Jan 26, 2019 5:12 pm
Jabes.plays.RPG sent a note to Jabes.plays.RPG
I have played RPGs for 30 years, but I didn't GM my first game until 3 years ago. Currently, I am running this, and one other 5E game. That's a grand total of not quite 3 games under my belt. So please bear with me.
Sometimes roleplaying can take us into dark places or uncomfortable topics. And of course, everyone has different topics that make them feel uncomfortable.
If you know certain topics distress you or make you uncomfortable, please let me know so I can avoid them. If, during the course of the adventure, something unexpectedly bothers you, you can tell me and we'll stop that scene, no questions asked.
In case it isn't obvious yet, this game is intended to be pretty casual and light-hearted. Downright ridiculous, even. Otherwise, Phillip would have already been marooned at best, keel-hauled at worst.
I have absolutely no real-world knowledge of sailing. All I "know" is what I've picked up from books and media. I'll do my best, but inaccuracies will abound.
For the most part, I will NOT be computing encounter CR to balance with party strength. You will sometimes be up against unbeatable encounters. I will do my best to ensure such encounters aren't inescapable.
Self explanatory.
Yes, you can die. If it happens, we'll roll up a new character of the same level, and try to bring them into the game as soon as possible.
In some situations, I might roll on your behalf. For example, if an NPC casts a spell that forces a saving throw, I might just roll it for you so that the result is known immediately. Some players find this sacrilegious, but my experience in PbP so far is that people mostly don't care and appreciate the faster gameplay. If this bothers you, let me know.
Also, please feel free to roll NPC saving throws when something you do causes it. For example, if you cast Vicious Mockery, perform a shove action, or do an intimidation check, you can roll a d20 for the NPC. You may not know the correct modifier, but it helps me out if you've already rolled.
As you've seen on Discord, we're doing block initiative.
The specified posting frequency is 1 post per day, and I would really like this to move forward at a steady clip. I'm on every day except when things become really busy at work, in which case I will tell you in advance if at all possible.
If you are going to be away for a day or longer, please let us know if you can. I do understand that life gets busy sometimes. During prolonged absences I may run your character in combat, or if you prefer you can designate another player to run your character. I will refrain from using your resources and stick to attack actions and cantrips.
1. You can decide to use inspiration AFTER you roll badly, but BEFORE I post the result.
2. Players can award each other inspiration to show appreciation for great roleplay.
3. One inspiration point at a time (no stacking).
4. Inspiration expires on a long rest, and when you level up.
Quarterstaves: Count as Monk weapons.
Shield Master: You can shield bash before you attack.
Unearthed Arcana: Yeah, it's legit.
Breaking up your combat turn: Say you've taken your turn, declared an action but no movement or bonus action. Until I declare a new round, you are allowed to post a bonus action or movement if these are available. We'll see how this goes. If I see it being abused I may nix it.
Encumbrance: I normally wouldn't bother with encumbrance. But because this is a sea-faring adventure, I want the ocean to matter. The moment you get in the water, how heavy a load you are carrying matters. You know I'm pretty loosey-goosey with the rules, but we will do this particular aspect by the book (PHB, page 176). So on your sheets, please make separate lists for normal loadout, and swimming loadout (and I will trust you will ensure your swimming loadout keeps you well within the unencumbered range).
We will only apply encumbrance penalties while in the water. You needn't worry about it on land.
Starting Wealth: Roll for Level 8 starting wealth, (which according to DMg page 38 is normal starting equipment plus 500gp plus 1d10×25gp) and buy all the mundane gear you want. The Sending Stone and the Bag of Holding are Valrakas' property, and so do not count against your personal funds. I reverse my ruling on Potions of Healing: you can buy them with your funds. Nela gets 1 free potion of healing, as well as 1 free antitoxin.
Climb Onto Bigger Creature: You can climb onto larger creatures as per page 271 of the DMG.
Disarm: As per DMG page 271. An Incapacitated, Stunned, or Paralyzed defender automatically fails the Athletics or Acrobatics check to resist being disarmed.