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Jan 7, 2019 7:52 am
Hi, all! I would say it's nice to meet all of you, but this is my introductory post and, since I haven't posted it yet, there aren't any replies. But I'm sure it will be once those things happen. :)

I'm a gamer, which should be obvious. In addition to that, I'm also a software engineer.

As for being a software engineer, I'm a web application developer. And by that, I don't mean I'm the guy that makes things look nice. I can do that, but I'm neither skilled nor swift at it. I'm the guy who hooks up the tubes behind the scenes (and often builds said tubes). Metaphorical software tubes, of course, rather than real ones. I'm no plumber. That would be a disaster.

I've been playing tabletop games for almost my entire adult life. I started in college with some friends I met there. I played one session of D&D 3.5 and decided it would be fun to run my own game. I've been the DM/GM for probably 80% of our group's games ever since. I run a 5e campaign online for that same group (with some new folks we picked up along the way) just about every week. That game is coming up on its third birthday soon, and we're still having a lot of fun. I also play in a weekly Dungeon World game online with the same group. We took a month off our main 5e campaign to try out this PbtA thing and we were hooked. I don't run that one, though. I play a Dwarf Branded (Immolator playbook revamp I found on Reddit), and he's quite possibly one of my favorite characters I've ever played. It helps that I like to do voices and I really enjoy his.

I've never really played in a PbP game before, much less run one. However, our crew has some folks who, for various reasons, aren't able to make it to our live games regularly these days. I thought it might be fun to run a PbP game to help them get their gaming fix without having to deal with scheduling nightmares all around. I imagine it will be an interesting road ahead. Hopefully one filled with treachery and ill intent. We're going to be playing The Sword, The Crown, and The Unspeakable Power, which can best be described as a PbtA game in which Game of Thrones meets Joe Abercrombie's First Law series.

I am also a novice woodworker, occasional contributor to mods for a certain popular block-based sandbox game, and voracious consumer of podcasts and audiobooks.

In addition to running the game mentioned above, I may try and dip my toes in as a player in a game or two that strikes my fancy. I imagine it will be great fun!
Jan 7, 2019 11:53 am
Welcome to the site! I've found that PbP is really good at scratching the itch I've got from the vastly diminished amount of RL gaming I get to do these days
Jan 7, 2019 1:38 pm
Welcome the_number_zero! Glad to have you here!
Jan 7, 2019 2:15 pm
Welcome aboard! I've found the site to be an exceptionally good community of folks; I trust you will, too.

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