Jan 11, 2019 12:49 am
I am looking for players for a campaign I have been working on. I only actually need 1 player willing to take on the role of a noble's son to begin the game but it would work best with 4-5 players with a max of 6.
The world will be created as the game progresses and player feedback and suggestions will be used to help create it especially in the different cultures that their PC come from. I am hoping that together we can build a exiting world to adventure in.
I am using the onedice system which is rules light for I want to focus on interparty roleplay dynamics and the story arcs. One advantage of using the onedice system is that the free onedice quickstart on drivetrhurpg is sufficient to understand the rules.
Just a little about me is that I have been rpging for almost 40 years and have even playtested for a couple rpg games.
Here is the description of the game:
In the Northern Reaches of Illaryn unrest has begun. The elves and dwarves have mostly retreated to their kingdoms. In the human lands the war is brewing. The Duke of WestMarch concerned for his king looks for answers and alliances. It is at this time that one of the Mysterious Seers has come with a prophecy and seeking out those called to complete it.
This game will explore fantasy tropes including quests, good vs. evil, magic, coming of age, romance, and various races and their cultures.
As players you will also collaborate with me to flesh out the world as we go.
One little extra is that this adventure starts 500 years after an Elven Civil War which saw the Moon elves (now Dark elves) driven from the surface.
As of right now I need these races and professions:
Human male noble (profession TBD) (Position filled)
Dwarf (profession TBD)
Elf (profession fighter, thief or assassin)
These professions will be needed
Cleric (position filled)
My hope is that players can post at least 3 times a week to keep the story moving but give allowances for real life.
Let me know if you are interested and check out the game details.
The world will be created as the game progresses and player feedback and suggestions will be used to help create it especially in the different cultures that their PC come from. I am hoping that together we can build a exiting world to adventure in.
I am using the onedice system which is rules light for I want to focus on interparty roleplay dynamics and the story arcs. One advantage of using the onedice system is that the free onedice quickstart on drivetrhurpg is sufficient to understand the rules.
Just a little about me is that I have been rpging for almost 40 years and have even playtested for a couple rpg games.
Here is the description of the game:
In the Northern Reaches of Illaryn unrest has begun. The elves and dwarves have mostly retreated to their kingdoms. In the human lands the war is brewing. The Duke of WestMarch concerned for his king looks for answers and alliances. It is at this time that one of the Mysterious Seers has come with a prophecy and seeking out those called to complete it.
This game will explore fantasy tropes including quests, good vs. evil, magic, coming of age, romance, and various races and their cultures.
As players you will also collaborate with me to flesh out the world as we go.
One little extra is that this adventure starts 500 years after an Elven Civil War which saw the Moon elves (now Dark elves) driven from the surface.
As of right now I need these races and professions:
Human male noble (profession TBD) (Position filled)
Dwarf (profession TBD)
Elf (profession fighter, thief or assassin)
These professions will be needed
Cleric (position filled)
My hope is that players can post at least 3 times a week to keep the story moving but give allowances for real life.
Let me know if you are interested and check out the game details.
Last edited Jan 11, 2019 4:37 pm