Obligatory Intro Thread

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Oct 23, 2014 6:16 pm
Heya everyone! I've been on the lookout for another good play-by-post site for a while, and seeing the announcement of Numenera games tipped this over my "must sign up" line. ^_^

I've been gaming for about 15 years (with a dry period for the last 5 years where I only read books, rather than playing), starting with D&D 3e. I've played D&D 3e, 3.5, 4e, Iron Heroes, Mutants & Masterminds, and an assortment of other systems for one-offs. I've DM'd a few games in Iron Heroes, D&D 4e, and White Wolf's Mage.

I fell in love with Numenera's system and setting immediately, and have been itching to play a game with it, but none of my close circle of friends play RPGs. My little brother getting in with a new group back where he lives recently *really* ramped it up.

In personal details, I live in California, work for Google, and do web standards work. If you've done any web design, you've probably used tech that I wrote the spec for (I'm editor for a bunch of CSS specs). I've been married for nearly a decade to a wonderful lady, and I wear a 3-piece suit ever Friday for #formalfriday.
Oct 23, 2014 6:44 pm
Finally, I meet someone I can blame for vertical-align issues! It really has been the bane of parts of this site, heh.

Thanks for joining up and welcome! Working for Google is awesome. I've been debating applying, but I don't know what I'd do there, or want to do there. Hell, don't know if I'm qualified, and I've been a webdev for some 10 years now :p

I'm glad to see more players and experienced GMs amongst our ranks, and hopefully you can hop into a Numenera game soon. Hopefully we'll have more people starting up games soon too :D
Oct 24, 2014 5:25 am
Technically vertical-align came from CSS 2.1, which predates me. You can blame me for the rest, though. ^_^
Oct 24, 2014 11:53 am
True, but you could have fixed the issues in 3! *INSERT ANGRY WEBDEV RANT*

Heh, it'll be pretty awesome though to get a true expert's views on my site though. Starting with SVG looks like :D
Oct 25, 2014 1:48 am
Glad to hear you have recently rediscovered the wonderful world of gaming and even more happy to see that you are taking the dive with us here at Gamer's Plane. Welcome aboard, hoping to see you in game soon, please feel free to post in some of our discussions around the forum or start some of your own. We always love to hear from other gamers.

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