King of Fall - Act I - Game Thread

Oct 1, 2015 8:19 pm
So it begins.

Please keep in mind, I may do some things differently, never done a PBP as a GM before, etc. So bear with me as we kick this off and I put together how to bring it to you.

Hopefully this will be an interesting game for all of us. Remember I work a lot and have a family so just keep that in mind. :)
Jan 13, 2016 6:50 pm
Let's call this a little flavor to kick this off with. This does not involve your characters, and you don't respond to this story piece. I will put the next (first) post up that you need to respond to soon. I am no author, so hopefully this comes out well. :)
The view looks out over a forest, a lite layer of snow sits on top the trees as the view slowly moves down to the top of the trees towards for floor of the forest. The snow is thicker on the ground as it falls sooner this far north. You see a lone figure running through the forest. As the figure approaches the view you see a woman, a beautiful woman, despite the odd painted patterns on her face. Dressed in furs and leathers of different animals. Her hair is brown and tied up out of her face by a leather strap across her forehead wrapping around the back. You see the hilt of a large sword sticking out of its scabbard on her back, and an axe and knife hung at her side.

She is running hard, breathing heavy and leaning forward as if she can only go so much farther. In the distance is a howl and guttural call of several horrid dog like animals called Worgs. She pauses for moment, catching her breath and turning to look behind her. She sees her nearest pursuer and turns and starts to run again. Her long legs taking stride after stride through the forest, bursting through branches and leaping over fallen trees. She can now hear the nearest Worg crushing through the snow, baying in pleasure as it moves in on it's kill.

As she leaps over the next fallen tree, she lands and kicks backward putting her back against the fallen trunk moments before the Worg comes leaping over the fallen tree. The Worg lands heavy, skidding and sliding to stop as it tries to wheel around at her, but she moves quicker. Axe in one hand and a knife in the other, she is on the Worg before it can get it's footing. Her hand axe strikes the Worg in the head, the blade deflects off the skull of the Worg, but the momentum of the blow keeps the Worg spinning in the snow. She dives right, coming up behind the new floundering, whimpering Worg. Her knife red with fresh blood from hamstringing the creature as she passed. Still trying to turn and face her, the Worgs back leg fails him as he tries to put it down to gain traction. She is already on him again, the axe buries in the skull of the Worg, it makes a final strange whimper and falls. She tries to remove the axe, but it is buried deep in the hard skull of the creature. She leaves the axe after one more frustrated tug but deciding the better course of action is to turn and run. The baying of the other Worgs closing in on her much closer now.

Running again, her breathing is heavy and her strides shorter as she ducks and leaps through the forest floor. Suddenly she comes to a sliding halt, arms flailing to her sides like she is trying to swim backwards through he air. As the view pans out from her, you see a cliff about 75 feet high, straight down to the forest tree tops below it. She manages to keep herself from tumbling off the cliff, and then drops to one knee. The baying and howling getting even closer, as they sense their prey is close.

The woman stands and pulls the greatsword from its sheath on her back as she turns in the direction of the closing Worgs and starts walking towards them. She brings the sword up in front of her, straight up and down in a form of salute.

"Ancestors, Brother and Sisters, those who sit in the Forever Halls, raise a glass to me." she says, eyes closed. "This day I will join you in the Forever Halls. Lend me your strength and guide my fathers blade." She opens her eyes, seeing the other two Worgs closing in on her. "Let them see what a woman of the north is made of, that a Chieftains daughter stands before them!" She yells louder with each word. "RAAAHHHH!" she yells as she bursts into motion, with power and grace she moves like the wind. Bringing her greatsword down directly onto the head of the Worg that didn't have time to rethink charging in on the seemly helpless being in front of it. The force of the strike driving the head of the Worg into the ground in a spray of blood. She pirouettes as she sidesteps with the force of the blow, stepping aside as the body of the Worg slides past her grotesquely, spinning the blade in her hands to bring it back up in front of her. The dead Worgs nearly cleaved head folded underneath it's body. As its momentum ends and it comes to a stop causing the tension of its contorted body to somersaultt the now limp body onto it's back with blood spraying out in bright red lines in the snow.

The final Worg, bigger then the other two she has already killed, isn't so quick to rush in on the woman, having enough intelligence to know this woman is no easy kill. He is pacing her back and forth, teeth bared in a low growl as he sizes her up. "Lets finish this beast, come and taste my steel!" she yells as she quickly moves and brings a strike down at the Worg, but he bounds back out of the way of the strike, then with powerful hind legs leaps back forward at the woman as the strike put her off balance for just a second. She goes down backwards as the large paws of the Worg catch her in each shoulder, bringing her down under the beast. She flashes the pommel of the blade back across, hitting the Worg in the side of the head right before its jaws would have torn out her throat. He yelps, and reels at the blow. The Worg bounds backwards off the woman and begins to turn back to her to come back in at her. The woman is scrambling backwards away from the Worg and trying to get on her feet. The Worg leaps again at her, but she rolls to the left on the ground then starts to roll back to her right using her momentum to bring the greatsword in an arc across her prone body. It bites into the snow and ground as the Worg jumps back again. She begins to back up again, and the Worg makes another lunge at her but it seems to only be to drive her backwards. Then the woman gets to the cliff edge and can go no farther back. The Worg lets out a howl, knowing he has his prey cornered. He paces her again, weighing when to strike.

She gains her feet again watching the Worg pace her. If a Worg could smile she could see it on his face. Leaning on her sword appearing to catch her breath a moment, but in a quick fluid motion slings the knife at her hip at the Worg. The knife buries itself in the chest of the Worg, just to the side of where the front leg and chest meet. The Worg lets out a pained, but angry roar and wheels directly at the woman. He leaps at her, and she roars back. You see the blade of her greatsword appear out the back of the Worg as they both tumble backwards over the edge of the cliff.

The view lingers there for a moment. The cliff edge with the trees beyond and below the cliff. You see red blood spots stark and steaming on the pure white snow. All you hear is the howling of the wind as swirls of snow whip around. The view fades slowly to black.
Jan 13, 2016 8:42 pm
It's a cold fall morning in Stowald. The sun is peaking up over the horizon and the world is waking up to it's warm embrace. The sky is spotted with clouds but none threaten to bring rain or storms. The smell of morning fires from the chimneys permeates the air as the people of Stowald get ready to begin their day, warming their homes to shake off the cold night. A few folk move about the streets, off to start their days business.

The town is small by town standards and is spread over a fairly large area. The older part of town which originally served as the home for many loggers and hunters sits uphill a little from the rest of the town. A small stone fort sits in the middle of this older area. The rest of the town has been built in the last 50 years or so. Since the mines in the Rockspires were discovered and exploitation of those resources began. Some came to mine, some came to start businesses to support the miners and those streaming in to strike it rich in the new found veins. That is until the King of Myr decreed that the Myr Mining Company owned all rights to the riches of the Rockspires. This has since stabilized the population flux of Stowald. The logging families of Stowald never skipped a beat during this time as business has always been good, producing much of the wood for the northern regions of Myr.

If you look around the town you would see forest covering the north. Sporadic trees and fields and farms to the south and east and hills rolling off to the west. The town sits off the Flann Tributary, which flows down into the Artus River to the south. You can at times see barges moving lumber and minerals down river. Rarely does anything come up to Stowald as it is the last stop on the smaller river and only in the spring is the river deep enough for anything beyond and flat bottom barge.

Your characters are in the town of Stowald, as we have established. Let's set our starting points and I will build us up from there. Since this is a PBP site, I may throw some details back on you to come up with, since we all have time to think about our posts. D&D but with some more collaboration then traditionally perhaps. Don't hesitate to speak up though if you don't like something, I am open to discussion on anything.

It's morning for all of you. Where do you sleep? Where do you live or stay? How would you start your day?

I think one or two of you have where you live or stay established, but this is your chance to make it full cannon or change it. I have special notes for a couple of you, but you will all end up with these so don't feel left out if you don't have a direct line at you right now. :)

Edit: I know there is no map, you can just describe the place you feel like you stay or whatever as well, and I will expand on it.

Galas you have noticed a new star that is suddenly in the sky in the western hemisphere. I would assume you are excited.
You find Mara has had a hard night. You find her asleep on the floor in front of the door to her room. Vomit and an empty bottle of rum on the floor next to her, but she has managed to avoid being covered in the vomit and is pale, but otherwise just appears to be passed out from drinking. (Which has become more of a thing for her lately.)
Jan 13, 2016 8:58 pm
As dawn breaks, a lonely figure on foot is just entering town. He is dressed in travel-stained clothes and leathers and a ragged cloak with the hood drawn up. His head is bowed slightly, and the morning light makes a shadow under his hood. He enters town and makes his way toward the tavern to see if anyone is awake there to take his custom.

Galas noticed the new star last night. Being an elf, he doesn't sleep, just meditates a few hours a day. Lacking a telescope, he was reduced to naked eye observation of this new celestial phenomenon. He has written a whole chapter in the tome he carries noting the star's relative position to other know celestial bodies, and sketching diagrams of its movements across the night sky. The growing dawn forced him to pause his labors, and hunger has forced him toward this village. He has plenty of rations, but a body needs warm food from a stove from time to time.

There are few about in the streets this early. A man sits on his porch smoking a pipe. He is missing his left arm and one eye. The remaining eye follows this short, slight newcomer up the street. A woman empties a chamber pot out her window. Galas makes his deliberate way to the town square, on the lookout for a sign indicating the local inn. There's always a local inn. Especially in towns like this.
Jan 13, 2016 9:03 pm

Here is a little more detail on the town. To help you. It's all in my head right now. Haven't named everything either so I will leave most of it unnamed at this moment.

As stated Stowald is considered a town, but a small one. It's been bigger at times and smaller at times.

Buildings and Businesses:
- King's Gold Inn (Mara ownes, and Oswald helps run and was own by his former friend.)
- General Goods store
- Specialty Store (Weird lady no one really likes, people go there for headaches and herbal treatments, rumors say she had more than that.)
- Several warehouses (Mining company, and Logging company)
- Myr Mining Company office
- Small Defensive Fort, used by the town guard and the few Lord's soldiers actually in the town.
- Houses for the miners family are in the new areas, as well as house in the older parts of the town.
- There are farms and ranches near town, with barns and other farm/ranch stuff.
- Plus many other standards you would find in a small town.

I will have a map at some point, until then I will try and build it in your head as we move along.
Jan 13, 2016 9:51 pm
Seeing Mara passed out on the floor... Again, Oswald sighs and bends over to pick her up. He carries her to her room and lays her on her bed. He gets a bowl of water and rag and whipes the vomit from her mouth amd washes her face.

"Beeeeenn.." Mara mutters through her lips making Oswald heart heavy. He looks away from her as she sleeps and stands up. He reaches in his pocket and pulls out the coins he had made from yesterday and places them on the table next to the bed. He makes his way out of the room and closes the door quietly.

This was a daily routine. This one quieter then most since she has passed out before he left.

Oswald pulls out a cigar from his pocket, lights it with a match, and takes a couple big puffs before he makes his way out the door to his one of many jobs.

"Another day.." He thinks as he leaves.
Last edited January 13, 2016 9:51 pm
Jan 13, 2016 10:16 pm
"There's always an inn..." Galas whispers to himself. He steps up onto the porch and give a forceful knock. Not banging loud; he doesn't mean to wake anyone, but loud enough that someone in the back kitchen would hear, if anyone is awake.

Oswald hears a knock at the main entance to the inn just as his hand touches the knob to leave.
Last edited January 13, 2016 10:21 pm
Jan 13, 2016 10:39 pm
Oswald grabs the door knob to leave, when he hears some knocking on the otherside. He cracks open the door to sees a hooded figure on the other side.

"One second.." he says and closes the door again. He looks arounf the area and picks up some dishes, a half empty bottle of alcohol, and other things that mess up the inn. This takes about 2 mins and probably the cleaning noise can be herd outisde. When he sees it is semi decent he goes back to the door ready to open it when he remembers his cigar. He puts it out real quick, stashes it in his pocket and then opens the door.

"Welcome to the King's Gold Inn. How can I help you? he says, just a lik out of breath.
Jan 13, 2016 11:13 pm
The door opens briefly before Galas, and he gets a glimpse of a rough, bearded face grumbling something at him before slamming the door back in his face. He hears bumps and clattering from inside and let's out a small, bemused smile. He know this is an odd hour to call upon a human business.
"Welcome to the King's Gold Inn. How can I help you?"
Galas give a shallow bow, "Good morning. I appologize for the early hour. I've been traveling all night. I'm seeking lodging through at least tomorrow morning, perhaps longer, and breakfast. I have coin."

Under his hood, Galas is wearing a floppy sort of hat the conceals his pointed ears. To Oswald's eyes, a pretty-boy youth in travel stained clothing stands at his door. The boys features are delicate, almost feminine. Like a male actor in a Disney XD tween sitcom.
Jan 13, 2016 11:14 pm
Thalisa's keen ears heard the knock from her room. Already roused and halfway dressed, she wondered who was here this early. It wasn't all that unusual, but it definitely was not the norm. Having worked here as a barmaid for the past few months as a means to gain as much information as she could, she'd learned the regulars and the locals well, and most didn't arrive for at least another hour or so.

"Traveler." She muttered to herself and hurried to finish dressing. She'd been at this a long time, yet the prospect of potential new leads always got her heart racing. She caught herself though, and took a deep breath. Reminding herself that this was a marathon, not a sprint.

Tucking a pair of daggers into hidden sheaths, she finished getting ready. Tying her hair back into a top-knot pony tail, she took one last look at herself in the mirror and nodded to herself approvingly.

She placed a hand on the door handle to her room, and suddenly her stoic expression broke into a beautiful smile and with a bounce in her step, "Maggie", as she was known to everyone, stepped out of the room and made her way into the common area.

"Who's here this early Puddin'?" She asked Oswald as she made her way around the bar, setting clean serving trays in their appointed place and beginning the morning prep for customers and locals.
Last edited January 13, 2016 11:15 pm
Jan 14, 2016 12:14 am
"Never worked a day in his life." Oswald thinks as he looks over the new pateron.
"Blah blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah ,I have coin."
he hears.

"Come on in. " Oswald opens the door for the traveler and motion him in.
"Who's here this early Puddin'?"
he hears Maggie say as she comes down and cleans up the rest of the inn. She was a godsend seeing she doesn't work for much coin, just really room and board.

"We have a new customer. Mara is... Uh... Sleeping in... Again. Can you help him out?" he stumbles on the words.

Not wanting to talk anymore he pulls his cigar out and lights it with a big puff.
Last edited January 14, 2016 12:15 am
Jan 14, 2016 1:30 am
As dawn breaks the morning sun shines its face upon the child resting against a wall. The child was around 11 or 12 and was skinny and sickly looking. He had a craze of red hair cut short and, when he smiled, some of the teeth in the back were missing (for he sold them in order to make a penny or two). His fists were clutched tightly around something metal and round... coins.

The child awakes with the coins in his hands, remembering what had happened last night. Sheepishly the urchin stuck the coins into his broken shoes, not wanting to bring any attention to himself. His stomach growled and he realized he was famished, he needed to eat. The gnawing feeling came to him, as it always did. Those were not his coins and he knew it. Where could he go to get food?

Seeing across the street from where he lay, back against a house, a place of sorts with a sign on the outside. If only he could read.
The boy staggered, half asleep, up to a man sitting on the porch, puffing something. The child stared for a good long moment at this man. Not only did he have an eye patch, but his whole left arm was missing. He glared at the urchin staring at him dumbfounded.

"Uh-uh Mister, do you know what that sign says over there?" The young boy's eyes never leave the man's left arm... or the lack thereof.
Jan 14, 2016 2:29 am
DMC says:
"Who's here this early Puddin'?" She asked Oswald as she made her way around the bar, setting clean serving trays in their appointed place and beginning the morning prep for customers and locals.
Galas looks up, and does a double-take when he sees another elf. As she speaks out in fluent human bumpkin, Galas's mouth drops onto a round "O" is surprise. He seems frozen on the spot for a moment. In his shock, old habits drilled into him as a youth flare up. He touches his brow and begins to bow formally as elven courtiers do, catches himself halfway through, and awkwardly begins scratching his ankle in an attempt to play it off. When he tries to speak, all that comes out is a squeak that might have been the word, "Pumpkin?"

He shakes himself and turns, attempting to address Oswald again, looking anywhere but at "Maggie", How much for room and board through tomorrow?"
Last edited January 14, 2016 3:53 pm
Jan 14, 2016 2:55 am
Just before the sun broke the horizon, Anry was awakened by the shrill sounds of a rooster's crow. Startled, he sat up quickly, too quickly, and lost his balance. He tumbled out of the bed onto the floor. He sat on the bare wooden planks, wrapped in sheets like a mummy, wearing a sheepish grin, when Mrs. Oglesby flung the bedroom door open. Seeing that Anry was not yet dressed, she turned to face the empty doorway, and spoke in a concerned motherly tone with her back facing him.

"Are you alright? I heard a loud noise and was worried."

"Yes, ma'am. I'm alright, if a little embarrassed. Forgot where I was for a moment. Don't have roosters waking us up like that at home," he replied.

"Well, as long as you're alright." Anry could hear the smile in her voice. "Your mother'd kill me if I let you get hurt in the first week of your adventure. Now, as long as you're up, ya might's'well put on some clothes and join us for breakfast. The coffee's hot." Mrs. Oglesby pulled the door closed gently. Anry smiled wide. He WAS on an adventure.

After Anry ate his fill of a tasty creamed corn and spinach, flaky butter biscuits, and the most delicious fresh pork sausage he'd ever eaten, Mr. Oglesby asked him if he would mind running to the market to pick up a few things they needed around the farm.

"I'd be happy to, Mr. O. I was planning to head to King's Gold this morning anyway," Anry replied, "to see if I could book a gig to make a little extra coin. I know I'm not all that helpful as a farmhand." Anry chuckled.

"Nonsense!" cried Mr. Oglesby. "You're much worse than that." Anry and Mr. Oglesby laughed loud, while Mrs. O playfully smacked Mr. O on the shoulder with her kitchen towel. "And don't make me tell you again to call me Dill," he said, giving Anry a list of assorted goods and a pouch with a few gold coins.

Anry laughed and nodded. He grabbed one more link of sausage, eating it on the way back to the room he was using. He packed up his performing gear, in case he needed to audition, and began to head to town.

Just as he was heading out the door, Mrs. O caught him and handed him a glass of warm milk. "Here. Have one at the start of every day, and you'll be fitter than that fiddle of yours." They both smiled, and Anry downed the tall glass in one go. With a satisfied sigh, he turned and began walking to the town center, still wearing a silly milk mustache.
Last edited January 14, 2016 2:56 am
Jan 14, 2016 3:16 am
"How much for room and board through tomorrow?"
"obviously this man didn't hear me.. Oswald looks at the man... Then back to Maggie.... Then back to the man and uses his eyes to point him in the direction of Maggie. See then man trying not to look at her and then he looked back at Maggie with her busy at cleaning.

He sighs, takes a big puff off his cigar and blows it out.

" 5 silver a day. Food and drink is seperate. " he states through the cigar gritted in his teeth.
Last edited January 14, 2016 4:15 am
Jan 14, 2016 3:48 am
whipstache says:
With a satisfied sigh, he turned and began walking to the town center, still wearing a silly milk mustache.
Earidan backs slowly away from the glaring man all the questions buzzing in his head seemed to be squashed under that one-eyed stare. Lucky for him, he was distracted by somebody walking to the center of town. He backs farther away from the one armed man and, still keeping a wide eye on the man's left shoulder, rushes toward the center of town (partially in fear, partially in haste).

"Mister! Mister!" He shouts as he reaches Anry.
"I am looking for a place to eat? Did you see that sign over their? I did, but I can't read. Can you read? Is it a place I can get some food?"

Earidan had to be sure, because if it was that specialty store... all of a sudden the coins in Earidan's shoe suddenly feels oddly heavy as he asks the stranger a flurry of questions... and he has the sinking feeling in his gut.
Last edited January 14, 2016 3:50 am
Jan 14, 2016 7:19 am
Good stuff so far everyone. Since King's Gold Inn is getting some attention, let me give you an idea of what you see.
King's Gold Inn

This Inn is quite unique. It appears to be built straight into the side of a hill. The second floor (from the outside) seems to sit on the hill almost, with piers holding up some of the second level above the double doors of the entrance. There is what appears to be a chimney stack sticking out of the ground on one side.

Upon entering the doors, stairs lead down into a common room and would seem to be under the earth. Most of the room has wooden walls all around the common room all the way up it's high ceilings. When you are down in the common room, there are actually two floors above, with the wooden railed balcony walks to the rooms. The roof covers the entire structure, some three floors up from the common room, with a covered opening at the top of the crest. One floor of rooms is set up as a common sleeping area with a dozen or so beds and some with curtains. The third floor has six individual rooms.

On the right side of the stairs down into the common room, is a partial bare area of the wall, where a fireplace has been carved directly into the rock. On the left is stairs up to the rooms, and as you walk further in, the bar and desk are along the wall, with some of the bare rock also displayed behind the bar. The back wall just has a single heavy door which leads back into the kitchens, and some of the underground storage.
Fun fact: The current owner Mara, doesn't understand or doesn't care about the historic significance of her establishment, but it is a well known, if rarely visited, Inn in the Kingdom of Myr. When it was originally constructed it was called the "Fool's Gold Inn" because it was built in a failed mining location. Apparently the miner's didn't realize there was unrelenting rock in this hill, or at least that's the tale.
Jan 14, 2016 4:26 pm
Oswald's sad demeanor alone was enough to tell her his state of mind, but his quiet, slow words about Mara confirmed it. She nodded quickly, having seen this a time or two before, and moved over towards him and Galas, smirking to herself at the elf's show of respect, and his apparent embarrassment of it as he scratched his ankle. High society. She hadn't been around that in a long time, and it was all she could do to keep that smile on her face from turning into a vicious scowl.

"Punkin' & Puddin'?" She exclaimed in a thickly accented voice. Her smile beaming as she sought to relieve Oswald of any further duties as of yet. "My aren't you two a pair?" She walked to the base of the stairs that led up from the common room to the outer doors. "Well don ya jus stand there." She said with a wink to Galas. "If'n yer not quick about it, Puddin' here might take Punkin' off tha menu!" She motioned for Galas to come downstairs. "Breakfast inna ready just yet. Fraid ya caught us with our britches down s'early, but it'll be up lickety split!"

With that, she turned and headed towards the kitchen to light the fires and get things in order for the morning arrivals. Glad to no longer be facing anyone, so she could let the false smile down.

This was going to be a long, long day.
Last edited January 14, 2016 4:30 pm
Jan 14, 2016 4:41 pm
Being forced to look at Maggie, Galas finally realizes, Ah, not an elf...half breed. I wonder who her parents were. Our race doesn't often mix with humans, at least not in a family way... Galas's thoughts stray to his father, putting a scowl on his fair features, Though one never knows, do we? Strange bedfollows abound.

"I assume I'll be paying her for breakfast. Would you like my silver for the room, or should I pass her payment for that as well? Is it extra for a private room?"
Last edited January 14, 2016 4:42 pm
Jan 14, 2016 5:25 pm
Oswald was making his way out the door. He was running late for his side job to make extra coins for Mara.

"I can't be late again" he thinks to himself. Last time he was late was because Mara was in a drunken tirade. Throwing things at Oswald. Yelling. Blaming. Took awhile to get her under control and to sleep it off. "I gotta hurry. "

He was just about to step outside...
"I assume I'll be paying her for breakfast. Would you like my silver for the room, or should I pass her payment for that as well? Is it extra for a private room?"
When he stopped in his tracks. His teeth bit down on his cigar. He slowly turned around to the pateron and stared at him for about 10 secs.

"Food is a silver... Drink is 1-3 depending on what you perfer... A private room will cost you 2 gold. " then he steps closer to him and raises his voice. "Now if you have anything else you want to know your lordship... TALK TO MAGGIE LIKE I SAID EARLIER!" he lets out a puff of smoke his face.

Oswald then turns and starts to walk again when from heard in the back room "OSWALD WHAT IS WITH ALL THAT NOISE! YOU WOKE ME UP! GET ME SOME WHISKEY YOU WASTE OF A OF MAN!!!"

He sighs. "Mara is up. Well looks like that other job is no more." he thinks as he puts out his cigar and makes his way back to the back room to another reminder of why he stays.
Last edited January 14, 2016 6:01 pm
Jan 14, 2016 5:58 pm
She winced slightly as soon as she heard Mara's shrill cry from the back. Before Oswald had even come back downstairs, she had a mug of hot cider waiting on the end of the bar for him to bring her. Sometimes it helped. Others not so much.

She busied herself with arraigning hot sweet rolls dusted with cinnamon and sugar onto a platter, should the elf newcomer even bother come in, after Oswald's rude interaction with him.
Last edited January 14, 2016 6:02 pm
Jan 14, 2016 6:00 pm
Kjmagle says:

"Food is a silver... Drink is 1-3 depending on what you perfer... A private room will cost you 2 gold. " then he steps closer to him and raises his voice. "Now if you have anything else you want to know your lordship... TALK TO MAGGIE LIKE I SAID EARLIER!
When Oswald gets in Galas's face and starts yelling, Galas doesn't turn red. His features don't blanch and he doesn't flinch. In fact, he stands up a little straighter. His face goes dead stony; emotionless. He stares directly into Oswald's eyes, unblinking, until...
Oswald breaks eye contact and turns away. Galas watches him go, still stony faced. Then takes a seat at a table near the as yet unlit hearth. He drops his bag and begins working with the woodpile and tinderbox to get a fire going while he waits for Maggie to come back with breakfast.
Jan 14, 2016 6:13 pm
Making his way to the backroom he sees the hot cider at the end of the bar. "Thanks Maggie" he thinks "I really should control my temper..." he grasps the cider and makes his way to Mara's. Slowly he opens and closes the door behind him. All his heard is a womans muffled voice yelling. Nothing from Oswald.

Moments later he comes out of the room and walks to the bar. He leans over the bar and looks for something. When he comes mes back up in his hand is a fresh bottle of whiskey. He turns and makes his way back to Mara's room twisting the the cork off as enters the room and closes the door.

Again all is heard is a woman's voice yelling with an occasional pause here and there.
Jan 14, 2016 6:14 pm
Seeing Galas come down and take a seat, she brings over a plate of the sweet rolls to him, along with a mug of the hot cider.

"Pay no nevermind t' him." She said, the smile slipping just a shade. "He been through a lot." Her eyes darted in the direction Oswald went before returning to the high elf.

She went back into the kitchen, and returned later with a platter of fresh eggs, sausages, and battercakes topped with melting sweetbutter. As she set the plate down, she leaned in slightly, lowering her voice. "On the house, Punkin'. On account a' the ornry ox." She cocked her head, again indicating where Oswald went.
Jan 14, 2016 6:21 pm
Galas looks "Maggie" in the eye for the first time, his face still a blank.

"No need for that, though I thank you for the sentiment. May I pay you for a private room for the evening? I may need accommodations for longer, I'm not sure yet. I need to make inquiries with Myr Mining Company later this morning."
Last edited January 14, 2016 6:21 pm
Jan 14, 2016 6:36 pm
"Mister! Mister!" He shouts as he reaches Anry.
"I am looking for a place to eat? Did you see that sign over their? I did, but I can't read. Can you read? Is it a place I can get some food?"

Anry walks over to the boy and kneels down so he's looking up a little at him. "Hmm... that one there?" Anry points in the direction the boy is looking. "No, 'fraid not. Looks to be a mining supply store. I don't think a pickaxe would make a very satisfying breakfast." Anry sees the boys face turn down a bit, so he smiles to try and give the boy a little bit of cheer. "Tell you what, though. Someone just fed me a breakfast that I didn't have to pay for. Seems like it'd be wrong for me not to do the same for you. I'm headed to the King's Gold Inn. I've heard they have a delicious breakfast. Do you like batter cakes?"

Anry stands up (and in doing so realizes he isn't actually much taller than the boy) and gives the kid a beckoning hand wave. As he turns toward the inn, he calls over his shoulder, "I'm Anry. What's your name?"
Jan 14, 2016 6:54 pm
The mention of the Myr Mining Company brought her on guard instantly, and her knuckles whitened as she gripped the platter so hard, she thought it might crack. She fought to regain her composure as she let it go and wiped her hands on her apron, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.

"Who ya here to meet?" She said casually, making idle conversation. "Some of 'em come roundabouts this way ev'r mornin'."
Last edited January 14, 2016 6:55 pm
Jan 14, 2016 7:00 pm
DMC says:
"Who ya here to meet?" She said casually, making idle conversation. "Some of 'em come roundabouts this way ev'r mornin'."
Galas breaks eye contact, shrugs, "I'm looking for work. As a keeper...whatever will pay. I don't know these parts, or anyone from around here. I just heard of the Mining Company and," he shrugs again, "Every company needs the services of a scribe from time to time. And every man needs to eat." If he noticed her brief lapse in control, he's not showing it.
Last edited January 14, 2016 7:01 pm
Jan 14, 2016 7:53 pm
The yelling from Mara's room has quieted down. There is a loud "YOU!" followed by is a pause and then Mara can be heard crying from behind the door.
Jan 14, 2016 10:22 pm
The loud voice from the back caused her to glance that way, a soft sigh escaping her lips.

"Scuse me Punkin." She said to Galas with her best sad-smile that seemed to say "It's ok, I've dealt with this before.", before leaving him to his morning meal, and heading down the hallway after taking an empty mug from the counter top.

No sooner had she left the elf's sight, than her posture changed immediately. She stood straighter, walked lighter, and with definitive purpose. Her senses now on-edge, as she let her slippers fall from her feet for the quietest steps possible. Having lived here the past few months, she knew where the creaky floor boards were, and avoided them at all costs.

Approaching the door, she held her breath and leaned carefully in, placing the cup on the wall silently, and putting her ear to the other end.
Jan 14, 2016 10:35 pm
I will let you guys decide how to play this little scene out. No rolls are needed unless you guys think they are as far as I am concerned. Mara will have nothing significant to say story wise, beyond character story, so KJ you can take her dialog or I can.
Jan 14, 2016 10:35 pm
On the otherside is heard in sobs "Benn... Benn... Why did it have to be Benn? Why couldn't it be you? You should have been first! "

Then a muffled cry... into a pillow. The cries get softer... And softer.

Soon it is quiet. Then movement of walking. Clinking of glasses and bottles like some one is cleaning up.
Last edited January 14, 2016 11:00 pm
Jan 14, 2016 10:49 pm
She removed the cup from the wall with a frown creasing her brow. The name Benn ringing a bell in the not-too-distant past. Then suddenly it clicked, and her eyes widened in shock. The mine. The explosion. That meant Oswald was...

The cup slipped from her hand and landed on the ground with a sharp clatter. The noise snapping her out of her memories and back into the present. Without even stopping to retrieve the cup, she hurried back out into the common room, and went back into the kitchen, where she busied herself with continuing the morning preparations, and cursing herself for not putting the pieces together sooner.

This was suddenly a dangerous place to be, and she wondered how much longer she should stay.
Last edited January 14, 2016 10:52 pm
Jan 14, 2016 11:01 pm
whipstache says:
Anry stands up (and in doing so realizes he isn't actually much taller than the boy) and gives the kid a beckoning hand wave. As he turns toward the inn, he calls over his shoulder, "I'm Anry. What's your name?"
Earidan's face beams, he had no idea what a batter cake was, but it sounded really good.
"Anry? An old friend of mine used to go by Anna? Do you know her? You have very similar names". Earidan then takes a breath and makes a short, perfunctory bow.
"My name is Earidan, Mister." After introducing himself, Earidan instinctively says, "You see, my father doesn't feed me much, since he can't find much work. Very busy my father is and his err... condition... makes him angry. Earidan's stomach fell again, why did he lie? Is it so bad now that it has now become a habbit? And the coins he stole from the specialty store continued to feel heavier. Anry notices the boy's fallen face, but soon the boy bounces back to reality and runs up besides the rogue.
"Where ya going, Mister?" The young boy shouts as he follows along behind Anry.
Last edited January 14, 2016 11:05 pm
Jan 15, 2016 9:50 pm
My right hand dripping blood, my left hand steaming, I emerged onto the parapet, the wind whipping my long hair out in a streamer in the same direction as the billows of smoke from the burning city below. Arrows from the archers on the wall burst into flame before they could reach me, the heads dripping down to the walk as molten blobs. My eyes blazed, and the weak minds of the archers collapsed. They drew swords and turned on their captain, slaying him before he could fire the ballista that he was aiming at me. Then the archers threw themselves off the crenels, falling wordlessly to the cracked stone far below. The King's champion stood alone between me and his liege. "MONSTER!" he screamed from his fanged mouth. I smiled, and dodged the bugbear champion's first thrust, stepping in to grab the furry visage in my left hand. His eyes burst, and his face smoked and melted as the song of Fassenach swelled within me. I stepped up to meet the terrified gaze of the humanoid king, lava dripping from my fingers. I would avenge the elves at last! As I reached for him and his skin began to crack with the heat of my left hand, I heard insane laughter. Looking behind the king was a dwarf, cackling and undaunted even though he was next...

He awoke with a horrible start, wide-eyed and without breath even to shriek. He looked at his left hand and was relieved to see that it was normal...his hand, not something made of stone. He took a ragged, relieved breath...

...but then he saw his right hand, and the memory of who he was returned slowly to him. He was not Kagaron, though the memory seemed real. He was...Venger...Venger Gale. Dwarf. King's Gold Inn. Stowald. Dishonor. Revenge.

As he started to hear the murmuring of Fassenach in the back of his mind, Venger struggled to his feet and quietly busied himself with wrapping his right hand in a bandage again. He was in a common sleeping room, bunked up with others, though there hadn't been many people staying there recently. He found his night cap on the floor. *Huh. That explains the dream. Must have fallen off in the night...* Stowing his gear in his pack, he made his way downstairs again.

The others see a young, short-bearded dwarf descending the stairs. His right hand is bandaged, and when he's thinking about it, he moves stockily, sturdily, as dwarves do. But those who've been working the Inn - who've seen him dance for coin - have noticed that when he's not thinking about it, he's often weirdly graceful, gliding along with a smoothness and poise that seems out of place with his short, barrel-shaped frame.

Seeing Maggie coming out of the kitchen, Venger calls out: "Good morning, Maggie! If you have something ready to eat, I'll partake. Otherwise, it's off to seek my fortune again, and I'll see you at noonday..." Then Venger notices the elf in the common room and does a double-take. He starts to perform a strange, intricate bow that would've been old-fashioned in the elvish court a thousand years ago and then stops, gripping his injured hand and massaging it. "Good morning!"
Last edited January 15, 2016 9:51 pm
Jan 15, 2016 10:08 pm
spaceseeker19 says:
Seeing Maggie coming out of the kitchen, Venger calls out: "Good morning, Maggie! If you have something ready to eat, I'll partake. Otherwise, it's off to seek my fortune again, and I'll see you at noonday..." Then Venger notices the elf in the common room and does a double-take. He starts to perform a strange, intricate bow that would've been old-fashioned in the elvish court a thousand years ago and then stops, gripping his injured hand and massaging it. "Good morning!"
Galas is concentrating hard on his meal, the first such he's had in a long time. He hears the dwarf hail Maggie and looks up to see this young dwarf staring at him. The dwarf starts a bow, weirdly mirroring Galas's unconscious gesture toward Maggie earlier. could a dwarf know...well, at least I know my disguise is crap.

At Vengar's greeting, Galas stands up and performs the full version of the formal greeting of his people. Touching left hand to forehead and bowing at the correct depth for when one is unshure of another's station. "Good morning sir. You have me at a disadvantage. You seem to know some of my people's customs, but I have never met one of your folk before. Would you care to join me for breakfast?" Galas reaches up and removes the weird, misshapen cap that was covering his pointed ears. His hair is silver-blond and tied up in a sloppy bun at the crown of his head.

He pulls out a chair for the dwarf.
Last edited January 15, 2016 10:09 pm
Jan 15, 2016 11:06 pm
"Heya there sugarbritches!" She replied to Venger, upon coming out from the kitchen. "Gimmie jus' a sec and I'll be servin' ya up proper!" She headed back to prepare his platter. Similar to Galas', but with a bit heartier stock. Roasted mutton spiced with cloves, and thick breads with plenty of gravy for the dipping.

"You 'n yer fortune and glo..." She started to say as she re-emerged, but paused slightly at the sight of the elf and dwarf introducing themselves to each other.

Without missing a beat, she set the platter down at the table, and pulled a damp cloth from her apron, and set to busying herself by wiping down tables and chairs.
Jan 16, 2016 12:01 am
"Finally... Shes asleep. " Oswald thinks to himself. He moves his hand to Mara's where she was still grasping the mug of Cinder whiskey mix. He removes it from her hands and covers her with a blanket. Looking around the room he see more mugs and empty bottles. "Well i have some time now."

Oswald starts picking up around the room until his arms are half full of dishes. He then smakes his way to the door and slowly comes out of the room, closing the door behind him. "She is right though. You should have been first. "

He starts to Move toward the kitchen when his foot kicked a glass on the floor. He stares at it and shakes his head. "Must have miss that one earlier ". He leans over and picks it and heads to the kitchen to unload the dishes onto the counter.

Inside the kitcken he gets the smeel of the breakfast he was orginal suppose to miss. Oswald grabs a plate and fills it with battercakes and sausage and head out to the tables to eat. Their he sees Venger has awaken and was talking to the new occupant... Who was an elf.

"Well that makes sense. " he was thinking of his earlier altercation. "I really should apologize for earlier. "

He walks by the dwarf and nods "Venger" and then stares at the elf "uh.." His says looking at him and then to the side. Then looks at him again and hive him a nod and walks toward his table. "That should do it." He thinks.

He makes his way to the corner table and as he passes Maggie he states "She is resting..."

After that he sits at his table. His back is facing everyone and he starts to eat alone. Like he always does. "I miss Benn also."
Last edited January 16, 2016 12:48 pm
Jan 16, 2016 1:54 am
Galas's keen eyes observe the Inn and it's strange occupants, feeling the strange undercurrents between the denizens. He looks at this dwarf. This strange dwarf, who knew how to bow like an elf...

"It's a pleasure to meet you. If you'll sit, and enjoy breakfast with me, perhaps you can tell me of The Myr Mining Company. I've heard your folk know much of digging beneath the earth. Uh..." Galas gets a bit awkward, because that's about all he knows about dwarves, "I'm here looking for work. Perhaps you can introduce me, or point me to the right people?" his face turns a little red as he wonders Is this offending him? Are all dwarves miners?
Last edited January 16, 2016 1:56 am
Jan 16, 2016 2:40 am
Anry enters through the door of the King's Gold Inn with Earidan following closely behind. He scans the room, and notices several parties (including one comprised of a dwarf and an elf?) enjoying what looks and smells like a tasty breakfast. Only seeing one person who seems to be working, he approaches the woman wiping down the tables.

"Um, hi. I'm Anry." Anry scratches his head. "Mr. Oglesby said y'all serve a tasty battercake here, and I was hoping to get some for my friend here." Anry looks at Earidan, and back to the woman. "Should we just sit down anywhere, or..." Anry trails off, not really sure of the customs of human restaurants. He peps up a bit and smiles wide. "But, whatever it is that's cooking smells delicious."
Jan 19, 2016 5:14 pm
Maggie glanced up from her cleaning as Anry approached, flashing him a smile. "Sure thing darlin'." She said as she gestured about the room. "Anywhere ya fancy." Her modestly pointed ears and not-quite-exactly-elven features roughly in line with his own.

Her expression changed somewhat when she noticed the lad. The smile slipped just a shade, and was it...hardness, in her eyes? "What about him?" She asked the other half-elf flatly. "He with you?"

There was something unsettling to her, about so many people being here this early. Small warning bells were triggering in the back of her mind, and she couldn't shake the feeling that something significant was about to occur.
Last edited January 19, 2016 5:17 pm
Jan 20, 2016 6:43 am
There are some others rousing or coming into the Inn now. Consider this happening while you are playing this out. Respond when you feel like. This isn't to interrupt dialog between players. Also, you guys are welcome to introduce NPC's, within reason and non-helpful obviously, but if I take over, they are then under my control. I will introduce more story elements soon.
The sun has risen up fully above the horizon now and the town of Stowald is starting to come to life. Inside the King's Gold Inn things carry on as they normally would, but a bit busier than normal. The fire is now going good and the smell of cooking food rests in the air. Sunlight is coming through the stained glass windows by the door, giving the stairs down to the common room an interesting shade of colors.

Some townsfolk have come in and made their way to their usual spots, as people have started to come here for breakfast again over the past couple of months thanks to Maggie and her (quickly becoming locally famous) battercakes. They say it wasn't very good before that, when the "grouchy Oswald" was cooking it. Apparently nothing beat Benn's cooking though, and the locals talk of it fondly when the topic is brought up. They discuss it much quieter in the Inn though, knowing Benn's fate.
Another man comes down from one of the rooms. A heavier set man, with full head of hair and a burly beard. He is well dressed with a bright blue shirt covered by a black jacket and a scarf around his neck. Pants matching the jacket, with knee high black boots. As he sits down he jovially calls out to Maggie, "Your beauty steals my heart Maggie. You got any battercakes this morn? I would love a healthy helping of them dear." As the grabs at his round belly. He is quite taken with you Maggie, but harmless. Oswald and Maggie would know his name is Jordie, he is in town from Myr, and works for the Myr Mining Company.
You hear the main entry open, and two figures come slowly down the stairs. One is a fairly lovely young woman, with golden hair in a pony tail, and a simple blue dress on. On her left side is an older man, with his right arm around the young ladies arm, you can see that he is missing his left arm almost at the shoulder. He has sporadic gray hair on his head, going down in long tendrils from his spotty balding head. He wears an eye patch over one eye. The eye patch is old and tattered, but has symbol or crest painted on it. The young woman patiently and lovingly moves him slowly to a table with his back to the fire. "Morning Mag. His usual." she says with a sweet smile when she sees Maggie next. Oswald and Maggie you would know the woman as Adelin, and the old man is Owyne.
Jan 20, 2016 7:12 am
Friar_Tuk says:

"It's a pleasure to meet you. If you'll sit, and enjoy breakfast with me, perhaps you can tell me of The Myr Mining Company. I've heard your folk know much of digging beneath the earth. Uh...
...I'm here looking for work. Perhaps you can introduce me, or point me to the right people?"
Venger sits down gratefully. He is abashed to be asked about the Myr Mining Company, because he has avoided reporting for duty there, alone of all his clan mates.


It weighs strongly on him, and the tension between the duty of honoring his clan's contract with the Myr Mining Company and the duty of avenging his clan has him in knots...probably why the dreams are growing stronger. Still, he smiles at the young elf (...this one's grandfather was yet to be born when I razed the Fields of Amorath...) for his courtesy and tries to formulate a reply.

"I thank you for your kindness. My...clan has worked with the Myr Mining Company for many years, and I may tell you something of the company, have you questions about how it works. But all the people I know are far away; I have no first-hand experience to share of the miners here. I have not...worked the mines since I've come here to Stowald." He touches his bandaged hand, as if making sure it's still there. "May I recommend the battercakes? Maggie does wonders with them." Venger observes the elf with some longing; searching for the words to have a normal conversation about good, wholesome things like mining and rock.
Jan 21, 2016 5:27 pm
Responding to Maggie
"well, er, yeah." Anry shifts uncomfortably. "The battercakes are for him. I've already eaten breakfast." Then after a short pause, "But if they're as good as I hear, I might just have to try one or three myself," he says smiling wide.

After standing in awkward silence for too long a moment, Anry puts his hand on Earidan's shoulder. "C'mon. Let's go grab a table over there," he says pointing to a table right in the middle of the dining room, excited by the ever-growing bustle.
Jan 21, 2016 5:40 pm
spaceseeker19 says:
"May I recommend the battercakes? Maggie does wonders with them."
Galas gives a small smile, "Yes, I've had some. Quite good. I'm not looking for a permanent position, mostly just scribe work or book keeping. A few coins to get me further on my road." Galas shrugs.

"Do you happen to know the way to their local offices?" Seeing the room begin to fill with people, Galas replaces his misshapen hat. He notices another half-elf, this one with a small urchin in tow. He looks at the dwarf again, noticing his uncomfortable expression. Wanting to put the dwarf at his ease, he attempts to make small talk, "What happened to your hand there? A mining accident? A burn? I hope there is a good healer abouts."
Last edited January 21, 2016 5:41 pm
Jan 22, 2016 5:23 pm
"Huh..." She said, a touch of impatience in her tone. Quite unusual for her, to anyone that noticed. She left the other half-elf and child to seat themselves, and busied herself with getting the new arrivals their breakfasts, then went back to cleaning off a table near Galas and Venger.

She'd have to figure out something, and fast. She wouldn't be able to keep up this cleaning ruse much longer, and she was definitely interested in anything involving the Myr Mining Company. She'd once tried to coax information out of Jordie, but she could tell pretty quick where his intentions were, and she couldn't risk blowing any cover that early on.
Last edited January 22, 2016 5:29 pm
Jan 22, 2016 6:56 pm
Seeing more people gathering downstairs, Oswald begins to feel uncomfortable.

"They probably blame me also. " He thinks to himself. He stares at his almost finished plate of food and loses his appetite. Oswald stabds up from his table and grabs his plate and brings it to the back, keeping his head down as he walk by everyone. He never liked crowds, but disliked them more after the accident.

He places the plate on the counter with the other dishes to be wash. "I will get to those later. I need a cup of Black Gold first."

Oswald grabs a kettle has been cooking by the fire. Pours the aromatic beverage that was common around the mining town. Miners would drink 1-2 cups in the early morning and would have energy until almost afternoon.

He stands in the kitchen takes a sip of it and then lights his unfinshed cigar. Takes a big drag and lets the smoke out with sigh. "Battercakes are great but nothing can beat Black gold and a nice smoke."he thinks... Then eyes the dishes. "I will get to you soon."
Last edited January 22, 2016 6:59 pm
Jan 22, 2016 7:36 pm
"I've seen the healers already. It still bothers me sometimes..." Venger smiles at the fellow. "When you'd mentioned I'd hoped to talk to you about mining. I miss it, you see. But yes, I believe I know where the local office is. I like you; I suppose I could take you by there a little later...after I perform." He looks around. "The crowd is getting large enough that I might try a few steps soon..."
Jan 22, 2016 7:47 pm
spaceseeker19 says:
"The crowd is getting large enough that I might try a few steps soon..."
Perform? Steps? What is this dwarf talking about? He doesn't look like a bard... "Erm, that would be much appreciated. I'm sorry, but did you say 'steps'?"
Jan 25, 2016 4:40 pm
Earidan allows himself to be lead by Anry. The discussion between Earidan and Maggie fascinated him. Why was Anry sad? Why did Maggie react the way he did? What exactly is a battercake? Earidan opens and closes his mouth, on the verge of asking all three questions at the exact same time. Luckily, a voice caught Earidan's attention and he turns to face the speaker.

"Erm, that would be appreciated. I'm sorry, but did you say 'steps'?"

Earidan softly yelps and clutches the hand of Anry, as if he needed him for support. Perhaps the one who said this, the man talking to the dwarf, is just a man, but his cloak brought disturbing memories to the surface. A memory that he could not hide from anyone, because of the terror it has on him.
Jan 25, 2016 4:58 pm
Catching a sudden movement from the corner of his eye, Galas looks back to the half-elf and the young urchin, to find the urchin clutching at the half-elf and staring in terror toward Galas and the Dwarf.

For an instant, Galas feels his stomach tighten. His hand darts to his sword hilt and his head jerks around, ready to strike at the unseen threat behind him...but there's nothing there. He looks back to the boy, who is still staring at him in stark terror.

Something...something is happening here...that I cannot see, he glances at "Maggie", Many secrets...what have I walked in to? An old fear twists Galas's stomach, as he remembers a strange voice in his head, his hand glowing, a young woman's wounds closing as if...

As if by magic.
Last edited January 25, 2016 4:59 pm
Jan 26, 2016 12:42 am
Venger completely misses the boy's role in Galas' reaction, and instead thinks the elf's response is to what Venger has just said. "Yes, dwarves can sometimes dance, too. Though if you'd told me ten years that I'd be dancing to earn my keep in a mere decade, I'd have not believed it. Really, don't look so startled - I promise it's not as bad as all that!" Venger rises to his feet stiffly, checks the wrapping on his bandage, and then announces:

"Lords and Ladies, men and women,
Gentlefolk all!
I hope merely to entertain
But if perchance you should like what you see
Applause and coin are both respected forms of appreciation!"

Venger proceeds to toot on his flute and perform an elaborate courtly dance well-remembered from some previous millennium.
Last edited January 26, 2016 12:42 am


Performance - (1d20+1)

(9) + 1 = 10

Jan 26, 2016 2:27 am
Galas stares wide eyed at Vengar, as the dwarf performs an elaborate Elven court dance more ancient than the trees of the deep forest. Who is this dwarf? How does he know these things?
Spaceseeker: hope that bit of flavor fits in your intent ;)
Jan 26, 2016 3:00 am
I am going keep this roll free right now, so you can decide what you think you character perceives for now.
Some of you may notice that the young lady (Adelin) that came in with the old man, is watching all of you intently, then turning and whispering to the old man who is just nodding his head and staring at his food.

Thalisa and Oswald: You would of see this woman and man on a weekly basis for a while, you would know that she is his daughter. You might notice this more then others because it is odd activity for them to be paying any mind to people in the Inn. They usually eat quietly and leave. She spoke to you both quite a bit when they first started coming, asking you about where you were from and things like that, but they are fairly quiet folk.
Jan 26, 2016 3:14 pm

"Lords and Ladies, men and women,
Gentlefolk all!"
could be heard from outside the kitchen.

"Sounds like Venger is starting early." he thinks to himself. Instead of starting the dishes he makes his way to the door and cracks it open to watch. He facial expression doesnt change. Still looking grim with a cigar clenched between his teeth, however if one looked down they would see his foot every so slightly moving up and down. Almost in rhythm but just a bit off beat.
Jan 26, 2016 7:26 pm
"Bravissimo!" Anry stands quickly and applauds loudly as Vengar's performance draws to a close, while the dwarf is still standing on the very slightly elevated performance area. "What grace! What gentility! I'm not all that well-traveled, but surely that is not a traditional dwarven tune and dance, is it?"

Without waiting for an answer, Anry moves to the where the dwarf is now standing and shifts the conversation a bit. "Do you see my new friend, the young fella that I'm eating with? I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a home, and I want to give him a few moments respite of the stress of that kind of life. Would you be interested in accompanying me?"
Jan 26, 2016 11:20 pm
whipstache says:
Without waiting for an answer, Anry moves to the where the dwarf is now standing and shifts the conversation a bit. "Do you see my new friend, the young fella that I'm eating with? I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a home, and I want to give him a few moments respite of the stress of that kind of life. Would you be interested in accompanying me?"
Earidan clapped happily, but then begins to sweat as soon as Anry singles him out. It takes Earidan a while to compose himself. He never liked being singled out. However, he swallows deep and plays the part. He gives a slight bow to the dwarf (it is more of a bob, really, since Earidan is copying this act from nobles he had watched do the same thing).

"That was splendid! Where did you learn that? How come you are not with a group of people who dance and sing? Earidan says boyishly.
Jan 27, 2016 2:27 am
Venger nods to Anry and opens his mouth to answer, when Earidan chimes in with his question. Venger turns and addresses him with a bow. "Oh, but I am!" He taps his nose and winks. "Or I will be, once you join us. Come here and I'll show you a step or two, while this worthy serenades us." He looks sidelong at Anry again, and asks in a stage whisper: "How's your singing voice? I have some skill with the flute, and my shanks perform as you have seen, but my voice? It is like the love song of a catoblepas!" He makes an exaggerated face and honks like a strangled goose for (hopefully) comic effect.
Jan 27, 2016 3:49 pm
Muttering under her breath, and not looking where she was going, Maggie nearly slammed the kitchen door into Oswald's face as she stormed in. Only his size and bulk kept her from doing so. Patrons she could deal with, but a kid and a pretty-boy were testing her patience.

"Oh!" She exclaimed sharply as she looked up to Oswald, her cheeks flush and her expression annoyed. "D'ya mean to stan' there all day now do ya? I got things t'do."

This ruse wasn't getting her anywhere. She'd been here for months now, and not a hint of anything about Cevin. She doubted this elf or prissy dwarf was going to gain her any new information, and her frustration was beginning to show.
Jan 27, 2016 8:29 pm
Ok, I need perception checks from everyone that is in the common room still. Thalisa and Oswald, you guys are hovering around the door to the kitchen, so if you are going in and back out, then you can state that and make a roll as well.

You can just place the roll alone, or as part of a response to someone else.
Jan 27, 2016 8:36 pm
Galas smiles indulgently at the urchin and the youthfully enthusiastic half-elf. This dwarf is full of surprises. I've heard his kind are gruff and rude, but he is kind to other races and even to this young boy, he frowns, But how is it he knows such elvish customs? He made no mention of travelling in our he thinks, Galas's gaze wanders about the room.


Perception - (1d20+2)

(19) + 2 = 21

Jan 27, 2016 8:52 pm
A smile almost appeared on Oswald's face at the end of the performance when he was suprised by Maggie.
D'ya mean to stan' there all day now do ya? I got things t'do.
she said almost meanly to him. This was something new from her.

"Maybe she is overworked. I should help out there. " he thinks.

"Sorry, i will the other plates" he say as he moves out to the paterns.


Perception - (1d20+1)

(9) + 1 = 10

Jan 27, 2016 9:39 pm
Venger tries to get a laugh, but none is forthcoming. In the dead space where the laugh should have been, he might notice something.
Last edited January 27, 2016 9:40 pm


Perception - (1d20-1)

(19) - 1 = 18

Jan 27, 2016 10:15 pm
"Me part of a troupe! That sounds delightful! You know I knew a family once who went as a troupe? The sister's name was Anna, sounds a lot like Anry, doesn't it?"

Earidan pauses and his face turns serious. A harder, more determined face then most children his age. He looks off to the said and catches the eyes of the cloaked man (Galas). Without blinking, looking away, or trembling he says simply.

"But I won't sing"

He then turns his head back to Anry and the dwarf passively scanning the room as he does so.


Perception - (1d20+2)

(1) + 2 = 3

Jan 28, 2016 3:42 pm
"Well, maybe I'll teach you how to juggle!" Anry says to Earidan with delight. He grabs three small pieces of fruit from a nearby bowl, a clementine, a lime, and something he doesn't recognize and begins to quickly juggle them in small circles, before tossing one behind his back high in the air, and catching it in his pocket.

Turning back to Vengar, "I can sing just fine, but I've got a tune in my head that I must play before I go mad." With that, Anry pulls out his tin whistle from his satchel and begins to play this jig, hoping that Vengar and Earidan will enjoy dancing to it, but happy to play the tune for the audience if not.


Perception - (1d20-1)

(8) - 1 = 7

Jan 28, 2016 4:14 pm
She knew, as soon as she snapped at Oswald, that it was the wrong move. She didn't want any questions, and breaking character was sure to invite them.

"Sorry Punkin." She sighed and put on her best moping face. "Dinna sleep good.". She managed a smile as she moved past him and into the kitchen just as Anry began his tin whistle tune.

Her hands gripped the wooden counter top tightly. Should she just pack up and leave? "Stupid decision, coming here." She muttered to herself under her breath. All trace of hard-edged accent and bad grammar gone. "Think, Thalisa...think." She began pacing the kitchen floor. "There must be some clue you missed."
Feb 3, 2016 11:56 pm
We are going to move into a situation here where I want you guys to think in a round style format. Make one post in response to this post, it should be what you do in the next few seconds. Say like one line, step backwards or forwards a little, things like that. Keep it short. Everyone react appropriate to the description below.
Galas, Venger, Oswald and Anry
As Anry starts playing his tune, as he gets started in his exposition a flurry of activity will suddenly start. Whatever you guys were moving to do next, you will hear a sudden scrap of a chair being thrown backwards, and you will see the woman (Adelin) suddenly jumping up from her chair sending it tipping over behind her and she is wild eyed and looking around the room. Panic clearly on her face, and then she grabs the sides of her head and bends down grimacing from some pain inside her head. You will then see her right herself. The old man (Owyne) is suddenly head up and much more capable looking as he turns to the woman "Adelin?" he says to her concerned. She sits back up almost as quickly as she went down grabbing her head. Anyone who knows anything about weapons will see her grab at her hip, for a non-existent weapon as she moves protectively in front of the old man. "Something dark is here!" she says loudly, with fear in her eyes and her voice. This all happens in the matter of some seconds.

Galas and Venger
Galas and Venger, as she says "Something dark is here!" you will start to experience odd sensations. I am going to say by the scene and whats been said you guys are standing nearest to each other. Galas you may feel an odd tingle, an "elf-sense" of magic perhaps. Venger, your arm will start to feel alive, if you will. You will feel cold emanating from above you, and it will cause you two closest to look above you. What you see defies what seems logical to you. There is a thin black line growing in the air above you. Dark as night, but not on the ceiling itself, just in mid-air, a foot or two above Galas' head, and you can tell the cold is pouring from this mark.

Earidan, I think you can hear and see what is happening with the woman at the table, as everyone in the common room would. I think your roll represents your lack of experience in noticing the things the above players did, and you definitely don't notice what Galas and Venger are seeing.

You hear what sounds like a chair sliding and falling over from the other side of the kitchen wall to the common room. Perhaps a mumblish understanding of what she says loudly, but I will let you decide how distracted she is.
Feb 4, 2016 12:23 am
Earidan spins around looking from one person to another. What? Who? Where?
Last edited February 4, 2016 12:23 am
Feb 4, 2016 12:56 am
Adelin'S screams catches Oswald off guard and he almost drops the dishes he is picking up. Turning he stares at Adelin on the floor only to see her sit up quickly.
"Somethings dark is here!
Hearing that phrase from her Oswald quickly moves to the bar, places he dishes on the counter, reaches over the counter, and remerges wih his Maul.

"Where?" he says through the cigar now tensely between his teeth.
Last edited February 4, 2016 12:57 am
Feb 4, 2016 12:59 am
Galas's face blanches in horror, and he reaches for his sword and steps back from the dark apparition. In the process he throws back his cloak and hood. The floppy hat falls from his head as he stares up and this cold intrusion.
Mechanically, I'd like to trigger Galas's Divine Sense ability. Galas isn't doing this on purpose, and whatever results may come of it, he won't understand why he feels the way he does.
Feb 4, 2016 6:01 am
Venger recoils from the darkness, and tries to save the "innocents:" Anry and Earidan. He grabs them and tries to pull them away, out from under the line. "Look out above!"
Feb 4, 2016 2:16 pm
As Venger grabs Anry, his instincts kick in. He shrugs off Venger's grasp, and without a second thought, finds himself hiding in the shadows of a tapestry in the corner of the room. Out of sight, but with full view of the proceedings.


Stealth - (1d20+5)

(10) + 5 = 15

Feb 4, 2016 5:27 pm
She may have been lost in her own head for a few moments, but she was no slouch. She gave a small, startled jump as she heard the female voice cry out. In a single deft movement, she pulled a kitchen knife from the butcher's block, she burst through the doorway back into the room. Her stance and posture, poised and graceful, which was far cry from the frumpy waitress previously in the room.

Her keen eyes narrowed and took in the scene quickly.


Perception Check - (1d20+5)

(7) + 5 = 12

Feb 5, 2016 6:16 pm
Thalisa you walk into the beginnings of chaos. You heard Adelin, so you instinctively look there first, she is protectively in front of the old Owyne with her chair sprayed back behind her. You see the dwarf pulling the young boy back staring up at the ceiling. You see someone taking off for the corner of the room away from the dwarf. The elf is backing away and looking up at something as well, pulling out his sword. You see Oswald reach back and grab his Maul from behind the bar, which you don't know that you have ever scene him do before. The scene is confusing as you get in to the common room, and its also getting cold rapidly.
Galas your vision flickers for a moment. The world turns a strange shade of grey, and you can see the dwarf and the boy, but not as you saw them before. They look like vessels of flowing light brightest in the head and chest, except for Vengers injured arm which is darker and breaks the light. The boy is shining brightly next to him, almost hard to look at, and Anry taking off away from them. You glance down at your hand and see the same flowing light. Your vision flicks back to normal suddenly, and you see Anry moving off, Vengar backing up with the boy, and it's all a little disorienting. Then your vision flips again. They again look like forms of light, but you see darkness now, as you look up, you see a pair of dark spindly arms awkwardly bent at strange disturbing joints and angles, reaching out from the now expanding line as if grabbing onto reality for leverage. Just as you saw light flowing through Venger and the boy, you see dark shadow flow in the same manner through the arms of whatever is coming out of this void. Your sight flickers back to normal again. You are dis-oriented by this sudden flash back to normal, but you only see shadowy smoke now, not that arms you saw before.

IF there are rolls called for, you may have disadvantage if I call for it due to this, and you can use that in narrative as well.
Anyone who heeded Venger's warning would see a void opening in the middle of the air near him and Galas, and shadowy smoke coming out from this void in tendrils, but nothing substantial is seen. The cold is emanating across the room now. The heavier set man from the Mining Company is falling over himself trying to back away as chairs and tables slide and fall.

*SCREAM* A loud scream comes from Adelin, as she grips the sides of her head again, and sinks down to her knees in apparent agony. The older Owyne starts moving in front of her in the way of the shadow coming out of the void.

The void is stretching further open. More shadowy smoke is starting to pour out and the room is darkening quickly.
Again what do you do the next like two seconds or so? You feel cold coming at you in waves, and you feel like something is gripping your body and closing in on you. If may not matter what you do, but tell me your immediate reactions. Keep it short, for now this will remain cinematic.
Feb 5, 2016 6:25 pm
What is happening... Galas has drawn his sword, but his vision keeps flickering in and out...screams...Arms, there were arms, that means there's something there. And its moving toward that old man!

"Hai!" Galas shouts and snaps out of his momentary paralysis. He rushes forward and stands between the reaching smoke and the old man/young woman. He slashes at the smoke, hoping his vision of arms means there is some thing to cut, something to fight!
Attack roll below. Rolled twice in case of disadvantage. If no disadvantage, first roll stands.
Last edited February 5, 2016 6:26 pm


Attack with Scimitar - (1d20+5)

(17) + 5 = 22

Attack with Scimitar (Disadvantage) - (1d20+3)

(16) + 3 = 19

Damage if applicable - (1d6+3)

(1) + 3 = 4

Feb 5, 2016 6:47 pm
Thalisa blanched slightly as she took in all the roiling chaos around her. Her eyes darted left and right as she fought to keep the chill at bay. With her eyes fixed on the dark and turbulent rift, she slowly made her way along the wall, the kitchen knife in hand.

She was halfway to the doorway that led back to the guest rooms, her eyes never leaving the rift, when she felt her back hit against something that wasn't wall. Something that moved.

In a flash, she spun around, flipping the dagger over in her deft hand, and slammed it forward at whatever was behind her. If not for her dexterous reactions, she would have planted it firmly between Anry's eyes. As it so happened, she diverted at the last second, but even so, the rustic blade left a small line of red near his left eyebrow.

Her eyes widened slightly, then her brow dipped into a scowl of frustration.
"Get out of my way." She said darkly. Her thick accent gone, replaced by cold flatness that could almost have some haughty aristocracy to it.

Though who would take note of that with everything else going on.
Last edited February 5, 2016 6:50 pm
Feb 5, 2016 7:11 pm
DMC says:
Though who would take note of that with everything else going on.
Anry, might considering she just tried to stab him in the eye!
Anry, half hidden in the shadows behind the tapestry feels something bump into him. He wheels his head around and catches the glint of metal in the firelight arcing through the air towards him. If it weren't for his almost preternatural lightning quick reflexes, he'd have a kitchen knife sticking out of his forehead. All those years of juggling sharp and flaming objects certainly saved his life here, although a trickle of blood drips down the left side of his face.

The waitress stands in front of him, scowling, acting quite differently from the version of herself Anry had spoken with earlier. "Get out of my way," she intones. Anry is a little stunned at everything that's happening. He reaches up and touches the blood dripping slowly down his temple, looks at it and frowns, but doesn't move from her path.
Feb 5, 2016 8:29 pm
Earidan reaches for his crossbow after seeing Galas react. However, because of the overwhelming sense of dread, the young boy fumbles and the crossbow. The crossbow, made of scrap and leftover wood, skids across the ground to the other side of the room. Seeing the crossbow again, paralyzes Earidan, making him black out for a short second.


Earidan suddenly finds himself on the floor looking up into the black hole.
Last edited February 5, 2016 8:30 pm
Feb 5, 2016 9:35 pm
From the bar Oswald grips his searching the room for Adelin is screaming about.

I don't see anything. Hr thinks as he stares and squinks.
he hears the Elf say and swing at something. Then he sees something dark. Somethings growing.

The elf's blade did not touch anything. Oswald's eyes get bigger.


"EVERYONE GET OUT!" he yells as he takes off to the back.

Mara. I have to protect Mara. Runs through his head as he runs away.
Feb 20, 2016 6:13 am
This is a long post, and these won't happen often, but please tell me if you think its too long. I will be switching around perspectives but assume if you think you can see it, you can, execpt Oswald (read on)
The tear in mid-air is growing consideribly faster as everyone is moving around, falling down, and backing away. You all feel something invisible closing in around you in a fantastic sensation of it pressing in on all points of your body at once. It feels cold and evil on your bare skin, like ants that weigh as much as a horse crawling all over you. Your movements slow and it becomes harder and harder to take the actions in your mind and translate them to your body. The cold is painful now, the fear and darkness eminating from this crack in mid-air fills the common room. You see ice forming in the ales and spilled drinks about the tables. The chaos is slowing to a crawl and it only feels as if it is getting tighter. The large man in the common room (Jordie) has a look of absolute fear on his face as he is starting to scramble backwards and falls as everyone else is making their movement. Adelin has recovered and it looks like she is trying to stand with a great weight on her back. This all takes place in a second or two.

Then, everything stops. Everyone is frozen in place. As if time has stood still but some of you may still be able to see and hear bowls rolling around. Liquids from spilled ales drip, drip, dripping to the floors and in places turning to ice before it ever hits the ground. The grip around you is so tight you can't breathe, restricting the body so severely that you can only move your eyes, as if your eyes have been left alone to bear witness to the darkness entering the room.

Galas and Venger are frozen mid-backing away from the crack in air, with Galas' sword frozen in place in front of him. Venger stumbling a little as he lost his grip on the other two he was trying to pull to safety. Earidan is laying on the floor nearest the darkness entering the room. Oswald would appear frozen mid run, maul in hand, towards the back rooms. Thalisa and Anry are frozen off behind a post in the common room with a clear view towards the tear.

Everything is earily quiet in the room now. You can hear the faint crackle of energy from the tear in reality that floats in the middle of the room. Those of you who can see it will see a shadow of a tall figure starting to take shape, shifting and moving between looking armored, then robed, naked, and just constantly shifting shadowy darkess. This creature, or being, or whatever is taking form just below the crack in the air. Galas as your vision flickers between different states you can clearly see the figure when shifted, and would see, for lack of a better word and thinking back on your readings, something that you could only describe as a Demon or Fiend that are described in old texts. The rest of you would see the shifting shadowy figures it appears to transition between.

Then the being splits and as if stepping out of itself as these copies start to move around the room. One goes to Galas, one goes to Venger, one goes and kneels before Earidan. A couple move off towards to Thalisa and Anry, the old man and younger woman. Oswald you will be chilled to the bone as one passes through your body to turn and face you from to the other side. This would be your first visual of this creature since you are turned away heading off. It's right in your face, cold pooring off of a shifting shadowy face of decayed flesh, shifting to a normal face, then to various forms, but they all have a hateful snear. This happens to each of you, as a shifting shadowy figure moves to look at you, as if looking into your eyes, searching for something. You can feel the evil hatred pouring out from the creature.

As these aspects of this shadow creature move the fire in the hearth dies to almost nothing, the light around the room seems to be drawn into the shadows that make it up. As it stares into each of your eyes, you are a filled with fear, sadness, guilt, and even pain. You have not been able to take a breath for a while now, and you are starting to panic as you mind is telling your body to draw breath, but you can't.

Galas you would get the distinct feeling that this creature is not holding you guys in place, but some other force beyond this creature. Not really sure how you know that, you just feel it. You also feel an odd sensation of warmth building in your chest, as if fighting back against the cold. Venger would have a similar feeling in his arm, as if something was fighting back against this darkness, but it would feel more like a survival type emotion to you Venger.

Earidan you are on the floor, looking up into the face of this creature of some sorts, cold buffeting your face. Then you feel a warmth suddenly in your chest, fighting back against the cold. Then as if slammed by some invisible force you feel it impact your chest, driving the warmth out forcefully. Pain and anguish course through you, you would be screaming if you weren't frozen in place. Others might see tears freezing on Earidan's face if you looked close. Then "fwooooshh" is heard by all, as these seperate entities spring back together like air made of shadow rushing past collecting back into one being at the one kneeling over Earidan.

Earidan you hear a voice in your head, but its quiet and booming, clear and garbled, evil and ancient, and sounds like hundreds of dialects being spoke at the same time, yet you can clearly hear it booming in your head. "Breaker of chains, you shall die, and serve me for all time." It hurts your mind, and spreads through your body and maybe even your soul as you hear this voice. Pure, and unequivically evil.

Galas, you feel warmth spreading across your body, fighting back against the cold. You feel safe and protected now, your lungs are no longer burning despite your lack of breathing. Your vision switches and stays in this new state. You can see the demon looking figure kneeling over him, waves of darkness eminating out from him, you see Earidan, darkness moving through his body, but a bright light in his chest seems to be fighting back against this darkness buffetting outward with light to be pushed back again. You see the others as you move your eyes around. You can see the woman and old man and light eminating from them, the same for Oswald who is facing away from the demon in front of you. You glance up to see the tear rippling, weakening, and growing smaller quickly. You can see the darkness eminating from the demon appearing to be sucked back up into the tear. You can see it digging its clawed "feet" into the ground fighting against this. You hear a horrifying and defiant screach from the demon looking being as it glances back at the tear.

Earidan you feel as if a battle is taking place inside you, cold and warm iminate back and forth, pain courses through you. You can see the creature more clearly now in front of your face, you can see the shadowy aura of this creature being sucked up backwards into the tear. You see it look back at the tear, back at you and the horrible screach. You pass out, and all goes dark for you.

Galas you are filled with warmth now, you can feel the tighness being lifted from you. You see the demon screaching over Earidan, being pulled backwards towards the tear more chaotically by the moment. As its grip slips you see it lash out with a clawed hand impossibly fast, and you see a thin red line appear across the neck of the boy on the ground.

All of you feel the grip lessening on you, you can see the shadowed figured being drawn back towards the tear as it flails in awkward un-human movements. Clawing and scratching and screaching if fights, as the tear flashes smaller and bigger, smaller again, a little bigger, then smaller again as it cyles smaller and smaller despite its eratic state. The shadow creature is being pulled through legs first, as it seems to try and grab at the reality around the tear, determined to stay and finish what it came here for.

The grip lessens more, and more. Galas, you see the light spreading back across Earidan's body, but it is fading out at the same time, as you see what appears to be blood, but almost as liquid light to you, as the thin red line starts to flow better from the now visible and opening slash across the neck of the boy on the ground.

Venger you would see this too being near the boy. You would see blood forming on his neck as you are feeling the grip loosing on you, and your lungs burn and your body fights to take a breath. Oswald, Anry, Thalisa, and everyone is in the room is feeling the grip loosen on them. The looser it gets the more blood you see.

Then SNAP. The tear shuts, a horrible shreik is heard as the tear appears to close before the shadow was fully through and the shadow disperses almost instantly in flash. Everything goes back into motion then, as your bodies draw in breath for the first time. You hear the big man fall backwards into a table, motionless. The old man falls to his knees, his chest heaving heavily. The young woman turns to him also catching her breath. Oswald, you stumble forward as your released.

Galas you still feel wamth flowing through you, something you have felt before. Power, pure and strong, flows through you as your vision switches back to normal, you see blood gushing from the neck of young Earidan.

Venger you would see this too, as well as the woman Adelin. Anry and Thalisa you will not be able to see Earidan laying on the ground, but you are both released as well.

What do you all do now? Adelin is crawling on all fours towards the boy. The large man, Jordie is lying on the ground motionless, turning blue.

Again keep it short for now. What do you do right after.

Earidan, you are out, so no posting until I say.

Galas and Venger you guys are closest to Earidan who is convulsing on the floor, blood flowing from his neck. The darkness, shadow, cold, and fear you felt are all gone in a flash.
Feb 20, 2016 4:43 pm
"Someone - get a bandage or a healer!" Venger cries as he attempts to staunch the flow of blood from the boy's neck.


Medicine check - (1d20-1)

(6) - 1 = 5

Feb 21, 2016 8:28 pm
Stumbling forward and catching his breath for a second Oswald's eye focus on Mara's room. Nothing else matters

Running down and Reaching for the knob amd pushing the door open with his shoulder "MARA!!!" he yells into the room with his maul in hand.
GM can take over Mara as npc.
Last edited February 21, 2016 8:29 pm
Feb 22, 2016 2:55 pm
Anry hears Venger's shout and runs into the main dining space to see what's happened. Upon seeing Earidan lying on the floor, blood pouring from his neck, Anry pulls off his shirt and throws it at Venger to use as a bandage (as he clearly isn't doing well without anything). Then he runs out the door into the street outside the tavern, "I need a medician! I need a healer! HELP!!"
Feb 22, 2016 4:12 pm
Venger looks desperately down at the boy dying below him, memories of a thousand deaths flickering through his mind. How many times had he caused situations like this? Why had he never tried to heal before this? He calls out to his connection to Fassenach, but there is no answer.
Last edited February 22, 2016 4:14 pm
Feb 23, 2016 6:21 pm
Thalisa swooned slightly, as the menacing chill swept over the room. Through the fog in her head, she barely registered that Anry had darted past her into the room. Slowly, she turned around as the sensation diminished. The scene before her played out in a slow-motion haze to her. The child on the floor, a pool of blood forming around his head as the dwarf tried to stem the crimson tide. Vaguely, as if across a great chasm and distance, she heard Oswald yelling for Mara.

The kitchen knife slipped from her numb grasp, clattering on the floor as Anry dashed out of the common room yelling something.

She just stood there as if in a daze, her eyes glazed over in shock.
Feb 24, 2016 3:24 pm
Galas was also frozen in shock for several moments. What just happened...what was that...thing? Then he hears Vengar's shout, and comes to his senses. He sees Eardian, bleeding on the floor, hears Anry's panicked cry for a healer.

He remembers a young girl, battered and broken. Her wounds healing, his hand glowing.

His face goes blank as a sheet of paper. He walks slowly but deliberately over to Vengar and the boy. He kneels down, staring into Eardian's face, and lays his hands over the boy's bloody neck.

Whoever or whatever you are, wherever this power comes from, send it to me now. Help this boy, one so young cannot deserve death. He thinks this as a sort of somber prayer in his head, hoping against hope.
Attempting to use Lay on Hands. We haven't discussed mechanics on when/how divine powers work, but this seems fairly narrative anyway. DM's call whether it works or not.
Last edited February 24, 2016 3:26 pm
Feb 26, 2016 9:39 pm
Venger looks gratefully at Galas.
Aug 18, 2022 3:36 am
Came back to site because of emails… this game started so good.
Aug 18, 2022 10:21 am
Kjmagle says:
Came back to site because of emails… this game started so good.
It totally did. I had forgotten about this game kicking off like this.

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