6) EASY
- Sculpture (4) HARD - craft artwork from carved stone or other inorganic materials
- Singing (4) HARD
- Set Traps (5) MODERATE
- Shipwright (4) HARD
- Signature Spectrum (4) HARD - (humans and boccord only) - detect creatures by their isho
- Story Telling (4) HARD - ability to entertain with stories
- Thriddle Madness Etiquette (4) HARD - dealing with thriddle when it goes berserk
- Tra-Sense (4) HARD - Caji only - use isho to detect everything around you in all directions
- Underground Information (4) HARD - gathering tips, rumors
- Warp Stabilize (4) HARD - (Caji only) - keeping a warp open that would close otherwise
- Writing (4) HARD

(edited to explicitly add skill difficulties)
Nov 20, 2015 4:32 pm
What counts as Easy, Moderate, Hard, and Very Hard skills on this list?
Nov 20, 2015 4:34 pm
The number in parentheses

3 = Very Hard
4 = Hard
5 = Moderate
6 = Easy

The only exception looks to be weapon skills which follow a different progression altogether

I THINK this is the way it works
Last edited November 20, 2015 4:35 pm
Nov 20, 2015 4:48 pm
Naatkinson says:
The number in parentheses

3 = Very Hard
4 = Hard
5 = Moderate
6 = Easy

The only exception looks to be weapon skills which follow a different progression altogether

I THINK this is the way it works
That's right. The Melee skills follow their own Melee progression, with Familiar = 10, Experienced = 13, and Seasoned = 16.

I'll go back and edit the skills list to indicate this more clearly; I'd actually thought I'd done this a few weeks ago already. Sorry about that!
Nov 20, 2015 5:05 pm
I've edited the list to add the skill difficulties explicitly.

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