Interest Check - Cyberpunk 2020 ?

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Jan 2, 2019 5:42 pm
Hey everyone,
I've been getting really into the cyberpunk 2020 universe lately and am just gauging interest to see if anyone is interested in running or playing a cyberpunk 2020 game ?

I don't have a huge amount of experience as GM (although some) but I would be willing to run a low-key game, especially if you don't mind things being more episodic -

otherwise I'm just as happy playing something a more experienced Referee has.

is anyone out here interested in booting up their cybernetics and heading out into the fog of night city ?
Jan 3, 2019 2:14 pm
Hello, dumb question what system? Or is there a Cyberpunk 2020 game mechanic system I don't know about?
Jan 3, 2019 4:35 pm
good question actually,
it has it's own mechanic, the cyberpunk 2020 system.
it's mostly based on rolling a d10 and adding modifiers and trying to roll higher than certain difficulty settings
it also has a few interesting twists on stat points which I think could be fun
reflex (main attack skill and reflex skills)
tech (your ability to use technology, drive, repair/fixing/unjaming things ect)
empathy (functions as charisma but also you loose empathy every time you get a cyber enhancement and if you run out you can get 'cyber psychosis')
cool (a measure of how poised your character is, can win 'stare-downs' and won't flinch when hit in battle ect)
attractiveness (mostly flavor for how you're treated in world, i've added a mechanic where you get paid more based on this score to give it more validity)
luck (the number of times per session you can 'reroll' a dice you don't like)
intelligence (self explanatory plus hacking abilities)
Jan 3, 2019 5:26 pm
I should also mention that I"m making these 'cheat sheets' of the rules to make it real easy for new players.
my assumption is that most people don't have the books and don't have time to read them online to learn a whole new system so I've been simplifying the rules a little bit to maximize clarity and fun while hanging onto the mechanics that make it feel like a real world.
the idea would be to start off simple (like with a gunfight) and add complexity on each subsequent mission (adding hacking, introducing cyber modifications, introducing subterfuge as a mission objective ect...) until the mechanics have been explained through playing
Jan 3, 2019 5:29 pm
Well if I just get to RP and you'll explain the crunch I'm up for it, it's probably not as crunchy as Eclipse Phase though right?
Jan 3, 2019 8:56 pm
haha, that's basically the deal.
I haven't played eclipse phase, but after looking at the book for it for a few minutes I'll say - correct, not as crunchy as that haha.
but anyway you're right, the idea is to make it less crunchy and more making choices as your character and solving puzzles and causing mischief in the gritty world of night city

glad you're interested though! I'll give it a couple more days here to see if we can grab another player or two before I make the game
Jan 3, 2019 9:00 pm
I need to make a meme. You know the one with the guy checking out the girl while the girl he is with looks shocked? I'd label the new girl "New RPG", the guy as "Me" and the angry girl as "All the RPGs I'm currently playing". Right?
Last edited Jan 3, 2019 9:09 pm
Jan 3, 2019 10:04 pm
Qralloq says:
I need to make a meme. You know the one with the guy checking out the girl while the girl he is with looks shocked? I'd label the new girl "New RPG", the guy as "Me" and the angry girl as "All the RPGs I'm currently playing". Right?
I was just marking this thread as read for myself but I just had to stick my nose in and say that is my gaming life in a nutshell. Though I am trying really hard to stop doing it.
Jan 23, 2019 11:01 pm
Sorry, I'm just seeing this now...hopefully not too late? I have never played before but have been dying to. I'd love to join if you've still room.
Last edited Jan 23, 2019 11:03 pm
Jan 23, 2019 11:10 pm
I would second awsmack! If there’s still room I’d love to give it a whirl!
Jan 24, 2019 1:22 am
Hells yes!!! I’d totally be down to play an intrepid reporter!
Jan 24, 2019 8:01 pm
I'm not really interested in cyberpunk but wanted to stop in and say I can't remember how many rpg's I've learned (even just a little bit) over my 41 years of gaming. It started with D&D and I've just now been learning Nightbane.
Jan 24, 2019 9:07 pm
Now that I've finished some of my work, I'd be interested in giving this a shot. Lemme check the rules and see if it interests me first though, maybe make a character idea or two.

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