Oct 2, 2015 12:48 am
There was a bug a day or two back where you weren't able to select characters to submit to a game you were accepted into. This was because I made an upgrade to the combobox that drives that and other select boxes in the new and fancy AngularJS pages. This upgrade was mainly made for allowing autocomplete (aka, type ahead). You may have noticed on some some character sheets, certain fields offer you suggestions of what you're trying to type in. I couldn't add this to the new Shadowrun 5e, because of the way the current code was. This upgrade makes it so you can now search for skills, feats, cyberdeck programs, augments, and more. Additionally, I've implemented this same system to the game invites section of the details page, so now as you're looking to invite someone to the game, the site will try to find the user you're looking for!