Super delayed hello.

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Jan 5, 2019 5:29 am
Hello everybody,

I actually started on here earlier, sometime in the summer and never made the time to do a quick intro. Sort of a mix of eager to play and really shy.

Never did play by post before. Since my local groups are getting harder and harder to commit to due to shift work. I think this would work as a good alternative.

I love playing or running. Sort of a rules junky I like systems that have a lot of crunch.

Started way back in the late 90's with the second edition Vampire: The Masquerade and never looked back. Really into 1st edition Pathfinder since release and have been playing D&D 5th off and on. Also, have a couple hours with Genesys/Starwars which I love and some OSR games, trying the baseline simple systems with fairly positive results. Willing to play anything and expand my play experience.

Hope to have some more fun here with you guys, and may your rolls forever be in your favor.
Jan 5, 2019 5:42 am
Hello and welcome!
Jan 5, 2019 2:54 pm
Welcome PagrZero. I, too, love super crunchy games. My favorite being Rolemaster and it's SF variant Space Master. Amazing stuff, but not for the casual gamer.

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