Oct 3, 2015 1:19 am
So I am having a little problem with my game that I setup. When I do the "Invite Player to game:" option, nothing happens when the Invite button is clicked.
The field works, and populates the name of the person I am trying to invite, it just doesn't work when I click the Invite button.
I have tried this in Chrome, Internet Explorer, Edge. Everything but Firefox.
It would be in this form on the Game Details page.
form id="invites" hb-margined="" ng-submit="inviteUser()" ng-show="isGM" class="ng-pristine ng-valid ng-submitted" style="margin-left: 23.094px; margin-right: 23.094px;"
Game is "King of Fall"
So I am having a little problem with my game that I setup. When I do the "Invite Player to game:" option, nothing happens when the Invite button is clicked.
The field works, and populates the name of the person I am trying to invite, it just doesn't work when I click the Invite button.
I have tried this in Chrome, Internet Explorer, Edge. Everything but Firefox.
It would be in this form on the Game Details page.
form id="invites" hb-margined="" ng-submit="inviteUser()" ng-show="isGM" class="ng-pristine ng-valid ng-submitted" style="margin-left: 23.094px; margin-right: 23.094px;"
Last edited October 3, 2015 1:20 am